a highly automated and intuitive digital audio workstation
► actions | Action-related code (undo/redo, zoom, etc.) |
actions.h | Actions |
arranger_selections.h | Action for a group of ArrangerObject's |
channel_send_action.h | |
chord_action.h | |
dir.h | |
midi_mapping_action.h | |
mixer_selections_action.h | |
port_action.h | |
port_connection_action.h | |
range_action.h | |
tracklist_selections.h | |
transport_action.h | Transport action |
undo_manager.h | Undo manager |
undo_stack.h | Undo stack |
undoable_action.h | Undoable actions |
► doc | |
► dev | |
cyaml_schemas.h | |
mainpage.h | |
processing_cycle.h | |
release_checklist.h | |
weblate.h | |
► dsp | |
audio_bus_track.h | |
audio_function.h | AUDIO functions |
audio_group_track.h | Audio group track |
audio_region.h | API for Regions inside audio Track's |
audio_track.h | |
automation_function.h | Automation functions |
automation_point.h | Automation point API |
automation_region.h | API for automation Region's |
automation_track.h | Automation track |
automation_tracklist.h | Automation tracklist containing automation points and curves |
balance_control.h | Balance control of stereo sources, mainly used in the mixer channels |
channel.h | API for Channel, representing a channel strip on the mixer |
channel_send.h | Channel send |
channel_track.h | |
chord_descriptor.h | Descriptors for chords |
chord_object.h | Chord object in the TimelineArranger |
chord_region.h | Region for ChordObject's |
chord_track.h | Object to hold information for the chord track |
clip.h | Audio clip |
control_port.h | Functions for control ports |
control_room.h | The control room backend |
curve.h | Curves |
dir.h | |
ditherer.h | Ditherer |
engine.h | The audio engine |
engine_alsa.h | |
engine_dummy.h | |
engine_jack.h | |
engine_pa.h | |
engine_pulse.h | |
engine_rtaudio.h | |
engine_rtmidi.h | |
engine_sdl.h | |
engine_windows_mme.h | |
exporter.h | |
ext_port.h | External ports |
fade.h | Fades |
fader.h | Backend for faders or other volume/gain controls |
foldable_track.h | Common logic for foldable tracks |
graph.h | Routing graph |
graph_export.h | Graph exporter |
graph_node.h | Routing graph node |
graph_thread.h | Routing graph thread |
group_target_track.h | Common logic for tracks that can be group targets |
hardware_processor.h | Hardware processor for the routing graph |
instrument_track.h | Instrument track backend |
kmeter_dsp.h | |
marker.h | Marker related code |
marker_track.h | Object to hold information for the Marker track |
master_track.h | The master track |
meter.h | Meter DSP |
metronome.h | Metronome related logic |
midi_bus_track.h | |
midi_event.h | MIDI events |
midi_function.h | MIDI functions |
midi_group_track.h | |
midi_mapping.h | Mapping MIDI CC to controls |
midi_note.h | API for MIDI notes in the PianoRoll |
midi_region.h | API for Region's specific to instrument Track's |
midi_track.h | |
modulator_macro_processor.h | Modulator macro button processor |
modulator_track.h | Object to hold information for the Modulator track |
pan.h | Panning mono sources |
peak_dsp.h | |
peak_fall_smooth.h | |
pool.h | Audio file pool |
port.h | Ports that transfer audio/midi/other signals to one another |
port_connection.h | Port connection |
port_connections_manager.h | Port connections manager |
port_identifier.h | Port identifier |
position.h | Position struct and API |
quantize_options.h | Quantize options |
recording_event.h | Recording events to queue for the recording thread to handle |
recording_manager.h | Handles recording |
region.h | A region in the timeline |
region_identifier.h | Region identifier |
region_link_group.h | Group of linked regions |
region_link_group_manager.h | Manager of linked region groups |
router.h | DSP router |
rtaudio_device.h | |
rtmidi_device.h | |
sample_playback.h | A framework from playing back samples independent of the timeline, such as metronomes and samples from the browser |
