a highly automated and intuitive digital audio workstation
Custom GUI elements that reflect the backend. More...
Data Structures | |
struct | WrappedObjectWithChangeSignal |
A GObject-ified normal C object with a signal that interested parties can listen to for changes. More... | |
struct | ActiveHardwareMbWidget |
A menu button that allows selecting active hardware ports. More... | |
struct | ArrangerWidget |
The arranger widget is a canvas that draws all the arranger objects it contains. More... | |
struct | ArrangerMinimapWidget |
struct | ArrangerWrapperWidget |
Wraps the arranger widget in a box with scrollbars. More... | |
struct | AudioEditorSpaceWidget |
The piano roll widget is the whole space inside the clip editor tab when a AUDIO region is selected. More... | |
struct | AutomationEditorSpaceWidget |
The piano roll widget is the whole space inside the clip editor tab when a AUTOMATION region is selected. More... | |
struct | AutomationModeWidget |
Custom button group to be drawn inside drawing areas. More... | |
struct | BarSliderWidget |
Draggable slider to adjust an amount (such as a percentage). More... | |
struct | BotBarWidget |
Bot bar. More... | |
struct | BotDockEdgeWidget |
Bot dock widget. More... | |
struct | CenterDockWidget |
Center dock. More... | |
struct | ChannelSendWidget |
struct | ChannelSendSelectorWidget |
struct | ChannelSendsExpanderWidget |
A TwoColExpanderBoxWidget for showing the ports in the InspectorWidget. More... | |
struct | ChannelSlotWidget |
struct | ChannelSlotActivateButtonWidget |
struct | ChordEditorSpaceWidget |
The piano roll widget is the whole space inside the clip editor tab when a CHORD region is selected. More... | |
struct | ChordKeyWidget |
Piano roll note widget to be shown on the left side of the piano roll (128 of these). More... | |
struct | ChordSelectorWindowWidget |
A GtkPopover to create a ChordDescriptor for use in the ChordTrack's ChordObject's. More... | |
struct | ClipEditorInnerWidget |
The piano roll widget is the whole space inside the clip editor tab when a MIDI region is selected. More... | |
struct | CpuWidget |
struct | CustomButtonWidget |
Custom button to be drawn inside drawing areas. More... | |
struct | AddTracksToGroupDialogWidget |
The add_tracks_to_group dialog. More... | |
struct | ArrangerObjectInfoDialogWidget |
The arranger_object_info dialog. More... | |
struct | BounceDialogWidget |
The export dialog. More... | |
struct | ExportDialogWidget |
The export dialog. More... | |
struct | ExportProgressDialogWidget |
The export dialog. More... | |
struct | FileImportProgressDialogWidget |
A progress dialog for file import. More... | |
struct | GenericProgressDialogButton |
struct | GenericProgressDialogWidgetPrivate |
A generic progress dialog. More... | |
struct | GenericProgressDialogWidgetClass |
struct | MidiFunctionDialogWidget |
The midi_function dialog. More... | |
struct | PortInfoDialogWidget |
The port_info dialog. More... | |
struct | PortSelectorDialogWidget |
A GtkPopover to select Port's. More... | |
struct | QuantizeDialogWidget |
struct | StringEntryDialogWidget |
A dialog to edit a string. More... | |
struct | TrackIconChooserDialogWidget |
Dialog for choosing colors of objects like tracks and regions. More... | |
struct | DigitalMeterWidget |
struct | DragDestBoxWidget |
DnD destination box used by mixer and tracklist widgets. More... | |
struct | EventViewerWidget |
struct | ExpanderBoxWidgetPrivate |
An expander box is a base widget with a button that when clicked expands the contents. More... | |
struct | ExpanderBoxWidgetClass |
struct | FaderWidget |
A FaderWidget reflects a Fader object's state. More... | |
struct | FaderButtonsWidget |
struct | FaderControlsExpanderWidget |
A TwoColExpanderBoxWidget for showing the ports in the InspectorWidget. More... | |
struct | FaderControlsGridWidget |
struct | FileAuditionerControlsWidget |
File auditioner controls used in file browsers. More... | |
struct | FileBrowserFiltersWidget |
File auditioner controls used in file browsers. More... | |
struct | FoldableNotebookWidget |
A GtkNotebook that shows or hides itself when the same page tab is clicked. More... | |
struct | FolderChannelWidget |
struct | ProjectInfo |
Project file information. More... | |
struct | GreeterWidget |
This widget handles the UI part of the initialization of Zrythm and presents a project selector when ready so that a project can be opened. More... | |
struct | InspectorPluginWidget |
struct | InspectorPortWidget |
A Port to show in the inspector for Plugin's. More... | |
struct | InspectorTrackWidget |
Inspector section for tracks. More... | |
struct | ItemFactory |
Item factory for column views. More... | |
struct | KnobWidget |
struct | LeftDockEdgeWidget |
Left dock widget. More... | |
struct | LiveWaveformWidget |
struct | MainNotebookWidget |
struct | MainWindowWidget |
The main window of Zrythm. More... | |
struct | MidiActivityBarWidget |
struct | MidiEditorSpaceWidget |
The piano roll widget is the whole space inside the clip editor tab when a MIDI region is selected. More... | |
struct | MixerWidget |
struct | ModulatorViewWidget |
The ModulatorViewWidget contains the ModulatorWidgets for the selected Track. More... | |
struct | MonitorSectionWidget |
struct | MultiSelectionWidget |
A menu button that allows selecting active hardware ports. More... | |
struct | PanelFileBrowserWidget |
struct | PianoKeyboardWidget |
Piano Keyboard widget. More... | |
struct | PinnedTracklistWidget |
The PinnedTracklistWidget contains special tracks (chord, marker, etc.) as thin boxes above the normal tracklist. More... | |
struct | PluginBrowserWidget |
The plugin browser allows to browse and filter available Plugin's on the system. More... | |
struct | PluginPropertiesExpanderWidget |
A widget for selecting plugin_properties in the plugin inspector. More... | |
struct | PluginStripExpanderWidget |
A TwoColExpanderBoxWidget for showing the ports in the InspectorWidget. More... | |
struct | AutomatableSelectorPopoverWidget |
A popover for selecting the automation track to automate. More... | |
struct | PortConnectionsPopoverWidget |
struct | PortsExpanderWidget |
A TwoColExpanderBoxWidget for showing the ports in the InspectorWidget. More... | |
struct | SubgroupInfo |
struct | PreferencesWidget |
Preferences widget. More... | |
struct | PrerollCountSelectorWidget |
struct | QuantizeBoxWidget |
struct | RangeActionButtonsWidget |
struct | RightDockEdgeWidget |
struct | RouteTargetSelectorWidget |
Dropdown to select the direct output of a track. More... | |
struct | RulerWidget |
struct | ScaleSelectorWindowWidget |
A GtkPopover to create a ScaleDescriptor for use in the ScaleTrack's ScaleObject's. More... | |
struct | TextExpanderWidget |
A TwoColExpanderBoxWidget for showing the ports in the InspectorWidget. More... | |
struct | TimelinePanelWidget |
struct | TimelineToolbarWidget |
The Timeline toolbar in the top. More... | |
struct | ToolboxWidget |
struct | TrackWidget |
The TrackWidget is split into 3 parts. More... | |
struct | TrackInputExpanderWidget |
struct | TrackPropertiesExpanderWidget |
struct | TracklistWidget |
The TracklistWidget holds all the Track's in the Project. More... | |
struct | TransportControlsWidget |
Transport controls. More... | |
struct | VolumeWidget |
Macros | |
#define | ARRANGER_WIDGET_GET_ACTION(arr, actn) (arr->action == UI_OVERLAY_ACTION_##actn) |
#define | arranger_widget_print_action(self) g_debug ("action: %s", ui_overlay_strings[self->action]) |
#define | MW_TIMELINE_MINIMAP (MW_TIMELINE_PANEL->timeline_wrapper->minimap) |
#define | ARRANGER_MINIMAP_SELECTION_WIDGET_TYPE (arranger_minimap_selection_widget_get_type ()) |
#define | arranger_object_is_fade_in(self, x, y, only_handle, only_outer) |
#define | arranger_object_is_fade_out(self, x, y, only_handle, only_outer) |
#define | MW_AUDIO_EDITOR_SPACE MW_CLIP_EDITOR_INNER->audio_editor_space |
Padding to leave before and after the usable vertical range for automation. | |
#define | MW_AUTOMATION_EDITOR_SPACE MW_CLIP_EDITOR_INNER->automation_editor_space |
#define | AP_WIDGET_POINT_SIZE 6 |
#define | bar_slider_widget_new(getter, setter, obj, min, max, w, h, zero, dec, mode, suffix) |
Helper to create a bar slider widget. | |
#define | bar_slider_widget_new_port_connection(conn, prefix) |
Wrapper. | |
#define | BOT_BAR_WIDGET_TYPE (bot_bar_widget_get_type ()) |
#define | MW_BOT_BAR MW->bot_bar |
#define | MW_DIGITAL_TRANSPORT MW_BOT_BAR->digital_transport |
#define | MW_DIGITAL_BPM MW_BOT_BAR->digital_bpm |
#define | MW_DIGITAL_TIME_SIG MW_BOT_BAR->digital_timesig |
#define | CC_BINDINGS_WIDGET_TYPE (cc_bindings_widget_get_type ()) |
#define | MW_CENTER_DOCK MAIN_WINDOW->center_dock |
#define | MW_CHORD_EDITOR_SPACE MW_CLIP_EDITOR_INNER->chord_editor_space |
#define | CHORD_OBJECT_NAME_FONT "Bold 8" |
#define | CHORD_PACK_BROWSER_WIDGET_TYPE (chord_pack_browser_widget_get_type ()) |
#define | CHORD_PAD_WIDGET_TYPE (chord_pad_widget_get_type ()) |
#define | CHORD_PAD_PANEL_WIDGET_TYPE (chord_pad_panel_widget_get_type ()) |
#define | MW_CLIP_EDITOR_INNER MW_CLIP_EDITOR->clip_editor_inner |
#define | MW_CPU (MW_BOT_BAR->cpu_load) |
#define | CPU_WIDGET_TYPE (cpu_widget_get_type ()) |
#define | BUG_REPORT_DIALOG_WIDGET_TYPE (bug_report_dialog_widget_get_type ()) |
#define | digital_meter_widget_new_for_position(obj, drag_begin, getter, setter, drag_end, caption) |
#define | DRAG_DEST_BOX_WIDGET_TYPE (drag_dest_box_widget_get_type ()) |
#define | MW_EDITOR_EVENT_VIEWER_STACK MW_BOT_DOCK_EDGE->event_viewer_stack |
#define | MW_MIDI_EVENT_VIEWER MW_BOT_DOCK_EDGE->event_viewer_midi |
#define | MW_CHORD_EVENT_VIEWER MW_BOT_DOCK_EDGE->event_viewer_chord |
#define | MW_AUDIO_EVENT_VIEWER MW_BOT_DOCK_EDGE->event_viewer_audio |
#define | MW_AUTOMATION_EVENT_VIEWER MW_BOT_DOCK_EDGE->event_viewer_automation |
#define | MW_TRACK_INSPECTOR MW_LEFT_DOCK_EDGE->track_inspector |
#define | knob_widget_new_simple(getter, default_getter, setter, obj, min, max, size, zero) |
#define | knob_widget_new_port(conn, size) |
#define | LEFT_DOCK_EDGE_WIDGET_TYPE (left_dock_edge_widget_get_type ()) |
#define | MW_MAIN_NOTEBOOK MW_CENTER_DOCK->main_notebook |
#define | MAIN_WINDOW zrythm_app->main_window |
#define | MW MAIN_WINDOW |
#define | MARKER_NAME_FONT "Bold 8" |
#define | MW_MIDI_ARRANGER (MW_MIDI_EDITOR_SPACE->arranger_wrapper->child) |
#define | MW_MIDI_EDITOR_SPACE MW_CLIP_EDITOR_INNER->midi_editor_space |
#define | MIXER_WIDGET_TYPE (mixer_widget_get_type ()) |
#define | MW_MIXER MW_BOT_DOCK_EDGE->mixer |
#define | MODULATOR_WIDGET_TYPE (modulator_widget_get_type ()) |
#define | MODULATOR_MACRO_WIDGET_TYPE (modulator_macro_widget_get_type ()) |
#define | MW_MODULATOR_VIEW MW_BOT_DOCK_EDGE->modulator_view |
#define | SHOW_MODULATOR_VIEW gtk_notebook_set_current_page (MW_MODULATOR_VIEW->bot_notebook, 2) |
