int | schema_version |
PortIdentifier | id |
int | exposed_to_backend |
| Flag to indicate that this port is exposed to the backend.
float * | buf |
| Buffer to be reallocated every time the buffer size changes.
MidiEvents * | midi_events |
| Contains raw MIDI data (MIDI ports only)
struct Port ** | srcs |
| Caches filled when recalculating the graph.
int | num_srcs |
size_t | srcs_size |
struct Port ** | dests |
| Caches filled when recalculating the graph.
int | num_dests |
size_t | dests_size |
const PortConnection ** | src_connections |
| Caches filled when recalculating the graph.
int | num_src_connections |
size_t | src_connections_size |
const PortConnection ** | dest_connections |
| Caches filled when recalculating the graph.
int | num_dest_connections |
size_t | dest_connections_size |
PortInternalType | internal_type |
| Indicates whether data or lv2_port should be used.
float | minf |
| Minimum, maximum and zero values for this port.
float | maxf |
float | zerof |
| The zero position of the port.
float | deff |
| Default value, only used for controls.
int | carla_param_id |
| Index of the control parameter (for Carla plugin ports).
void * | data |
| Pointer to arbitrary data.
void * | mme_connections [40] |
int | num_mme_connections |
ZixSem | mme_connections_sem |
| Semaphore for changing the connections atomically.
gint64 | last_midi_dequeue |
| Last time the port finished dequeueing MIDI events.
void * | rtmidi_ins [128] |
int | num_rtmidi_ins |
void * | rtmidi_outs [128] |
int | num_rtmidi_outs |
void * | rtaudio_ins [128] |
int | num_rtaudio_ins |
PortScalePoint ** | scale_points |
| Scale points.
int | num_scale_points |
float | control |
| The control value if control port, otherwise 0.0f.
float | unsnapped_control |
| Unsnapped value, used by widgets.
bool | value_changed_from_reading |
| Flag that the value of the port changed from reading automation.
gint64 | last_change |
| Last timestamp the control changed.
Plugin * | plugin |
| Pointer to owner plugin, if any.
Transport * | transport |
| Pointer to owner transport, if any.
ChannelSend * | channel_send |
| Pointer to owner channel send, if any.
AudioEngine * | engine |
| Pointer to owner engine, if any.
Fader * | fader |
| Pointer to owner fader, if any.
Track * | track |
| Pointer to owner track, if any.
ModulatorMacroProcessor * | modulator_macro_processor |
| Pointer to owner modulator macro processor, if any.
Plugin * | tmp_plugin |
| Temporary plugin pointer (used when the plugin doesn't exist yet in its supposed slot).
int | initialized |
| used when loading projects FIXME needed?
float | base_value |
| For control ports, when a modulator is attached to the port the previous value will be saved here.
long | capture_latency |
| Capture latency.
long | playback_latency |
| Playback latency.
int | deleting |
| Port undergoing deletion.
bool | write_ring_buffers |
| Flag to indicate if the ring buffers below should be filled or not.
int | has_midi_events |
| Whether the port has midi events not yet processed by the UI.
gint64 | last_midi_event_time |
| Used by the UI to detect when unprocessed MIDI events exist.
ZixRing * | audio_ring |
| Ring buffer for saving the contents of the audio buffer to be used in the UI instead of directly accessing the buffer.
ZixRing * | midi_ring |
| Ring buffer for saving MIDI events to be used in the UI instead of directly accessing the events.
float | peak |
| Max amplitude during processing, if audio (fabsf).
gint64 | peak_timestamp |
| Last time Port.max_amp was set.
midi_byte_t | last_midi_status |
| Last known MIDI status byte received.
PluginGtkController * | widget |
| Control widget, if applicable.
bool | received_ui_event |
| Whether the port received a UI event from the plugin UI in this cycle.
bool | automating |
| Whether this value was set via automation.
AutomationTrack * | at |
| Automation track this port is attached to.
midi_byte_t | midi_channel |
| MIDI channel, starting from 1.
midi_byte_t | midi_cc_no |
| MIDI CC number, if not pitchbend/poly key/channel pressure.
ExtPort * | ext_port |
| Pointer to ExtPort, if hw.
int | magic |
| Magic number to identify that this is a Port.
size_t | last_buf_sz |
| Last allocated buffer size (used for audio ports).
Must ONLY be created via port_new()
Definition at line 135 of file port.h.
The control value if control port, otherwise 0.0f.
FIXME for fader, this should be the fader_val (0.0 to 1.0) and not the amplitude.
This value will be snapped (eg, if integer or toggle).
Definition at line 301 of file port.h.
Ring buffer for saving MIDI events to be used in the UI instead of directly accessing the events.
This should keep pushing MidiEvent's whenever they occur and the reader should empty it after checking if there are any events.
Currently there is only 1 reader for each port so this wont be a problem for now, but we should have one ring for each reader.
Definition at line 425 of file port.h.
The zero position of the port.
For example, in balance controls, this will be the middle. In audio ports, this will be 0 amp (silence), etc.
Definition at line 206 of file port.h.