sample_processor.h | Sample processor |
scale.h | Musical scales |
scale_object.h | Scale object inside the chord Track in the TimelineArranger |
snap_grid.h | Snap/grid information |
stretcher.h | Time and pitch stretching API |
supported_file.h | Supported file info |
tempo_track.h | Object to hold information for the Tempo track |
track.h | The backend for a timeline track |
track_lane.h | Track lanes for each track |
track_processor.h | Track processor |
tracklist.h | Tracklist backend |
transport.h | Transport API |
true_peak_dsp.h | |
velocity.h | Velocities for MidiNote's |
windows_mmcss.h | |
windows_mme_device.h | |
► gui | GUI-specific code |
► backend | GUI-specific backend structs that can be serialized |
arranger_object.h | Macros for arranger object backends |
arranger_selections.h | Common data structures and functions for *ArrangerSelections |
audio_clip_editor.h | Audio clip editor backend |
audio_selections.h | API for selections in the AudioArrangerWidget |
automation_editor.h | Automation editor backend |
automation_selections.h | API for selections in the AutomationArrangerWidget |
chord_editor.h | Chord editor backend |
chord_selections.h | API for selections in the piano roll |
clip_editor.h | The clip/region editor backend |
clipboard.h | Clipboard (copy/paste) |
dir.h | |
editor_settings.h | Common editor settings |
event.h | UI event |
event_manager.h | Events for calling refresh on widgets |
file_manager.h | |
midi_arranger_selections.h | API for selections in the piano roll |
mixer_selections.h | Mixer selections |
piano_roll.h | Piano roll backend |
timeline.h | Timeline backend |
timeline_selections.h | Current TimelineArranger selections |
tool.h | |
tracklist_selections.h | Tracklist selections |
wrapped_object_with_change_signal.h | Object with change signal |
► widgets | GUI Widgets |
► dialogs | |
about_dialog.h | About dialog |
add_tracks_to_group_dialog.h | Dialog for routing track selections to a group |
arranger_object_info.h | Dialog for viewing/editing port info |
ask_to_check_for_updates_dialog.h | |
bind_cc_dialog.h | Dialog for binding MIDI CC to a port |
bounce_dialog.h | Bounce to audio dialog |
bug_report_dialog.h | Bug report/backtrace dialog |
export_dialog.h | Export dialog |
export_midi_file_dialog.h | |
export_progress_dialog.h | Export progress dialog |
file_import_progress_dialog.h | File import progress dialog |
generic_progress_dialog.h | Generic progress dialog |
midi_function_dialog.h | Dialog for viewing/editing port info |
object_color_chooser_dialog.h | Object color chooser dialog |
port_info.h | Dialog for viewing/editing port info |
port_selector_dialog.h | Port selector dialog |
quantize_dialog.h | Quantize dialog |
save_chord_preset_dialog.h | Dialog for saving chord presets |
string_entry_dialog.h | Dialog to change a string |
track_icon_chooser_dialog.h | Object color chooser dialog |
welcome_message_dialog.h | Welcome message dialog |
► popovers | |
active_hardware_popover.h | |
automatable_selector_popover.h | |
popover_menu_bin.h | Plugin browser |
port_connections_popover.h | Port connections popover |
snap_grid_popover.h | Snap grid popover |
track_filter_popover.h | |
tracklist_preferences_popover.h | |
active_hardware_mb.h | Active hardware menu button |
add_track_menu_button.h | Button with a popover menu to add new tracks |
arranger.h | Arranger base widget |
arranger_draw.h | Draw functions for ArrangerWidget - split to make file smaller |
arranger_minimap.h | Arranger minimap |
arranger_minimap_bg.h | Arranger minimap bg |
arranger_minimap_selection.h | Arranger minimap selection |
arranger_object.h | ArrangerObject related functions for the GUI |
arranger_wrapper.h | Wrapper over arranger widget |
audio_arranger.h | |
audio_editor_space.h | Audio editor space |
automation_arranger.h | Automation arranger API |
automation_editor_space.h | Automation editor space |
automation_mode.h | Automation mode |
automation_point.h | Automation Point |