Brings up the ModulatorViewWidget in the notebook. | |
#define | PANEL_FILE_BROWSER_WIDGET_TYPE (panel_file_browser_widget_get_type ()) |
#define | MW_PANEL_FILE_BROWSER MW_RIGHT_DOCK_EDGE->file_browser |
#define | MW_PINNED_TRACKLIST MW_TIMELINE_PANEL->pinned_tracklist |
#define | PLAYHEAD_SCROLL_BUTTONS_WIDGET_TYPE (playhead_scroll_buttons_widget_get_type ()) |
#define | MW_PLUGIN_BROWSER MW_RIGHT_DOCK_EDGE->plugin_browser |
#define | SNAP_GRID_POPOVER_WIDGET_TYPE (snap_grid_popover_widget_get_type ()) |
#define | PORT_CONNECTIONS_WIDGET_TYPE (port_connections_widget_get_type ()) |
#define | MW_PREFERENCES ZRYTHM->preferences |
#define | QUANTIZE_BOX_WIDGET_TYPE (quantize_box_widget_get_type ()) |
#define | RANGE_ACTION_BUTTONS_WIDGET_TYPE (range_action_buttons_widget_get_type ()) |
#define | REGION_NAME_FONT_NO_SIZE "Bold" |
#define | DEFAULT_PX_PER_TICK 0.03 |
Pixels to draw between each beat, before being adjusted for zoom. | |
#define | SPACE_BEFORE_START 10 |
Pixels to put before 1st bar. | |
#define | SPACE_BEFORE_START_F 10.f |
#define | SPACE_BEFORE_START_D 10.0 |
Multiplier when zooming in/out. | |
#define | MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL 0.04 |
#define | MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL 1800. |
#define | SCALE_OBJECT_NAME_FONT "Sans SemiBold 8" |
#define | SPECTRUM_ANALYZER_WIDGET_TYPE (spectrum_analyzer_widget_get_type ()) |
#define | MW_TIMELINE (MW_TIMELINE_PANEL->timeline) |
#define | MW_PINNED_TIMELINE (MW_TIMELINE_PANEL->pinned_timeline) |
#define | MW_TIMELINE_PANEL (MW_MAIN_NOTEBOOK->timeline_panel) |
#define | MW_TRACKLIST_SCROLL (MW_TIMELINE_PANEL->tracklist_scroll) |
#define | MW_RULER MW_TIMELINE_PANEL->ruler |
#define | MW_TIMELINE_TOOLBAR MW_TIMELINE_PANEL->timeline_toolbar |
#define | TOOLBOX_WIDGET_TYPE (toolbox_widget_get_type ()) |
#define | MW_TOOLBOX MAIN_WINDOW->toolbox |
#define | TRACK_BUTTON_SIZE 18 |
Padding between each button. | |
Padding between the track edges and the buttons. | |
#define | TRACK_ICON_NAME_MONO_COMPAT "mono" |
#define | TRACK_ICON_NAME_SWAP_PHASE "phase" |
#define | TRACK_ICON_NAME_RECORD "media-record" |
#define | TRACK_ICON_NAME_SOLO "solo" |
#define | TRACK_ICON_NAME_MUTE "mute" |
#define | TRACK_ICON_NAME_LISTEN "gnome-icon-library-headphones-symbolic" |
#define | TRACK_ICON_NAME_SHOW_UI "jam-icons-screen" |
#define | TRACK_ICON_NAME_SHOW_AUTOMATION_LANES "automation-4p" |
#define | TRACK_ICON_NAME_SHOW_TRACK_LANES "untitled-ui-rows-03" |
#define | TRACK_ICON_NAME_LOCK "gnome-icon-library-padlock2-symbolic" |
#define | TRACK_ICON_NAME_UNLOCK "gnome-icon-library-padlock2-open-symbolic" |
#define | TRACK_ICON_NAME_FREEZE "fork-awesome-snowflake-o" |
#define | TRACK_ICON_NAME_PLUS "add" |
#define | TRACK_ICON_NAME_MINUS "remove" |
#define | TRACK_ICON_NAME_BUS "effect" |
#define | TRACK_ICON_NAME_CHORDS "minuet-chords" |
#define | TRACK_ICON_NAME_SHOW_MARKERS "gnome-icon-library-flag-outline-thick-symbolic" |
#define | TRACK_ICON_NAME_MIDI "instrument" |
#define | TRACK_ICON_NAME_TEMPO "filename-bpm-amarok" |
#define | TRACK_ICON_NAME_MODULATOR "gnome-icon-library-encoder-knob-symbolic" |
#define | TRACK_ICON_NAME_FOLD "fluentui-folder-regular" |
#define | TRACK_ICON_NAME_FOLD_OPEN "fluentui-folder-open-regular" |
#define | TRACK_ICON_NAME_MONITOR_AUDIO "audition" |
#define | TRACK_ICON_IS(x, name) (string_is_equal (x, TRACK_ICON_NAME_##name)) |
#define | TRACK_CB_ICON_IS(name) TRACK_ICON_IS (cb->icon_name, name) |
#define | MW_TRACKLIST MW_TIMELINE_PANEL->tracklist |
#define | MW_TRANSPORT_CONTROLS MW_BOT_BAR->transport_controls |
#define | VELOCITY_WIDTH 8 |
#define | VELOCITY_SETTINGS_WIDGET_TYPE (velocity_settings_widget_get_type ()) |
#define | VOLUME_WIDGET_TYPE (volume_widget_get_type ()) |
Typedefs | |
typedef void(* | ArrangerWidgetForeachFunc) (ArrangerWidget *arranger) |
typedef void(* | ExportProgressDialogCloseCallback) (ExportData *data) |
typedef struct _PortConnectionsPopoverWidget | PortConnectionsPopoverWidget |
typedef void(* | ExpanderBoxRevealFunc) (ExpanderBoxWidget *expander_box, bool revealed, void *user_data) |
Reveal callback prototype. | |
typedef WrappedObjectWithChangeSignal *(* | SelectedFileGetter) (GtkWidget *widget) |
typedef struct _PluginPropertiesExpanderWidget | PluginPropertiesExpanderWidget |
typedef struct _ColorAreaWidget | ColorAreaWidget |
typedef struct _SliderBarWidget | SliderBarWidget |
typedef struct _MeterWidget | MeterWidget |
typedef struct _ActiveHardwareMbWidget | ActiveHardwareMbWidget |
typedef struct _TrackWidget | TrackWidget |
typedef struct _FileBrowserWidget | FileBrowserWidget |
typedef struct _MonitorSectionWidget | MonitorSectionWidget |
typedef struct _FoldableNotebookWidget | FoldableNotebookWidget |
typedef struct _PanelFileBrowserWidget | PanelFileBrowserWidget |
typedef struct _ChordPackBrowserWidget | ChordPackBrowserWidget |
typedef const char *(* | StringListItemFactoryEnumStringGetter) (int val) |
typedef struct _TrackWidget | TrackWidget |
typedef struct _DragDestBoxWidget | DragDestBoxWidget |
typedef struct _ChordTrackWidget | ChordTrackWidget |
typedef struct _AddTrackMenuButtonWidget | AddTrackMenuButtonWidget |
typedef struct _PortsExpanderWidget | PortsExpanderWidget |
typedef struct _KnobWithNameWidget | KnobWithNameWidget |
Enumerations | |
Type of arranger. More... | |
Type of slider. More... | |
enum class | ChannelSendsExpanderPosition { CSE_POSITION_CHANNEL , CSE_POSITION_INSPECTOR } |
enum class | BounceDialogWidgetType { BOUNCE_DIALOG_REGIONS , BOUNCE_DIALOG_TRACKS } |
Type of bounce. More... | |
enum class | ExportFilenamePattern { EFP_APPEND_FORMAT , EFP_PREPEND_DATE_APPEND_FORMAT } |
Item factory column type. More... | |
enum class | KnobType { KNOB_TYPE_NORMAL , KnobType::KNOB_TYPE_PORT_MULTIPLIER } |
Type of knob. More... | |
enum class | LiveWaveformType { LIVE_WAVEFORM_ENGINE , LIVE_WAVEFORM_PORT } |
enum class | MidiActivityBarType { MAB_TYPE_TRACK , MAB_TYPE_ENGINE } |
enum class | MidiActivityBarAnimation { MidiActivityBarAnimation::MAB_ANIMATION_BAR , MidiActivityBarAnimation::MAB_ANIMATION_FLASH } |
enum class | PluginStripExpanderPosition { PSE_POSITION_CHANNEL , PSE_POSITION_INSPECTOR } |
enum class | AutomatableSelectorType { AutomatableSelectorType::AS_TYPE_MIDI_CH1 , AS_TYPE_MIDI_CH2 , AS_TYPE_MIDI_CH3 , AS_TYPE_MIDI_CH4 , AS_TYPE_MIDI_CH5 , AS_TYPE_MIDI_CH6 , AS_TYPE_MIDI_CH7 , AS_TYPE_MIDI_CH8 , AS_TYPE_MIDI_CH9 , AS_TYPE_MIDI_CH10 , AS_TYPE_MIDI_CH11 , AS_TYPE_MIDI_CH12 , AS_TYPE_MIDI_CH13 , AS_TYPE_MIDI_CH14 , AS_TYPE_MIDI_CH15 , AS_TYPE_MIDI_CH16 , AutomatableSelectorType::AS_TYPE_CHANNEL , AutomatableSelectorType::AS_TYPE_MIDI_FX , AutomatableSelectorType::AS_TYPE_INSTRUMENT , AutomatableSelectorType::AS_TYPE_INSERT , AutomatableSelectorType::AS_TYPE_MODULATOR , AutomatableSelectorType::AS_TYPE_TEMPO , AutomatableSelectorType::AS_TYPE_MACRO } |
Automatable type. More... | |
Used for Track's. More... | |
The ruler widget target acting upon. More... | |
enum class | RulerWidgetRangeType { RulerWidgetRangeType::RW_RANGE_START , RulerWidgetRangeType::RW_RANGE_FULL , RulerWidgetRangeType::RW_RANGE_END } |
Range type. More... | |
Highlight location. More... | |
Resize target. More... | |
Functions | |
char * | wrapped_object_with_change_signal_get_display_name (void *data) |
Returns a display name for the given object, intended to be used where the object should be displayed (eg, a dropdown). | |
WrappedObjectWithChangeSignal * | wrapped_object_with_change_signal_new (void *obj, WrappedObjectType type) |
Instantiates a new WrappedObjectWithChangeSignal. | |
WrappedObjectWithChangeSignal * | wrapped_object_with_change_signal_new_with_free_func (void *obj, WrappedObjectType type, ObjectFreeFunc free_func) |
If this function is not used, the internal object will not be free'd. | |
void | active_hardware_mb_widget_setup (ActiveHardwareMbWidget *self, bool is_input, bool is_midi, GSettings *settings, const char *key) |
void | active_hardware_mb_widget_save_settings (ActiveHardwareMbWidget *self) |
Called from PreferencesWidget to save the settings. | |
void | active_hardware_mb_widget_refresh (ActiveHardwareMbWidget *self) |
ActiveHardwareMbWidget * | active_hardware_mb_widget_new (void) |
AddTrackMenuButtonWidget * | add_track_menu_button_widget_new (void) |
const char * | arranger_widget_get_type_str (ArrangerWidgetType type) |
bool | arranger_widget_can_scroll_vertically (ArrangerWidget *self) |
Returns if the arranger can scroll vertically. | |
void | arranger_widget_setup (ArrangerWidget *self, ArrangerWidgetType type, SnapGrid *snap_grid) |
Creates a timeline widget using the given timeline data. | |
void | arranger_widget_set_cursor (ArrangerWidget *self, ArrangerCursor cursor) |
Sets the cursor on the arranger and all of its children. | |
int | arranger_widget_pos_to_px (ArrangerWidget *self, Position *pos, int use_padding) |
Wrapper of the UI functions based on the arranger type. | |
ArrangerCursor | arranger_widget_get_cursor (ArrangerWidget *self) |
Gets the cursor based on the current hover position. | |
void | arranger_widget_refresh_cursor (ArrangerWidget *self) |
Figures out which cursor should be used based on the current state and then sets it. | |
void | arranger_widget_get_all_objects (ArrangerWidget *self, GPtrArray *objs_arr) |
Get all objects currently present in the arranger. | |
void | arranger_widget_px_to_pos (ArrangerWidget *self, double px, Position *pos, bool has_padding) |
Wrapper for ui_px_to_pos depending on the arranger type. | |
void | arranger_widget_get_visible_rect (ArrangerWidget *self, GdkRectangle *rect) |
Returns the current visible rectangle. | |
void | arranger_widget_get_hit_objects_at_point (ArrangerWidget *self, ArrangerObjectType type, double x, double y, GPtrArray *arr) |
Fills in the given array with the ArrangerObject's of the given type that appear in the given ranger. | |
void | arranger_widget_get_hit_objects_in_rect (ArrangerWidget *self, ArrangerObjectType type, GdkRectangle *rect, GPtrArray *arr) |
Fills in the given array with the ArrangerObject's of the given type that appear in the given ranger. | |
ArrangerObject * | arranger_widget_get_hit_arranger_object (ArrangerWidget *self, ArrangerObjectType type, const double x, const double y) |
Returns the ArrangerObject of the given type at (x,y). | |
void | arranger_widget_select_all (ArrangerWidget *self, bool select, bool fire_events) |
NONNULL bool | arranger_widget_is_in_moving_operation (ArrangerWidget *self) |
Returns if the arranger is in a moving-related operation or starting a moving-related operation. | |
RETURNS_NONNULL ArrangerSelections * | arranger_widget_get_selections (ArrangerWidget *self) |
Returns the ArrangerSelections for this ArrangerWidget. | |
void | arranger_widget_redraw_playhead (ArrangerWidget *self) |
Only redraws the playhead part. | |
