int | schema_version |
PortIdentifier | id |
int | exposed_to_backend |
| Flag to indicate that this port is exposed to the backend.
float * | buf |
| Buffer to be reallocated every time the buffer size changes.
MidiEvents * | midi_events |
| Contains raw MIDI data (MIDI ports only)
struct Port ** | srcs |
| Caches filled when recalculating the graph.
int | num_srcs |
size_t | srcs_size |
struct Port ** | dests |
| Caches filled when recalculating the graph.
int | num_dests |
size_t | dests_size |
const PortConnection ** | src_connections |
| Caches filled when recalculating the graph.
int | num_src_connections |
size_t | src_connections_size |
const PortConnection ** | dest_connections |
| Caches filled when recalculating the graph.
int | num_dest_connections |
size_t | dest_connections_size |
PortInternalType | internal_type |
| Indicates whether data or lv2_port should be used.
float | minf |
| Minimum, maximum and zero values for this port.
float | maxf |
float | zerof |
| The zero position of the port.
float | deff |
| Default value, only used for controls.
int | carla_param_id |
| Index of the control parameter (for Carla plugin ports).
void * | data |
| Pointer to arbitrary data.
void * | mme_connections [40] |
int | num_mme_connections |
ZixSem | mme_connections_sem |
| Semaphore for changing the connections atomically.
gint64 | last_midi_dequeue |
| Last time the port finished dequeueing MIDI events.
void * | rtmidi_ins [128] |
int | num_rtmidi_ins |
void * | rtmidi_outs [128] |
int | num_rtmidi_outs |
void * | rtaudio_ins [128] |
int | num_rtaudio_ins |
PortScalePoint ** | scale_points |
| Scale points.
int | num_scale_points |
float | control |
| The control value if control port, otherwise 0.0f.
float | unsnapped_control |
| Unsnapped value, used by widgets.
bool | value_changed_from_reading |
| Flag that the value of the port changed from reading automation.
gint64 | last_change |
| Last timestamp the control changed.
Plugin * | plugin |
| Pointer to owner plugin, if any.
Transport * | transport |
| Pointer to owner transport, if any.
ChannelSend * | channel_send |
| Pointer to owner channel send, if any.
AudioEngine * | engine |
| Pointer to owner engine, if any.
Fader * | fader |
| Pointer to owner fader, if any.
Track * | track |
| Pointer to owner track, if any.
ModulatorMacroProcessor * | modulator_macro_processor |
| Pointer to owner modulator macro processor, if any.
Plugin * | tmp_plugin |
| Temporary plugin pointer (used when the plugin doesn't exist yet in its supposed slot).
int | initialized |
| used when loading projects FIXME needed?
float | base_value |
| For control ports, when a modulator is attached to the port the previous value will be saved here.
long | capture_latency |
| Capture latency.
long | playback_latency |
| Playback latency.
int | deleting |
| Port undergoing deletion.
bool | write_ring_buffers |
| Flag to indicate if the ring buffers below should be filled or not.
int | has_midi_events |
| Whether the port has midi events not yet processed by the UI.
gint64 | last_midi_event_time |
| Used by the UI to detect when unprocessed MIDI events exist.
ZixRing * | audio_ring |
| Ring buffer for saving the contents of the audio buffer to be used in the UI instead of directly accessing the buffer.
ZixRing * | midi_ring |
| Ring buffer for saving MIDI events to be used in the UI instead of directly accessing the events.
float | peak |
| Max amplitude during processing, if audio (fabsf).
gint64 | peak_timestamp |
| Last time Port.max_amp was set.
midi_byte_t | last_midi_status |
| Last known MIDI status byte received.
PluginGtkController * | widget |
| Control widget, if applicable.
bool | received_ui_event |
| Whether the port received a UI event from the plugin UI in this cycle.
bool | automating |
| Whether this value was set via automation.
AutomationTrack * | at |
| Automation track this port is attached to.
midi_byte_t | midi_channel |
| MIDI channel, starting from 1.
midi_byte_t | midi_cc_no |
| MIDI CC number, if not pitchbend/poly key/channel pressure.
ExtPort * | ext_port |
| Pointer to ExtPort, if hw.
int | magic |
| Magic number to identify that this is a Port.
size_t | last_buf_sz |
| Last allocated buffer size (used for audio ports).