balance_control.h | |
bar_slider.h | Custom slider widget |
bot_bar.h | Bottomest bar |
bot_dock_edge.h | Bot dock |
bounce_step_selector.h | Bounce step selector |
button_with_menu.h | Button with an arrow on the right side for a menu |
cc-list-row-info-button.h | |
cc_bindings.h | CC Bindings matrix |
cc_bindings_tree.h | CC Bindings tree |
center_dock.h | Center dock |
channel.h | |
channel_send.h | Channel send widget |
channel_send_selector.h | Channel send selector widget |
channel_sends_expander.h | Channel sends |
channel_slot.h | Channel slot |
channel_slot_activate_button.h | Channel slot activate button |
chord_arranger.h | |
chord_editor_space.h | Chord editor space |
chord_key.h | |
chord_object.h | Widget for ChordObject |
chord_pack_browser.h | |
chord_pad.h | Single chord pad |
chord_pad_panel.h | Chord pad panel in the bottom panel |
chord_region.h | Widget for MIDI regions, inheriting from RegionWidget |
chord_selector_window.h | ChordDescriptor selector popover |
clip_editor.h | |
clip_editor_inner.h | Clip editor inner widget |
color_area.h | Color picker for a channel strip |
cpu.h | Cpu widget |
custom_button.h | Custom button to be drawn inside drawing areas |
custom_image.h | Custom image |
digital_meter.h | Digital meter used for displaying Position, BPM, etc |
dir.h | |
drag_dest_box.h | Drag dest box |
editable_label.h | |
editor_ruler.h | MIDI ruler |
editor_selection_info.h | PianoRoll selection info |
editor_toolbar.h | |
event_viewer.h | Event viewer |
expander_box.h | Expander box |
ext_input_selection_dropdown.h | |
fader.h | Fader widget |
fader_buttons.h | Channel slot |
fader_controls_expander.h | Fader controls expander |
fader_controls_grid.h | Channel slot |
file_auditioner_controls.h | File auditioner controls |
file_browser_filters.h | File auditioner controls |
file_chooser_button.h | |
file_chooser_entry.h | |
foldable_notebook.h | A foldable GtkNotebook |
folder_channel.h | Folder channel widget |
greeter.h | |
gtk_flipper.h | |
inspector_plugin.h | Inspector section for plugins |
inspector_port.h | Inspector port widget |
inspector_track.h | Inspector section for tracks |
item_factory.h | Item factory |
knob.h | Basic knob widget, taken from Ardour |
knob_with_name.h | |
left_dock_edge.h | Left dock |
live_waveform.h | Live waveform display like LMMS |
log_viewer.h | Log viewer |
main_notebook.h | Timeline panel |
main_window.h | |
marker.h | Marker widget |
meter.h | |
midi_activity_bar.h | MIDI activity bar for tracks |
midi_arranger.h | |
midi_channel_selection_dropdown.h | |
midi_editor_space.h | Piano roll widget |
midi_modifier_arranger.h | |
midi_note.h | MidiNote widget API |
mixer.h | Mixer widget |
modulator.h | Modulator |
modulator_inner.h | |
modulator_macro.h | ModulatorMacro macro knob |
modulator_view.h | Modulator view in the bottom panel |
monitor_section.h | Monitor section panel |
multi_selection.h | Multiple selection widget |
panel_file_browser.h | |
piano_keyboard.h | Piano keyboard widget |
piano_roll_keys.h | Piano roll keys canvas |
pinned_tracklist.h | The ruler tracklist contains special tracks that are shown above the normal tracklist (Chord tracks, Marker tracks, etc.) |
playhead_scroll_buttons.h | |
plugin_browser.h | Plugin browser |
plugin_properties_expander.h | PluginProperties expander widget |
plugin_strip_expander.h | Plugin strip expander widget |
port_connection_row.h | |
port_connections.h | CC Bindings matrix |
port_connections_tree.h | Port connections tree |
ports_expander.h | Ports expander widget |
preferences.h | Preferences widget |
preroll_count_selector.h | Bounce step selector |
quantize_box.h | |
range_action_buttons.h | |
region.h | Base widget class for Region's |
right_dock_edge.h | Right panel |
route_target_selector.h | |
ruler.h | Ruler parent class |
scale_object.h | Widget for ScaleObject |
scale_selector_window.h | MusicalScale selector popover |
selection_info.h | Widget for showing info about the current selection |