SnapGrid * | arranger_widget_get_snap_grid (ArrangerWidget *self) |
gboolean | arranger_widget_on_key_press (GtkEventControllerKey *key_controller, guint keyval, guint keycode, GdkModifierType state, ArrangerWidget *self) |
Called from MainWindowWidget because some events don't reach here. | |
void | arranger_widget_on_key_release (GtkEventControllerKey *key_controller, guint keyval, guint keycode, GdkModifierType state, ArrangerWidget *self) |
NONNULL void | arranger_widget_scroll_until_obj (ArrangerWidget *self, ArrangerObject *obj, int horizontal, int up, int left, int padding) |
Scroll until the given object is visible. | |
void | arranger_widget_toggle_selections_muted (ArrangerWidget *self, ArrangerObject *clicked_object) |
Toggles the mute status of the selection, based on the mute status of the selected object. | |
void | arranger_widget_get_min_possible_position (ArrangerWidget *self, Position *pos) |
Returns the earliest possible position allowed in this arranger (eg, for timeline). | |
void | arranger_widget_set_highlight_rect (ArrangerWidget *self, GdkRectangle *rect) |
Sets the highlight rectangle. | |
EditorSettings * | arranger_widget_get_editor_settings (ArrangerWidget *self) |
Returns the EditorSettings corresponding to the given arranger. | |
EditorSettings | arranger_widget_get_editor_setting_values (ArrangerWidget *self) |
Get just the values, adjusted properly for special cases (like pinned timeline). | |
bool | arranger_widget_is_playhead_visible (ArrangerWidget *self) |
NONNULL void | arranger_widget_handle_playhead_auto_scroll (ArrangerWidget *self, bool force) |
NONNULL void | arranger_widget_foreach (ArrangerWidgetForeachFunc func) |
Runs the given function for each arranger. | |
NONNULL RulerWidget * | arranger_widget_get_ruler (ArrangerWidget *self) |
bool | arranger_widget_any_doing_action (void) |
Returns whether any arranger is in the middle of an action. | |
int | arranger_widget_get_playhead_px (ArrangerWidget *self) |
Returns the playhead's x coordinate in absolute coordinates. | |
bool | arranger_widget_get_drum_mode_enabled (ArrangerWidget *self) |
Returns true if MIDI arranger and track mode is enabled. | |
NONNULL void | arranger_widget_create_item (ArrangerWidget *self, double start_x, double start_y, bool autofilling) |
Called when an item needs to be created at the given position. | |
NONNULL bool | arranger_widget_finish_creating_item_from_action (ArrangerWidget *self, double x, double y) |
To be called after using arranger_widget_create_item() in an action (ie, not from click + drag interaction with the arranger) to finish the action. | |
int | arranger_widget_get_total_height (ArrangerWidget *self) |
Returns the total height (including off-screen). | |
void | arranger_snapshot (GtkWidget *widget, GtkSnapshot *snapshot) |
void | arranger_minimap_widget_px_to_pos (ArrangerMinimapWidget *self, Position *pos, int px) |
Taken from arranger.c. | |
void | arranger_minimap_widget_refresh (ArrangerMinimapWidget *self) |
Causes reallocation. | |
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ArrangerMinimapSelectionWidget, arranger_minimap_selection_widget, Z, ARRANGER_MINIMAP_SELECTION_WIDGET, GtkWidget) typedef struct _ArrangerMinimapSelectionWidget | |
ArrangerMinimapSelectionWidget * | arranger_minimap_selection_widget_new (ArrangerMinimapWidget *parent) |
bool | arranger_object_is_fade (ArrangerObject *self, bool in, const int x, int y, bool only_handle, bool only_outer, bool check_lane) |
Returns if the current position is for moving the fade in/out mark (timeline only). | |
NONNULL bool | arranger_object_is_resize_l (ArrangerObject *self, const int x) |
Returns if the current position is for resizing L. | |
NONNULL bool | arranger_object_is_resize_r (ArrangerObject *self, const int x) |
Returns if the current position is for resizing R. | |
bool | arranger_object_is_resize_up (ArrangerObject *self, const int x, const int y) |
Returns if the current position is for resizing up (eg, Velocity). | |
bool | arranger_object_is_resize_loop (ArrangerObject *self, const int y, bool ctrl_pressed) |
Returns if the current position is for resizing loop. | |
NONNULL bool | arranger_object_is_rename (ArrangerObject *self, const int x, const int y) |
Returns if the current position is for renaming the object. | |
bool | arranger_object_should_show_cut_lines (ArrangerObject *self, bool alt_pressed) |
Returns if arranger_object widgets should show cut lines. | |
int | arranger_object_get_full_rect_x_for_region_child (ArrangerObject *self, Region *region, GdkRectangle *full_rect) |
Gets the full rectangle for a linked object. | |
void | arranger_object_set_full_rectangle (ArrangerObject *self, ArrangerWidget *arranger) |
int | arranger_object_get_draw_rectangle (ArrangerObject *self, GdkRectangle *parent_rect, GdkRectangle *full_rect, GdkRectangle *draw_rect) |
Gets the draw rectangle based on the given full rectangle of the arranger object. | |
void | arranger_object_draw (ArrangerObject *self, ArrangerWidget *arranger, GtkSnapshot *snapshot, GdkRectangle *rect) |
Draws the given object. | |
OPTIMIZE_O3 bool | arranger_object_should_orig_be_visible (ArrangerObject *self, ArrangerWidget *arranger) |
Returns if the cached object should be visible, ie, while copy- moving (ctrl+drag) we want to show both the object at its original position and the current object. | |
bool | arranger_object_is_hovered (ArrangerObject *self, ArrangerWidget *arranger) |
Whether the object is currently hovered. | |
bool | arranger_object_is_hovered_or_start_object (ArrangerObject *self, ArrangerWidget *arranger) |
Whether hovered or the start object of the current action in the arranger. | |
void | arranger_wrapper_widget_setup (ArrangerWrapperWidget *self, ArrangerWidgetType type, SnapGrid *snap_grid) |
void | audio_arranger_widget_snap_range_r (ArrangerWidget *self, Position *pos) |
bool | audio_arranger_widget_is_cursor_in_fade (ArrangerWidget *self, double x, double y, bool fade_in, bool resize) |
Returns whether the cursor is inside a fade area. | |
bool | audio_arranger_widget_is_cursor_gain (ArrangerWidget *self, double x, double y) |
Returns whether the cursor touches the gain line. | |
UiOverlayAction | audio_arranger_widget_get_action_on_drag_begin (ArrangerWidget *self) |
void | audio_arranger_widget_fade_up (ArrangerWidget *self, double offset_y, bool fade_in) |
Handle fade in/out curviness drag. | |
void | audio_arranger_widget_update_gain (ArrangerWidget *self, double offset_y) |
int | audio_arranger_widget_snap_fade (ArrangerWidget *self, Position *pos, bool fade_in, bool dry_run) |
Updates the fade position during drag update. | |
void | audio_editor_space_widget_setup (AudioEditorSpaceWidget *self) |
void | audio_editor_space_widget_update_size_group (AudioEditorSpaceWidget *self, int visible) |
void | audio_editor_space_widget_refresh (AudioEditorSpaceWidget *self) |
void | automation_arranger_widget_create_ap (ArrangerWidget *self, const Position *pos, const double start_y, Region *region, bool autofilling) |
Create an AutomationPointat the given Position in the given Track's AutomationTrack. | |
void | automation_arranger_widget_resize_curves (ArrangerWidget *self, double offset_y) |
Change curviness of selected curves. | |
GMenu * | automation_arranger_widget_gen_context_menu (ArrangerWidget *self, GMenu *menu, double x, double y) |
Generate a context menu at x, y. | |
bool | automation_arranger_move_hit_aps (ArrangerWidget *self, double x, double y) |
Called when using the edit tool. | |
void | automation_editor_space_widget_setup (AutomationEditorSpaceWidget *self) |
void | automation_editor_space_widget_update_size_group (AutomationEditorSpaceWidget *self, int visible) |
void | automation_editor_space_widget_refresh (AutomationEditorSpaceWidget *self) |
AutomationModeWidget * | automation_mode_widget_new (int height, PangoLayout *layout, AutomationTrack *owner) |
Creates a new track widget from the given track. | |
void | automation_mode_widget_init (AutomationModeWidget *self) |
void | automation_mode_widget_draw (AutomationModeWidget *self, GtkSnapshot *snapshot, double x, double y, double x_cursor, CustomButtonWidgetState state) |
void | automation_mode_widget_free (AutomationModeWidget *self) |
bool | automation_point_is_point_hit (AutomationPoint *self, double x, double y) |
Returns if the automation point (circle) is hit. | |
bool | automation_point_is_curve_hit (AutomationPoint *self, double x, double y, double delta_from_curve) |
Returns if the automation curve is hit. | |
bool | automation_point_settings_changed (const AutomationPoint *self, const GdkRectangle *draw_rect, bool timeline) |
Returns whether the cached render node for self needs to be invalidated. | |
void | automation_point_draw (AutomationPoint *ap, GtkSnapshot *snapshot, GdkRectangle *rect, PangoLayout *layout) |
Draws the AutomationPoint in the given cairo context in absolute coordinates. | |
BarSliderWidget * | _bar_slider_widget_new (BarSliderType type, float(*get_val)(void *), void(*set_val)(void *, float), void *object, float min, float max, int w, int h, float zero, int convert_to_percentage, int decimals, UiDragMode mode, const char *prefix, const char *suffix) |
Creates a bar slider widget for floats. | |
void | bot_bar_widget_refresh (BotBarWidget *self) |
void | bot_bar_widget_update_status (BotBarWidget *self) |
Updates the content of the status bar. | |
void | bot_bar_widget_setup (BotBarWidget *self) |
Sets up the bot bar. | |
void | bot_dock_edge_widget_setup (BotDockEdgeWidget *self) |
void | bot_dock_edge_widget_update_event_viewer_stack_page (BotDockEdgeWidget *self) |
Sets the appropriate stack page. | |
void | bot_dock_edge_widget_show_clip_editor (BotDockEdgeWidget *self, bool navigate_to_region_start) |
Brings up the clip editor. | |
BounceStepSelectorWidget * | bounce_step_selector_widget_new (void) |
Creates a BounceStepSelectorWidget. | |
void | button_with_menu_widget_set_menu_model (ButtonWithMenuWidget *self, GMenuModel *gmenu_model) |
void | button_with_menu_widget_set_popover (ButtonWithMenuWidget *self, GtkPopover *popover) |
Set a custom popover instead of a menu model. | |
void | button_with_menu_widget_setup (ButtonWithMenuWidget *self, GtkButton *btn, GMenuModel *gmenu_model, bool downward_arrow, int height, const char *btn_tooltip_text, const char *menu_tooltip_text) |
This must only be called once to set up the widget. | |
ButtonWithMenuWidget * | button_with_menu_widget_new (void) |
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (CcBindingsWidget, cc_bindings_widget, Z, CC_BINDINGS_WIDGET, GtkBox) typedef struct _CcBindingsWidget | |
Left dock widget. | |
CcBindingsWidget * | cc_bindings_widget_new (void) |
void | cc_bindings_widget_refresh (CcBindingsWidget *self) |
void | cc_bindings_tree_widget_refresh (CcBindingsTreeWidget *self) |
Refreshes the tree model. | |
CcBindingsTreeWidget * | cc_bindings_tree_widget_new (void) |
Instantiates a new CcBindingsTreeWidget. | |
void | center_dock_widget_setup (CenterDockWidget *self) |
void | center_dock_widget_tear_down (CenterDockWidget *self) |
Prepare for finalization. | |
ChannelSendWidget * | channel_send_widget_new (ChannelSend *send) |
Creates a new ChannelSend widget and binds it to the given value. | |
ChannelSendSelectorWidget * | channel_send_selector_widget_new (ChannelSendWidget *send) |
void | channel_send_selector_widget_setup (ChannelSendSelectorWidget *self) |
void | channel_sends_expander_widget_refresh (ChannelSendsExpanderWidget *self) |
Refreshes each field. | |
void | channel_sends_expander_widget_setup (ChannelSendsExpanderWidget *self, ChannelSendsExpanderPosition position, Track *track) |
Sets up the ChannelSendsExpanderWidget. | |
ChannelSlotWidget * | channel_slot_widget_new_instrument (void) |
Creates a new ChannelSlot widget whose track and plugin can change. | |
ChannelSlotWidget * | channel_slot_widget_new (int slot_index, Track *track, ZPluginSlotType type, bool open_plugin_inspector_on_click) |
Creates a new ChannelSlot widget and binds it to the given value. | |
void | channel_slot_widget_set_instrument (ChannelSlotWidget *self, Track *track) |
Plugin * | channel_slot_widget_get_plugin (ChannelSlotWidget *self) |
ChannelSlotActivateButtonWidget * | channel_slot_activate_button_widget_new (ChannelSlotWidget *owner) |
Creates a new ChannelSlotActivateButton widget. | |
int | chord_arranger_widget_get_chord_at_y (double y) |
Returns the chord index at y. | |
ChordObject * | chord_arranger_widget_create_chord (ArrangerWidget *self, const Position *pos, int chord_index, Region *region) |
Called on drag begin in parent when background is double clicked (i.e., a note is created). | |
int | chord_arranger_calc_deltamax_for_chord_movement (int y_delta) |
Called on move items_y setup. | |
int | chord_editor_space_widget_get_chord_height (ChordEditorSpaceWidget *self) |
int | chord_editor_space_widget_get_all_chords_height (ChordEditorSpaceWidget *self) |
void | chord_editor_space_widget_setup (ChordEditorSpaceWidget *self) |
void | chord_editor_space_widget_update_size_group (ChordEditorSpaceWidget *self, int visible) |
void | chord_editor_space_widget_set_chord_keys_scroll_start_y (ChordEditorSpaceWidget *self, int y) |
void | chord_editor_space_widget_refresh (ChordEditorSpaceWidget *self) |
void | chord_editor_space_widget_refresh_chords (ChordEditorSpaceWidget *self) |
void | chord_key_widget_refresh (ChordKeyWidget *self) |
ChordKeyWidget * | chord_key_widget_new (int idx) |
Creates a ChordKeyWidget for the given MIDI note descriptor. | |
void | chord_object_recreate_pango_layouts (ChordObject *self) |
Recreates the pango layouts for drawing. | |
void | chord_object_draw (ChordObject *self, GtkSnapshot *snapshot) |
Draws the given chord object. | |
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ChordPackBrowserWidget, chord_pack_browser_widget, Z, CHORD_PACK_BROWSER_WIDGET, GtkBox) typedef struct _ChordPackBrowserWidget | |
void | chord_pack_browser_widget_refresh_packs (ChordPackBrowserWidget *self) |
void | chord_pack_browser_widget_refresh_presets (ChordPackBrowserWidget *self) |
ChordPackBrowserWidget * | chord_pack_browser_widget_new (void) |
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ChordPadWidget, chord_pad_widget, Z, CHORD_PAD_WIDGET, GtkWidget) typedef struct _ChordPadWidget | |
Single chord pad. | |
ChordPadWidget * | chord_pad_widget_new (void) |
Creates a chord widget. | |
void | chord_pad_widget_refresh (ChordPadWidget *self, int idx) |
Sets the chord index on the chord widget. | |
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ChordPadPanelWidget, chord_pad_panel_widget, Z, CHORD_PAD_PANEL_WIDGET, GtkGrid) typedef struct _ChordPadPanelWidget | |
Brings up the ChordPadPanelWidget in the notebook. | |
void | chord_pad_panel_widget_setup (ChordPadPanelWidget *self) |
void | chord_pad_panel_widget_refresh_load_preset_menu (ChordPadPanelWidget *self) |
void | chord_pad_panel_widget_refresh (ChordPadPanelWidget *self) |
ChordPadPanelWidget * | chord_pad_panel_widget_new (void) |
void | chord_region_recreate_pango_layouts (Region *self) |
Recreates the pango layout for drawing chord names inside the region. | |
void | chord_selector_window_widget_present (const int chord_idx, GtkWidget *parent) |
Creates the popover. | |
void | clip_editor_inner_widget_add_to_left_of_ruler_sizegroup (ClipEditorInnerWidget *self, GtkWidget *widget, bool add) |
Adds or remove the widget from the "left of ruler" size group. | |
void | clip_editor_inner_widget_setup (ClipEditorInnerWidget *self) |
void | clip_editor_inner_widget_refresh (ClipEditorInnerWidget *self) |
ArrangerWidget * | clip_editor_inner_widget_get_visible_arranger (ClipEditorInnerWidget *self) |
CustomButtonWidget * | custom_button_widget_new (const char *icon_name, int size) |
Creates a new track widget from the given track. | |
void | custom_button_widget_draw (CustomButtonWidget *self, GtkSnapshot *snapshot, double x, double y, CustomButtonWidgetState state) |
void | custom_button_widget_draw_with_text (CustomButtonWidget *self, GtkSnapshot *snapshot, double x, double y, double width, CustomButtonWidgetState state) |
void | custom_button_widget_set_text (CustomButtonWidget *self, PangoLayout *layout, char *text, const char *font_descr) |
Sets the text and layout to draw the text width. | |
void | custom_button_widget_free (CustomButtonWidget *self) |
void | custom_image_widget_set_texture (CustomImageWidget *self, GdkTexture *texture) |
GtkWindow * | about_dialog_widget_new (GtkWindow *parent) |
Creates and displays the about dialog. | |
Track * | add_tracks_to_group_dialog_widget_get_track (TracklistSelections *sel) |
Creates an add_tracks_to_group dialog widget and displays it. | |
ArrangerObjectInfoDialogWidget * | arranger_object_info_dialog_widget_new (ArrangerObject *object) |
Creates an arranger_object_info dialog widget and displays it. | |
BindCcDialogWidget * | bind_cc_dialog_widget_new (Port *port, bool perform_action) |
Creates an bind_cc dialog widget and displays it. | |
BounceDialogWidget * | bounce_dialog_widget_new (BounceDialogWidgetType type, const char *bounce_name) |
Creates a bounce dialog. | |
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (BugReportDialogWidget, bug_report_dialog_widget, Z, BUG_REPORT_DIALOG_WIDGET, AdwAlertDialog) typedef struct _BugReportDialogWidget | |
BugReportDialogWidget * | bug_report_dialog_new (GtkWidget *parent, const char *msg_prefix, const char *backtrace, bool fatal) |
Creates and displays the about dialog. | |
ExportDialogWidget * | export_dialog_widget_new (void) |
Creates an export dialog widget and displays it. | |
ExportProgressDialogWidget * | export_progress_dialog_widget_new (ExportData *data, bool autoclose, ExportProgressDialogCloseCallback close_callback, bool show_open_dir_btn, bool cancelable) |
Creates an export dialog widget and displays it. | |
FileImportProgressDialog * | file_import_progress_dialog_new (const char **filepaths, FileImportInfo *import_info, TracksReadyCallback tracks_ready_cb, GtkWidget *parent) |
Creates an instance of FileImportProgressDialog for the given array of filepaths (NULL-delimited). | |
void | file_import_progress_dialog_run (FileImportProgressDialog *self) |
Runs the dialog and imports each file asynchronously while presenting progress info. | |
void | generic_progress_dialog_widget_setup (GenericProgressDialogWidget *self, const char *title, ProgressInfo *progress_info, const char *initial_label, bool autoclose, GenericCallback close_callback, void *close_callback_object, bool cancelable) |
Sets up a progress dialog widget. | |
void | generic_progress_dialog_add_response (GenericProgressDialogWidget *self, const char *response, const char *response_label, GenericCallback callback, void *callback_object, bool only_on_finish) |
Adds a response to the dialog. | |
GenericProgressDialogWidget * | generic_progress_dialog_widget_new (void) |
void | midi_function_dialog_widget_get_opts (MidiFunctionDialogWidget *self, MidiFunctionOpts *opts) |
Fills in opts with the current options in the dialog (fetched from gsettings). | |
MidiFunctionDialogWidget * | midi_function_dialog_widget_new (GtkWindow *parent, MidiFunctionType type) |
Creates a MIDI function dialog for the given type and pre-fills the values from GSettings. | |
bool | object_color_chooser_dialog_widget_run (GtkWindow *parent, Track *track, TracklistSelections *sel, Region *region) |
Runs the widget and processes the result, then closes the dialog. | |
PortInfoDialogWidget * | port_info_dialog_widget_new (Port *port) |
Creates an port_info dialog widget and displays it. | |
void | port_selector_dialog_widget_refresh (PortSelectorDialogWidget *self, Port *port) |
PortSelectorDialogWidget * | port_selector_dialog_widget_new (PortConnectionsPopoverWidget *owner) |
Creates the popover. | |
QuantizeDialogWidget * | quantize_dialog_widget_new (QuantizeOptions *opts) |
Creates an quantize dialog widget and displays it. | |
SaveChordPresetDialogWidget * | save_chord_preset_dialog_widget_new (GtkWindow *parent_window) |
Creates a dialog widget and displays it. | |
StringEntryDialogWidget * | string_entry_dialog_widget_new (const char *label, void *obj, GenericStringGetter getter, GenericStringSetter setter) |
Creates the dialog. | |
TrackIconChooserDialogWidget * | track_icon_chooser_dialog_widget_new (Track *track) |
Creates a new dialog. | |
bool | track_icon_chooser_dialog_widget_run (TrackIconChooserDialogWidget *self) |
Runs the widget and processes the result, then closes the dialog. | |
AdwMessageDialog * | welcome_message_dialog_new (GtkWindow *parent) |
Creates and returns the welcome dialog. | |
DigitalMeterWidget * | digital_meter_widget_new (DigitalMeterType type, NoteLength *note_length, NoteType *note_type, const char *caption) |
Creates a digital meter with the given type ( bpm or position). | |
DigitalMeterWidget * | _digital_meter_widget_new_for_position (void *obj, void(*drag_begin)(void *), void(*get_val)(void *, Position *), void(*set_val)(void *, Position *), void(*drag_end)(void *), const char *caption) |
Creates a digital meter for an arbitrary position. | |
void | digital_meter_set_draw_line (DigitalMeterWidget *self, int draw_line) |
void | digital_meter_show_context_menu (DigitalMeterWidget *self, GMenu *menu) |
Shows the widgets popover menu with the provided content. | |
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (DragDestBoxWidget, drag_dest_box_widget, Z, DRAG_DEST_BOX_WIDGET, GtkBox) enum class DragDestBoxType | |
DragDestBoxWidget * | drag_dest_box_widget_new (GtkOrientation orientation, int spacing, DragDestBoxType type) |
Creates a drag destination box widget. | |