snap_grid.h | |
spectrum_analyzer.h | SpectrumAnalyzer widget |
string_list_item_factory.h | String list item factory |
text_expander.h | Text expander widget |
timeline_arranger.h | Timeline arranger API |
timeline_bg.h | |
timeline_panel.h | Timeline panel |
timeline_ruler.h | Timeline ruler derived from base ruler |
timeline_selection_info.h | Timeline selection info |
timeline_toolbar.h | Timeline toolbar |
toolbox.h | |
track.h | Track widget to be shown in the tracklist |
track_canvas.h | Track canvas |
track_input_expander.h | |
track_properties_expander.h | Track properties box |
tracklist.h | |
tracklist_header.h | Composite widget above the tracklist |
transport_controls.h | Transport controls widget |
two_col_expander_box.h | |
velocity.h | Velocity widget |
velocity_settings.h | Velocity settings buttons |
volume.h | |
zoom_buttons.h | |
dir.h | |
► io | |
► serialization | |
actions.h | Action serialization |
arranger_objects.h | Arranger object serialization |
channel.h | Channel serialization |
chords.h | Plugin serialization |
clipboard.h | Clipboard serialization |
engine.h | Track serialization |
extra.h | Plugin serialization |
gui_backend.h | Track serialization |
plugin.h | Plugin serialization |
port.h | Port serialization |
project.h | Project serialization |
selections.h | Selections serialization |
track.h | Track serialization |
audio_file.h | Audio file manipulation |
file_import.h | File import handling |
midi_file.h | MIDI file IO and utils |
► plugins | Plugin related structs and functions |
cached_plugin_descriptors.h | Plugin descriptors |
carla_discovery.h | Carla discovery |
carla_native_plugin.h | Code related to Carla plugins |
collection.h | Plugin collection |
collections.h | Plugin collections |
dir.h | |
plugin.h | Base plugin |
plugin_descriptor.h | Base plugin |
plugin_gtk.h | GTK window management for plugin UIs |
plugin_identifier.h | Plugin identifier |
plugin_manager.h | Plugin manager |
plugin_preset.h | Plugin preset |
► project | |
project_init_flow_manager.h | Project helper |
► settings | |
chord_preset.h | Chord preset |
chord_preset_pack.h | Chord preset pack |
chord_preset_pack_manager.h | Chord preset pack manager |
plugin_settings.h | Plugin settings |
settings.h | Zrythm settings |
user_shortcuts.h | User shortcuts |
► src | |
► pch | |
zrythm_pch.h | |
► utils | Various utilities |
algorithms.h | Various algorithms |
arrays.h | |
audio.h | Audio utils |
backtrace.h | Backtrace utils |
cairo.h | Cairo utilities |
chromaprint.h | Chromaprint utils |
color.h | Color utils |
compression.h | Compression utilities |
cpu_windows.h | CPU usage on windows |
curl.h | Curl utilities |
datetime.h | Date and time utils |
debug.h | |
dialogs.h | |
dictionary.h | Dictionary implementation |
dir.h | |
dsp.h | Optimized DSP functions |
env.h | Environment variable helper |
error.h | Error handling utils |
file.h | File utilities |
flags.h | Flags |
general.h | General utils |
gtk.h | GTK utils |
hash.h | Hash utils |
io.h | |
log.h | |
math.h | Math utils |
mem.h | Memory utils |
midi.h | MIDI utils |
mpmc_queue.h | Multiple Producer Multiple Consumer lock-free queue |
object_pool.h | Thread-safe object pool implementation |
objects.h | |
pango.h | Pango utils |
pcg_rand.h | PCGRandom float generator |
progress_info.h | Progress info |
resampler.h | Audio resampler |
resources.h | Helpers for loading and using resources such as icons |
sort.h | Sort utils |
stack.h | Stack implementation |
stoat.h | |
string.h | String utilities |
symap.h | API for Symap, a basic symbol map (string interner) |
system.h | System utils |
terminal.h | Terminal utilities |
types.h | Custom types |
ui.h | User Interface utils |
vamp.h | Vamp plugin utils |
windows.h | |
windows_errors.h | |
yaml.h | YAML utils |
dir.h | |
gtk_wrapper.h | |
project.h | |
libpanel_wrapper.h | |
Wrapper.h | |
zrythm.h | The main Zrythm struct |
zrythm_app.h | The Zrythm GTK application |