void | editor_ruler_widget_draw_markers (RulerWidget *self) |
Called from RulerWidget to draw the markers specific to the editor, such as region loop points. | |
void | editor_ruler_on_drag_begin_no_marker_hit (RulerWidget *self, gdouble start_x, gdouble start_y) |
Called from ruler drag begin. | |
void | editor_ruler_on_drag_update (RulerWidget *self, gdouble offset_x, gdouble offset_y) |
void | editor_ruler_on_drag_end (RulerWidget *self) |
int | editor_ruler_get_regions_in_range (RulerWidget *self, double x_start, double x_end, Region **regions) |
void | event_viewer_widget_refresh (EventViewerWidget *self, bool selections_only) |
Called to update the models/selections. | |
void | event_viewer_widget_refresh_for_selections (ArrangerSelections *sel) |
Convenience function. | |
void | event_viewer_widget_refresh_for_arranger (const ArrangerWidget *arranger, bool selections_only) |
Convenience function. | |
EventViewerWidget * | event_viewer_widget_new (void) |
void | event_viewer_widget_setup (EventViewerWidget *self, EventViewerType type) |
Sets up the event viewer. | |
ExpanderBoxWidgetPrivate * | expander_box_widget_get_private (ExpanderBoxWidget *self) |
Gets the private. | |
void | expander_box_widget_set_label (ExpanderBoxWidget *self, const char *label) |
Sets the label to show. | |
void | expander_box_widget_set_icon_name (ExpanderBoxWidget *self, const char *icon_name) |
Sets the icon name to show. | |
void | expander_box_widget_add_content (ExpanderBoxWidget *self, GtkWidget *content) |
void | expander_box_widget_set_reveal (ExpanderBoxWidget *self, int reveal) |
Reveals or hides the expander box's contents. | |
void | expander_box_widget_set_reveal_callback (ExpanderBoxWidget *self, ExpanderBoxRevealFunc cb, void *user_data) |
void | expander_box_widget_set_orientation (ExpanderBoxWidget *self, GtkOrientation orientation) |
void | expander_box_widget_set_vexpand (ExpanderBoxWidget *self, bool expand) |
ExpanderBoxWidget * | expander_box_widget_new (const char *label, const char *icon_name, GtkOrientation orientation) |
void | ext_input_selection_dropdown_widget_refresh (GtkDropDown *self, Track *track, bool left) |
Recreates the internal model(s) on the given dropdown. | |
void | fader_widget_setup (FaderWidget *self, Fader *fader, int height) |
Creates a new Fader widget and binds it to the given Fader. | |
void | fader_buttons_widget_block_signal_handlers (FaderButtonsWidget *self) |
void | fader_buttons_widget_unblock_signal_handlers (FaderButtonsWidget *self) |
void | fader_buttons_widget_refresh (FaderButtonsWidget *self, Track *track) |
FaderButtonsWidget * | fader_buttons_widget_new (Track *track) |
void | fader_controls_expander_widget_refresh (FaderControlsExpanderWidget *self) |
Refreshes each field. | |
void | fader_controls_expander_widget_setup (FaderControlsExpanderWidget *self, Track *track) |
Sets up the FaderControlsExpanderWidget. | |
void | fader_controls_expander_widget_tear_down (FaderControlsExpanderWidget *self) |
Prepare for finalization. | |
void | fader_controls_grid_widget_setup (FaderControlsGridWidget *self, Track *track) |
void | fader_controls_grid_widget_tear_down (FaderControlsGridWidget *self) |
Prepare for finalization. | |
FaderControlsGridWidget * | fader_controls_grid_widget_new (void) |
void | file_auditioner_controls_widget_setup (FileAuditionerControlsWidget *self, GtkWidget *owner, bool for_files, SelectedFileGetter selected_file_getter, GenericCallback refilter_files_cb) |
Sets up a FileAuditionerControlsWidget. | |
void | file_browser_filters_widget_setup (FileBrowserFiltersWidget *self, GtkWidget *owner, GenericCallback refilter_files_cb) |
Sets up a FileBrowserFiltersWidget. | |
void | file_chooser_button_widget_setup (FileChooserButtonWidget *self, GtkWindow *parent, const char *title, GtkFileChooserAction action) |
void | file_chooser_button_widget_std_response (FileChooserButtonWidget *self, GtkNativeDialog *dialog, gint response_id) |
This must be called at the end of the user-provided response callback. | |
void | file_chooser_button_widget_set_response_callback (FileChooserButtonWidget *self, GCallback callback, gpointer user_data, GClosureNotify destroy_notify) |
void | file_chooser_button_widget_set_current_dir (FileChooserButtonWidget *self, const char *dir) |
void | file_chooser_button_widget_set_path (FileChooserButtonWidget *self, const char *path) |
FileChooserButtonWidget * | file_chooser_button_widget_new (GtkWindow *parent, const char *title, GtkFileChooserAction action) |
FoldableNotebookWidget * | foldable_notebook_widget_new (GtkPositionType pos_in_paned, bool with_text) |
Creates a FoldableNotebookWidget. | |
GtkWidget * | foldable_notebook_widget_get_widget_at_page (FoldableNotebookWidget *self, int page) |
Get the widget at the given page. | |
GtkWidget * | foldable_notebook_widget_get_current_widget (FoldableNotebookWidget *self) |
Get the widget currently visible. | |
void | foldable_notebook_widget_set_visibility (FoldableNotebookWidget *self, bool new_visibility) |
Sets the folded space visible or not. | |
int | foldable_notebook_widget_is_content_visible (FoldableNotebookWidget *self) |
Returns if the content of the foldable notebook is visible. | |
GtkNotebook * | foldable_notebook_widget_get_notebook (FoldableNotebookWidget *self) |
Gets the internal notebook. | |
void | foldable_notebook_widget_set_current_page (FoldableNotebookWidget *self, int page_num, bool block_signals) |
int | foldable_notebook_widget_get_current_page (FoldableNotebookWidget *self) |
void | foldable_notebook_widget_add_page (FoldableNotebookWidget *self, GtkWidget *child, const char *tab_icon_name, const char *tab_label, const char *tooltip) |
void | foldable_notebook_widget_toggle_visibility (FoldableNotebookWidget *self) |
Combines the above. | |
void | foldable_notebook_widget_setup (FoldableNotebookWidget *self, GtkPaned *paned, GtkPositionType pos_in_paned, bool with_text) |
Sets up an existing FoldableNotebookWidget. | |
FolderChannelWidget * | folder_channel_widget_new (Track *track) |
Creates a folder_channel widget using the given folder_channel data. | |
void | folder_channel_widget_tear_down (FolderChannelWidget *self) |
void | folder_channel_widget_refresh (FolderChannelWidget *self) |
Updates everything on the widget. | |
void | folder_channel_widget_show (FolderChannelWidget *self) |
Displays the widget. | |
GreeterWidget * | greeter_widget_new (ZrythmApp *app, GtkWindow *parent, bool is_startup, bool is_for_new_project) |
Creates a greeter widget. | |
void | greeter_widget_set_progress_and_status (GreeterWidget *self, const char *title, const char *description, const double perc) |
Sets the current status and progress percentage. | |
void | greeter_widget_set_currently_scanned_plugin (GreeterWidget *self, const char *filename) |
void | greeter_widget_select_project (GreeterWidget *self, bool zrythm_already_running, bool is_for_new_project, const char *template_to_use) |
Proceed to the project selection screen. | |
void | inspector_plugin_widget_show (InspectorPluginWidget *self, MixerSelections *ms, bool set_notebook_page) |
Shows the inspector page for the given mixer selection (plugin). | |
InspectorPluginWidget * | inspector_plugin_widget_new (void) |
void | inspector_port_widget_refresh (InspectorPortWidget *self) |
InspectorPortWidget * | inspector_port_widget_new (Port *port) |
Creates a new widget. | |
NONNULL void | inspector_track_widget_show_tracks (InspectorTrackWidget *self, TracklistSelections *tls, bool set_notebook_page) |
Shows the inspector page for the given tracklist selection. | |
void | inspector_track_widget_setup (InspectorTrackWidget *self, TracklistSelections *tls) |
Sets up the inspector track widget for the first time. | |
InspectorTrackWidget * | inspector_track_widget_new (void) |
void | inspector_track_widget_tear_down (InspectorTrackWidget *self) |
Prepare for finalization. | |
ItemFactory * | item_factory_new (ItemFactoryType type, bool editable, const char *column_name) |
Creates a new item factory. | |
ItemFactory * | item_factory_generate_and_append_column (GtkColumnView *column_view, GPtrArray *item_factories, ItemFactoryType type, bool editable, bool resizable, GtkSorter *sorter, const char *column_name) |
Shorthand to generate and append a column to a column view. | |
void | item_factory_free (ItemFactory *self) |
void | item_factory_free_func (void *self) |
KnobWidget * | _knob_widget_new (GenericFloatGetter get_val, GenericFloatGetter get_default_val, GenericFloatSetter set_val, void *object, KnobType type, float min, float max, int size, float zero) |
Creates a knob widget with the given options and binds it to the given value. | |
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (LeftDockEdgeWidget, left_dock_edge_widget, Z, LEFT_DOCK_EDGE_WIDGET, GtkWidget) enum class LeftDockEdgeTab | |
Left panel tabs. | |
void | left_dock_edge_widget_refresh (LeftDockEdgeWidget *self) |
void | left_dock_edge_widget_refresh_with_page (LeftDockEdgeWidget *self, LeftDockEdgeTab page) |
Refreshes the widget and switches to the given page. | |
void | left_dock_edge_widget_setup (LeftDockEdgeWidget *self) |
void | left_dock_edge_widget_tear_down (LeftDockEdgeWidget *self) |
Prepare for finalization. | |
void | live_waveform_widget_setup_engine (LiveWaveformWidget *self) |
Creates a LiveWaveformWidget for the AudioEngine. | |
LiveWaveformWidget * | live_waveform_widget_new_port (Port *port) |
Creates a LiveWaveformWidget for a port. | |
LogViewerWidget * | log_viewer_widget_new (void) |
Creates a log viewer widget. | |
void | main_notebook_widget_setup (MainNotebookWidget *self) |
void | main_notebook_widget_refresh (MainNotebookWidget *self) |
void | main_notebook_widget_tear_down (MainNotebookWidget *self) |
Prepare for finalization. | |
MainWindowWidget * | main_window_widget_new (ZrythmApp *app) |
Creates a main_window widget using the given app data. | |
void | main_window_widget_refresh_undo_redo_buttons (MainWindowWidget *self) |
void | main_window_widget_setup (MainWindowWidget *self) |
Refreshes the state of the main window. | |
void | main_window_widget_set_project_title (MainWindowWidget *self, Project *prj) |
Updates the project name at the top of the window. | |
void | main_window_widget_tear_down (MainWindowWidget *self) |
Prepare for finalization. | |
void | main_window_widget_quit (MainWindowWidget *self) |
void | marker_recreate_pango_layouts (Marker *self) |
Recreates the pango layouts for drawing. | |
void | marker_draw (Marker *self, GtkSnapshot *snapshot) |
Draws the given marker. | |
void | midi_activity_bar_widget_setup_track (MidiActivityBarWidget *self, Track *track) |
Creates a MidiActivityBarWidget for use inside TrackWidget implementations. | |
void | midi_activity_bar_widget_set_animation (MidiActivityBarWidget *self, MidiActivityBarAnimation animation) |
Sets the animation. | |
void | midi_activity_bar_widget_setup_engine (MidiActivityBarWidget *self) |
Creates a MidiActivityBarWidget for the AudioEngine. | |
void | midi_arranger_widget_create_note (ArrangerWidget *self, Position *pos, int note, Region *region) |
Called on drag begin in parent when background is double clicked (i.e., a note is created). | |
int | midi_arranger_widget_snap_midi_notes_l (ArrangerWidget *self, Position *pos, bool dry_run) |
Called during drag_update in the parent when resizing the selection. | |
int | midi_arranger_widget_snap_midi_notes_r (ArrangerWidget *self, Position *pos, bool dry_run) |
Called during drag_update in the parent when resizing the selection. | |
void | midi_arranger_widget_set_hovered_note (ArrangerWidget *self, int pitch) |
Sets the currently hovered note and queues a redraw if it changed. | |
void | midi_arranger_widget_reset_transients (ArrangerWidget *self) |
Resets the transient of each note in the arranger. | |
int | midi_arranger_calc_deltamax_for_note_movement (int y_delta) |
Called on move items_y setup. | |
gboolean | midi_arranger_unlisten_notes_source_func (gpointer user_data) |
To be used as a source function to unlisten notes. | |
void | midi_arranger_listen_notes (ArrangerWidget *self, bool listen) |
Listen to the currently selected notes. | |
GMenu * | midi_arranger_widget_gen_context_menu (ArrangerWidget *self, GMenu *menu, double x, double y) |
Generate a context menu at x, y. | |
void | midi_arranger_handle_vertical_zoom_action (ArrangerWidget *self, bool zoom_in) |
void | midi_arranger_handle_vertical_zoom_scroll (ArrangerWidget *self, GtkEventControllerScroll *scroll_controller, double dy) |
Handle ctrl+shift+scroll. | |
void | midi_channel_selection_dropdown_widget_refresh (GtkDropDown *self, Track *track) |
Recreates the internal model(s) on the given dropdown. | |
void | midi_editor_space_widget_setup (MidiEditorSpaceWidget *self) |
void | midi_editor_space_widget_update_size_group (MidiEditorSpaceWidget *self, int visible) |
void | midi_editor_space_widget_set_piano_keys_scroll_start_y (MidiEditorSpaceWidget *self, int y) |
Updates the scroll adjustment. | |
gboolean | midi_editor_space_widget_scroll_to_middle (MidiEditorSpaceWidget *self) |
To be used as a source func when first showing a MIDI region. | |
void | midi_editor_space_widget_refresh (MidiEditorSpaceWidget *self) |
void | midi_modifier_arranger_widget_set_start_vel (ArrangerWidget *self) |
Sets the start velocities of all velocities in the current region. | |
void | midi_modifier_arranger_widget_select_vels_in_range (ArrangerWidget *self, double offset_x) |
void | midi_modifier_arranger_widget_resize_velocities (ArrangerWidget *self, double offset_y) |
void | midi_modifier_arranger_set_hit_velocity_vals (ArrangerWidget *self, double x, double y, bool append_to_selections) |
Sets the value of each velocity hit at x to the value corresponding to y. | |
void | midi_modifier_arranger_widget_ramp (ArrangerWidget *self, double offset_x, double offset_y) |
Draws a ramp from the start coordinates to the given coordinates. | |
NONNULL void | midi_note_draw (MidiNote *self, GtkSnapshot *snapshot) |
NONNULL void | midi_note_get_adjusted_color (MidiNote *self, GdkRGBA *color) |
void | mixer_widget_setup (MixerWidget *self, Channel *master) |
To be called once. | |
void | mixer_widget_hard_refresh (MixerWidget *self) |
Deletes and readds all channels. | |
void | mixer_widget_soft_refresh (MixerWidget *self) |
Calls refresh on each channel. | |
MixerWidget * | mixer_widget_new (void) |
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ModulatorWidget, modulator_widget, Z, MODULATOR_WIDGET, TwoColExpanderBoxWidget) typedef struct _ModulatorWidget | |
Modulator. | |
void | modulator_widget_refresh (ModulatorWidget *self) |
ModulatorWidget * | modulator_widget_new (Plugin *modulator) |
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (ModulatorMacroWidget, modulator_macro_widget, Z, MODULATOR_MACRO_WIDGET, GtkWidget) typedef struct _ModulatorMacroWidget | |
ModulatorMacro. | |
void | modulator_macro_widget_refresh (ModulatorMacroWidget *self) |
ModulatorMacroWidget * | modulator_macro_widget_new (int modulator_macro_index) |
void | modulator_view_widget_refresh (ModulatorViewWidget *self, Track *track) |
ModulatorViewWidget * | modulator_view_widget_new (void) |
void | monitor_section_widget_refresh (MonitorSectionWidget *self) |
void | monitor_section_widget_setup (MonitorSectionWidget *self, ControlRoom *control_room) |
MonitorSectionWidget * | monitor_section_widget_new (void) |
Creates a MonitorSectionWidget. | |
void | multi_selection_widget_setup (MultiSelectionWidget *self, const char **strings, const int num_items, MultiSelectionChangedCallback sel_changed_cb, const guint *selections, const int num_selections, void *object) |
MultiSelectionWidget * | multi_selection_widget_new (void) |
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (PanelFileBrowserWidget, panel_file_browser_widget, Z, PANEL_FILE_BROWSER_WIDGET, GtkWidget) | |
void | panel_file_browser_refresh_bookmarks (PanelFileBrowserWidget *self) |
FileBrowserLocation * | panel_file_browser_widget_get_selected_bookmark (PanelFileBrowserWidget *self) |
PanelFileBrowserWidget * | panel_file_browser_widget_new (void) |
PianoKeyboardWidget * | piano_keyboard_widget_new (GtkOrientation orientation) |
Creates a piano keyboard widget. | |
void | piano_keyboard_widget_refresh (PianoKeyboardWidget *self) |
PianoKeyboardWidget * | piano_keyboard_widget_new_for_chord_key (const int chord_idx) |
Creates a piano keyboard widget. | |
int | piano_roll_keys_widget_get_font_size (PianoRollKeysWidget *self) |
Returns the appropriate font size based on the current pixels (height) per key. | |
void | piano_roll_keys_widget_refresh (PianoRollKeysWidget *self) |
void | piano_roll_keys_widget_redraw_note (PianoRollKeysWidget *self, int note) |
void | piano_roll_keys_widget_redraw_full (PianoRollKeysWidget *self) |
void | piano_roll_keys_widget_setup (PianoRollKeysWidget *self) |
int | piano_roll_keys_widget_get_key_from_y (PianoRollKeysWidget *self, double y) |
TrackWidget * | pinned_tracklist_widget_get_hit_track (PinnedTracklistWidget *self, double x, double y) |
Gets TrackWidget hit at the given coordinates. | |
void | pinned_tracklist_widget_hard_refresh (PinnedTracklistWidget *self) |
Removes and readds the tracks. | |
void | pinned_tracklist_widget_setup (PinnedTracklistWidget *self, Tracklist *tracklist) |
Sets up the PinnedTracklistWidget. | |
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (PlayheadScrollButtonsWidget, playhead_scroll_buttons_widget, Z, PLAYHEAD_SCROLL_BUTTONS_WIDGET, GtkWidget) typedef struct _PlayheadScrollButtonsWidget | |
PluginBrowserWidget * | plugin_browser_widget_new (void) |
Instantiates a new PluginBrowserWidget. | |
void | plugin_browser_widget_refresh_collections (PluginBrowserWidget *self) |
void | plugin_properties_expander_widget_refresh (PluginPropertiesExpanderWidget *self, Plugin *pl) |
Refreshes each field. | |
void | plugin_properties_expander_widget_setup (PluginPropertiesExpanderWidget *self, Plugin *pl) |
Sets up the PluginPropertiesExpanderWidget for a Plugin. | |
void | plugin_strip_expander_widget_redraw_slot (PluginStripExpanderWidget *self, int slot) |
Queues a redraw of the given slot. | |
void | plugin_strip_expander_widget_refresh (PluginStripExpanderWidget *self) |
Refreshes each field. | |
void | plugin_strip_expander_widget_setup (PluginStripExpanderWidget *self, ZPluginSlotType type, PluginStripExpanderPosition position, Track *track) |
Sets up the PluginStripExpanderWidget. | |
AutomatableSelectorPopoverWidget * | automatable_selector_popover_widget_new (AutomationTrack *owner) |
Creates the popover. | |
GMenuModel * | popover_menu_bin_widget_get_menu_model (PopoverMenuBinWidget *self) |
void | popover_menu_bin_widget_set_menu_model (PopoverMenuBinWidget *self, GMenuModel *model) |
void | popover_menu_bin_widget_set_child (PopoverMenuBinWidget *self, GtkWidget *child) |
GtkWidget * | popover_menu_bin_widget_get_child (PopoverMenuBinWidget *self) |
PopoverMenuBinWidget * | popover_menu_bin_widget_new (void) |
PortConnectionsPopoverWidget * | port_connections_popover_widget_new (GtkWidget *owner) |
Creates the popover. | |
void | port_connections_popover_widget_refresh (PortConnectionsPopoverWidget *self, Port *port) |
Refreshes the popover. | |
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (SnapGridPopoverWidget, snap_grid_popover_widget, Z, SNAP_GRID_POPOVER_WIDGET, GtkPopover) typedef struct _SnapGridPopoverWidget | |
Snap grid popover. | |
SnapGridPopoverWidget * | snap_grid_popover_widget_new (SnapGridWidget *owner) |
Creates the popover. | |
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (PortConnectionsWidget, port_connections_widget, Z, PORT_CONNECTIONS_WIDGET, GtkBox) typedef struct _PortConnectionsWidget | |
Left dock widget. | |
PortConnectionsWidget * | port_connections_widget_new (void) |
void | port_connections_widget_refresh (PortConnectionsWidget *self) |
void | port_connections_tree_widget_refresh (PortConnectionsTreeWidget *self) |
Refreshes the tree model. | |
PortConnectionsTreeWidget * | port_connections_tree_widget_new (void) |
Instantiates a new PortConnectionsTreeWidget. | |
void | ports_expander_widget_refresh (PortsExpanderWidget *self) |
Refreshes each field. | |
void | ports_expander_widget_setup_plugin (PortsExpanderWidget *self, ZPortFlow flow, ZPortType type, Plugin *pl) |
Sets up the PortsExpanderWidget for a Plugin. | |
void | ports_expander_widget_setup_track (PortsExpanderWidget *self, Track *tr, PortsExpanderTrackPortType type) |
Sets up the PortsExpanderWidget for Track ports. | |
PreferencesWidget * | preferences_widget_new (void) |
PrerollCountSelectorWidget * | preroll_count_selector_widget_new (PrerollCountSelectorType type) |
Creates a PrerollCountSelectorWidget. | |
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (QuantizeBoxWidget, quantize_box_widget, Z, QUANTIZE_BOX_WIDGET, GtkBox) typedef struct _SnapGridWidget SnapGridWidget | |
void | quantize_box_widget_setup (QuantizeBoxWidget *self, QuantizeOptions *q_opts) |
Sets up the QuantizeBoxWidget. | |
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (RangeActionButtonsWidget, range_action_buttons_widget, Z, RANGE_ACTION_BUTTONS_WIDGET, GtkBox) typedef struct _SnapGridWidget SnapGridWidget | |
void | region_get_lane_full_rect (Region *self, GdkRectangle *rect) |
Returns the lane rectangle for the region. | |
HOT void | region_draw (Region *self, GtkSnapshot *snapshot, GdkRectangle *rect) |
Draws the Region in the given cairo context in relative coordinates. | |
void | right_dock_edge_widget_setup (RightDockEdgeWidget *self) |
Sets up the widget. | |
void | route_target_selector_widget_refresh (RouteTargetSelectorWidget *self, Track *track) |
bool | ruler_widget_set_zoom_level (RulerWidget *self, double zoom_level) |
Sets zoom level and disables/enables buttons accordingly. | |
double | ruler_widget_get_zoom_level (RulerWidget *self) |
Gets the zoom level associated with this RulerWidget from the backend. | |
void | ruler_widget_handle_horizontal_zoom (RulerWidget *self, double *x_pos, double dy) |
Handle horizontal zoom. | |
int | ruler_widget_get_beat_interval (RulerWidget *self) |
Returns the beat interval for drawing vertical lines. | |
int | ruler_widget_get_sixteenth_interval (RulerWidget *self) |
Returns the sixteenth interval for drawing vertical lines. | |
int | ruler_widget_get_10sec_interval (RulerWidget *self) |
Returns the 10 sec interval. | |
int | ruler_widget_get_sec_interval (RulerWidget *self) |
Returns the sec interval. | |
bool | ruler_widget_is_range_hit (RulerWidget *self, RulerWidgetRangeType type, double x, double y) |
bool | ruler_widget_is_loop_range_hit (RulerWidget *self, RulerWidgetRangeType type, double x, double y) |
Whether the loop range is hit. | |
void | ruler_widget_px_to_pos (RulerWidget *self, double px, Position *pos, bool has_padding) |
int | ruler_widget_pos_to_px (RulerWidget *self, Position *pos, int use_padding) |
EditorSettings * | ruler_widget_get_editor_settings (RulerWidget *self) |
Gets the pointer to the EditorSettings associated with the arranger this ruler is for. | |
void | ruler_widget_get_visible_rect (RulerWidget *self, GdkRectangle *rect) |
Fills in the visible rectangle. | |
int | ruler_widget_get_playhead_px (RulerWidget *self, bool after_loops) |
Returns the playhead's x coordinate in absolute coordinates. | |
void | ruler_widget_refresh (RulerWidget *self) |
void | scale_object_recreate_pango_layouts (ScaleObject *self) |
Recreates the pango layouts for drawing. | |
void | scale_object_draw (ScaleObject *self, GtkSnapshot *snapshot) |
Draws the given scale object. | |
ScaleSelectorWindowWidget * | scale_selector_window_widget_new (ScaleObject *owner) |
Creates the popover. | |
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (SpectrumAnalyzerWidget, spectrum_analyzer_widget, Z, SPECTRUM_ANALYZER_WIDGET, GtkWidget) typedef struct _SpectrumAnalyzerWidget | |
void | spectrum_analyzer_widget_setup_engine (SpectrumAnalyzerWidget *self) |
Creates a spectrum analyzer for the AudioEngine. | |
SpectrumAnalyzerWidget * | spectrum_analyzer_widget_new_for_port (Port *port) |
GtkListItemFactory * | string_list_item_factory_new (StringListItemFactoryEnumStringGetter getter) |
Returns a simple item factory that puts each string in a GtkLabel. | |
void | text_expander_widget_refresh (TextExpanderWidget *self) |
Refreshes the text. | |
void | text_expander_widget_setup (TextExpanderWidget *self, bool wrap_text, GenericStringGetter getter, GenericStringSetter setter, void *obj) |
Sets up the TextExpanderWidget. | |
void | timeline_arranger_widget_snap_range_r (ArrangerWidget *self, Position *pos) |
TrackLane * | timeline_arranger_widget_get_track_lane_at_y (ArrangerWidget *self, double y) |
Gets hit TrackLane at y. | |
Track * | timeline_arranger_widget_get_track_at_y (ArrangerWidget *self, double y) |
Gets the Track at y. | |
AutomationTrack * | timeline_arranger_widget_get_at_at_y (ArrangerWidget *self, double y) |
Returns the hit AutomationTrack at y. | |
void | timeline_arranger_widget_set_select_type (ArrangerWidget *self, double y) |
Determines the selection time (objects/range) and sets it. | |
bool | timeline_arranger_widget_create_region (ArrangerWidget *self, const RegionType type, Track *track, TrackLane *lane, AutomationTrack *at, const Position *pos, GError **error) |
Create a Region at the given Position in the given Track's given TrackLane. | |
void | timeline_arranger_widget_create_chord_or_scale (ArrangerWidget *self, Track *track, double y, const Position *pos) |
Wrapper for timeline_arranger_widget_create_chord() or timeline_arranger_widget_create_scale(). | |
void | timeline_arranger_widget_create_scale (ArrangerWidget *self, Track *track, const Position *pos) |
Create a ScaleObject at the given Position in the given Track. | |
void | timeline_arranger_widget_create_marker (ArrangerWidget *self, Track *track, const Position *pos) |
Create a Marker at the given Position in the given Track. | |
int | timeline_arranger_widget_snap_regions_l (ArrangerWidget *self, Position *pos, int dry_run) |
Snaps both the transients (to show in the GUI) and the actual regions. | |
int | timeline_arranger_widget_snap_regions_r (ArrangerWidget *self, Position *pos, int dry_run) |
Snaps both the transients (to show in the GUI) and the actual regions. | |
void | timeline_arranger_widget_scroll_to (ArrangerWidget *self, Position *pos) |
Scroll to the given position. | |
int | timeline_arranger_move_regions_to_new_tracks (ArrangerWidget *self, const int vis_track_diff) |
Move the selected Regions to the new Track. | |
int | timeline_arranger_move_regions_to_new_lanes (ArrangerWidget *self, const int diff) |
Move the selected Regions to new Lanes. | |
void | timeline_arranger_widget_set_cut_lines_visible (ArrangerWidget *self) |
Hides the cut dashed line from hovered regions and redraws them. | |
void | timeline_arranger_widget_remove_children (ArrangerWidget *self) |
To be called when pinning/unpinning. | |
GMenu * | timeline_arranger_widget_gen_context_menu (ArrangerWidget *self, GMenu *menu, double x, double y) |
Generate a context menu at x, y. | |
void | timeline_arranger_widget_fade_up (ArrangerWidget *self, double offset_y, int fade_in) |
Fade up/down. | |
void | timeline_arranger_setup_drag_dest (ArrangerWidget *self) |
Sets up the timeline arranger as a drag dest. | |
void | timeline_panel_widget_setup (TimelinePanelWidget *self) |
TimelinePanelWidget * | timeline_panel_widget_new (void) |
void | timeline_panel_widget_tear_down (TimelinePanelWidget *self) |
Prepare for finalization. | |
void | timeline_ruler_widget_draw_markers (RulerWidget *self) |
void | timeline_ruler_on_drag_begin_no_marker_hit (RulerWidget *self, gdouble start_x, gdouble start_y, int height) |
Called from ruler drag begin. | |
void | timeline_ruler_on_drag_end (RulerWidget *self) |
Called from ruler drag end. | |
void | timeline_ruler_on_drag_update (RulerWidget *self, gdouble offset_x, gdouble offset_y) |
Called from ruler drag update. | |
void | timeline_toolbar_widget_refresh (TimelineToolbarWidget *self) |
void | timeline_toolbar_widget_setup (TimelineToolbarWidget *self) |
void | toolbox_widget_refresh (ToolboxWidget *self) |
Sets the toolbox toggled states after deactivating the callbacks. | |
const char * | track_widget_highlight_to_str (TrackWidgetHighlight highlight) |
TrackWidget * | track_widget_new (Track *track) |
Sets up the track widget. | |
void | track_widget_set_name (TrackWidget *self, const char *name) |
Sets the Track name on the TrackWidget. | |
void | track_widget_on_show_automation_toggled (TrackWidget *self) |
Callback when automation button is toggled. | |
void | track_widget_on_show_lanes_toggled (TrackWidget *self) |
Callback when automation button is toggled. | |
void | track_widget_on_record_toggled (TrackWidget *self) |
Callback when record button is toggled. | |
bool | track_widget_is_cursor_in_range_select_half (TrackWidget *self, double y) |
Returns if cursor is in the range select "half". | |
void | track_widget_update_icons (TrackWidget *self) |
Updates the track icons. | |
void | track_widget_update_size (TrackWidget *self) |
Updates the full track size and redraws the track. | |
TrackWidgetHighlight | track_widget_get_highlight_location (TrackWidget *self, int y) |
Returns the highlight location based on y relative to self. | |
void | track_widget_do_highlight (TrackWidget *self, gint x, gint y, const int highlight) |
Highlights/unhighlights the Tracks appropriately. | |
int | track_widget_get_local_y (TrackWidget *self, ArrangerWidget *arranger, int arranger_y) |
Converts Y from the arranger coordinates to the track coordinates. | |
void | track_widget_redraw_meters (TrackWidget *self) |
Causes a redraw of the meters only. | |
void | track_widget_recreate_group_colors (TrackWidget *self) |
Re-fills TrackWidget.group_colors_box. | |
CustomButtonWidget * | track_widget_get_hovered_button (TrackWidget *self, int x, int y) |
AutomationModeWidget * | track_widget_get_hovered_am_widget (TrackWidget *self, int x, int y) |
AutomationTrack * | track_widget_get_at_at_y (TrackWidget *self, double y) |
void | track_input_expander_widget_setup (TrackInputExpanderWidget *self, Track *track) |
Sets up the TrackInputExpanderWidget. | |
void | track_properties_expander_widget_refresh (TrackPropertiesExpanderWidget *self, Track *track) |
Refreshes each field. | |
void | track_properties_expander_widget_setup (TrackPropertiesExpanderWidget *self, Track *track) |
Sets up the TrackPropertiesExpanderWidget. | |
void | tracklist_widget_setup (TracklistWidget *self, Tracklist *tracklist) |
Sets up the TracklistWidget. | |
void | tracklist_widget_tear_down (TracklistWidget *self) |
Prepare for finalization. | |
void | tracklist_widget_update_track_visibility (TracklistWidget *self) |
Makes sure all the tracks for channels marked as visible are visible. | |
GMenu * | tracklist_widget_generate_add_track_menu (void) |
Generates a menu for adding tracks to the tracklist. | |
TrackWidget * | tracklist_widget_get_hit_track (TracklistWidget *self, double x, double y) |
Gets hit TrackWidget and the given coordinates. | |
void | tracklist_widget_handle_vertical_zoom_scroll (TracklistWidget *self, GtkEventControllerScroll *scroll_controller, double dy) |
Handle ctrl+shift+scroll. | |
void | tracklist_widget_set_unpinned_scroll_start_y (TracklistWidget *self, int y) |
Updates the scroll adjustment. | |
void | tracklist_widget_soft_refresh (TracklistWidget *self) |
Refreshes each track without recreating it. | |
void | tracklist_widget_hard_refresh (TracklistWidget *self) |
Deletes all tracks and re-adds them. | |
void | tracklist_header_widget_refresh_track_count (TracklistHeaderWidget *self) |
void | tracklist_header_widget_setup (TracklistHeaderWidget *self) |
void | transport_controls_widget_refresh (TransportControlsWidget *self) |
void | velocity_draw (Velocity *self, GtkSnapshot *snapshot) |
Draws the Velocity in the given cairo context in relative coordinates. | |
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (VelocitySettingsWidget, velocity_settings_widget, Z, VELOCITY_SETTINGS_WIDGET, GtkWidget) typedef struct _VelocitySettingsWidget | |
Velocity settings for toolbars. | |
void | volume_widget_setup (VolumeWidget *self, Port *port) |
VolumeWidget * | volume_widget_new (Port *port) |
void | WrappedObjectWithChangeSignal::wrapped_object_with_change_signal_fire (WrappedObjectWithChangeSignal *self) |
Fires the signal. | |
Custom GUI elements that reflect the backend.
Definition at line 24 of file automation_point.h.
#define ARRANGER_MINIMAP_SELECTION_WIDGET_TYPE (arranger_minimap_selection_widget_get_type ()) |
Definition at line 25 of file arranger_minimap_selection.h.
Definition at line 25 of file arranger_object.h.
Definition at line 24 of file arranger_object.h.
#define arranger_object_is_fade_in | ( | self, | |
x, | |||
y, | |||
only_handle, | |||
only_outer ) |
Definition at line 53 of file arranger_object.h.
#define arranger_object_is_fade_out | ( | self, | |
x, | |||
y, | |||
only_handle, | |||
only_outer ) |
Definition at line 58 of file arranger_object.h.
#define ARRANGER_WIDGET_GET_ACTION | ( | arr, | |
actn ) (arr->action == UI_OVERLAY_ACTION_##actn) |
Definition at line 43 of file arranger.h.
#define arranger_widget_print_action | ( | self | ) | g_debug ("action: %s", ui_overlay_strings[self->action]) |
Definition at line 722 of file arranger.h.
Padding to leave before and after the usable vertical range for automation.
Definition at line 41 of file automation_arranger.h.
Definition at line 28 of file automation_mode.h.
Definition at line 29 of file automation_mode.h.
#define bar_slider_widget_new | ( | getter, | |
setter, | |||
obj, | |||
min, | |||
max, | |||
w, | |||
h, | |||
zero, | |||
dec, | |||
mode, | |||
suffix ) |
Helper to create a bar slider widget.
Definition at line 173 of file bar_slider.h.
#define bar_slider_widget_new_port_connection | ( | conn, | |
prefix ) |
conn | PortConnection pointer. |
Definition at line 185 of file bar_slider.h.
#define BUG_REPORT_DIALOG_WIDGET_TYPE (bug_report_dialog_widget_get_type ()) |
Definition at line 26 of file bug_report_dialog.h.
#define CC_BINDINGS_WIDGET_TYPE (cc_bindings_widget_get_type ()) |
Definition at line 26 of file cc_bindings.h.
#define CHORD_OBJECT_NAME_FONT "Bold 8" |
Definition at line 26 of file chord_object.h.
Definition at line 27 of file chord_object.h.
Definition at line 25 of file chord_object.h.
#define CHORD_PACK_BROWSER_WIDGET_TYPE (chord_pack_browser_widget_get_type ()) |
Definition at line 23 of file chord_pack_browser.h.
#define CHORD_PAD_PANEL_WIDGET_TYPE (chord_pad_panel_widget_get_type ()) |
Definition at line 26 of file chord_pad_panel.h.
#define CHORD_PAD_WIDGET_TYPE (chord_pad_widget_get_type ()) |
Definition at line 24 of file chord_pad.h.
Definition at line 21 of file custom_button.h.
#define DEFAULT_PX_PER_TICK 0.03 |
#define digital_meter_widget_new_for_position | ( | obj, | |
drag_begin, | |||
getter, | |||
setter, | |||
drag_end, | |||
caption ) |
Definition at line 188 of file digital_meter.h.
#define DRAG_DEST_BOX_WIDGET_TYPE (drag_dest_box_widget_get_type ()) |
Definition at line 25 of file drag_dest_box.h.
Definition at line 27 of file editor_ruler.h.
#define knob_widget_new_port | ( | conn, | |
size ) |
conn | PortConnection pointer. |
#define knob_widget_new_simple | ( | getter, | |
default_getter, | |||
setter, | |||
obj, | |||
min, | |||
max, | |||
size, | |||
zero ) |
#define LEFT_DOCK_EDGE_WIDGET_TYPE (left_dock_edge_widget_get_type ()) |
Definition at line 27 of file left_dock_edge.h.
#define MAIN_WINDOW zrythm_app->main_window |
Definition at line 38 of file main_window.h.
#define MODULATOR_MACRO_WIDGET_TYPE (modulator_macro_widget_get_type ()) |
Definition at line 27 of file modulator_macro.h.
#define MODULATOR_WIDGET_TYPE (modulator_widget_get_type ()) |
Definition at line 30 of file modulator.h.
#define MW MAIN_WINDOW |
Definition at line 39 of file main_window.h.
Definition at line 23 of file audio_arranger.h.
#define MW_AUDIO_EDITOR_SPACE MW_CLIP_EDITOR_INNER->audio_editor_space |
Definition at line 31 of file audio_editor_space.h.
#define MW_AUDIO_EVENT_VIEWER MW_BOT_DOCK_EDGE->event_viewer_audio |
Definition at line 40 of file event_viewer.h.
Definition at line 37 of file automation_arranger.h.
#define MW_AUTOMATION_EDITOR_SPACE MW_CLIP_EDITOR_INNER->automation_editor_space |
Definition at line 35 of file automation_editor_space.h.
#define MW_AUTOMATION_EVENT_VIEWER MW_BOT_DOCK_EDGE->event_viewer_automation |
Definition at line 41 of file event_viewer.h.
Definition at line 29 of file foldable_notebook.h.
#define MW_CENTER_DOCK MAIN_WINDOW->center_dock |
Definition at line 35 of file center_dock.h.
#define MW_CHORD_EDITOR_SPACE MW_CLIP_EDITOR_INNER->chord_editor_space |
Definition at line 32 of file chord_editor_space.h.
#define MW_CHORD_EVENT_VIEWER MW_BOT_DOCK_EDGE->event_viewer_chord |
Definition at line 39 of file event_viewer.h.
#define MW_CLIP_EDITOR_INNER MW_CLIP_EDITOR->clip_editor_inner |
Definition at line 38 of file clip_editor_inner.h.
#define MW_EDITOR_EVENT_VIEWER_STACK MW_BOT_DOCK_EDGE->event_viewer_stack |
Definition at line 37 of file event_viewer.h.
#define MW_MAIN_NOTEBOOK MW_CENTER_DOCK->main_notebook |
Definition at line 38 of file main_notebook.h.
#define MW_MIDI_ARRANGER (MW_MIDI_EDITOR_SPACE->arranger_wrapper->child) |
Definition at line 25 of file midi_arranger.h.
#define MW_MIDI_EDITOR_SPACE MW_CLIP_EDITOR_INNER->midi_editor_space |
Definition at line 35 of file midi_editor_space.h.
#define MW_MIDI_EVENT_VIEWER MW_BOT_DOCK_EDGE->event_viewer_midi |
Definition at line 38 of file event_viewer.h.
#define MW_MODULATOR_VIEW MW_BOT_DOCK_EDGE->modulator_view |
Definition at line 36 of file modulator_view.h.
Definition at line 31 of file panel_file_browser.h.
#define MW_PINNED_TIMELINE (MW_TIMELINE_PANEL->pinned_timeline) |
Definition at line 37 of file timeline_arranger.h.
#define MW_PINNED_TRACKLIST MW_TIMELINE_PANEL->pinned_tracklist |
Definition at line 38 of file pinned_tracklist.h.
#define MW_PLUGIN_BROWSER MW_RIGHT_DOCK_EDGE->plugin_browser |
Definition at line 37 of file plugin_browser.h.
#define MW_PREFERENCES ZRYTHM->preferences |
Definition at line 32 of file preferences.h.
Definition at line 30 of file timeline_ruler.h.
#define MW_TIMELINE (MW_TIMELINE_PANEL->timeline) |
Definition at line 36 of file timeline_arranger.h.
Definition at line 36 of file event_viewer.h.
#define MW_TIMELINE_MINIMAP (MW_TIMELINE_PANEL->timeline_wrapper->minimap) |
Definition at line 37 of file arranger_minimap.h.
#define MW_TIMELINE_PANEL (MW_MAIN_NOTEBOOK->timeline_panel) |
Definition at line 38 of file timeline_panel.h.
#define MW_TIMELINE_TOOLBAR MW_TIMELINE_PANEL->timeline_toolbar |
Definition at line 35 of file timeline_toolbar.h.
#define MW_TRACK_INSPECTOR MW_LEFT_DOCK_EDGE->track_inspector |
Definition at line 39 of file inspector_track.h.
Definition at line 22 of file tracklist.h.
#define MW_TRACKLIST_SCROLL (MW_TIMELINE_PANEL->tracklist_scroll) |
Definition at line 40 of file timeline_panel.h.
#define MW_TRANSPORT_CONTROLS MW_BOT_BAR->transport_controls |
Definition at line 31 of file transport_controls.h.
#define PANEL_FILE_BROWSER_WIDGET_TYPE (panel_file_browser_widget_get_type ()) |
Definition at line 23 of file panel_file_browser.h.
#define PLAYHEAD_SCROLL_BUTTONS_WIDGET_TYPE (playhead_scroll_buttons_widget_get_type ()) |
Definition at line 22 of file playhead_scroll_buttons.h.
#define PORT_CONNECTIONS_WIDGET_TYPE (port_connections_widget_get_type ()) |
Definition at line 26 of file port_connections.h.
#define QUANTIZE_BOX_WIDGET_TYPE (quantize_box_widget_get_type ()) |
Definition at line 22 of file quantize_box.h.
#define RANGE_ACTION_BUTTONS_WIDGET_TYPE (range_action_buttons_widget_get_type ()) |
Definition at line 22 of file range_action_buttons.h.
#define SCALE_OBJECT_NAME_FONT "Sans SemiBold 8" |
Definition at line 27 of file scale_object.h.
Definition at line 28 of file scale_object.h.
Definition at line 26 of file scale_object.h.
#define SHOW_MODULATOR_VIEW gtk_notebook_set_current_page (MW_MODULATOR_VIEW->bot_notebook, 2) |
Brings up the ModulatorViewWidget in the notebook.
Definition at line 41 of file modulator_view.h.
#define SNAP_GRID_POPOVER_WIDGET_TYPE (snap_grid_popover_widget_get_type ()) |
Definition at line 28 of file snap_grid_popover.h.
#define SPECTRUM_ANALYZER_WIDGET_TYPE (spectrum_analyzer_widget_get_type ()) |
Definition at line 27 of file spectrum_analyzer.h.
#define TRACK_BOT_BUTTONS_SHOULD_BE_VISIBLE | ( | height | ) |
#define TRACK_CB_ICON_IS | ( | name | ) | TRACK_ICON_IS (cb->icon_name, name) |
#define TRACK_ICON_IS | ( | x, | |
name ) (string_is_equal (x, TRACK_ICON_NAME_##name)) |
#define TRACK_ICON_NAME_FOLD_OPEN "fluentui-folder-open-regular" |
#define TRACK_ICON_NAME_LISTEN "gnome-icon-library-headphones-symbolic" |
#define TRACK_ICON_NAME_LOCK "gnome-icon-library-padlock2-symbolic" |
#define TRACK_ICON_NAME_MODULATOR "gnome-icon-library-encoder-knob-symbolic" |
#define TRACK_ICON_NAME_SHOW_MARKERS "gnome-icon-library-flag-outline-thick-symbolic" |
#define TRACK_ICON_NAME_SHOW_TRACK_LANES "untitled-ui-rows-03" |
#define TRACK_ICON_NAME_UNLOCK "gnome-icon-library-padlock2-open-symbolic" |
Definition at line 29 of file velocity.h.
Definition at line 30 of file velocity.h.
#define VELOCITY_SETTINGS_WIDGET_TYPE (velocity_settings_widget_get_type ()) |
Definition at line 21 of file velocity_settings.h.
#define VELOCITY_WIDTH 8 |
Definition at line 28 of file velocity.h.
typedef struct _ActiveHardwareMbWidget ActiveHardwareMbWidget |
Definition at line 38 of file monitor_section.h.
typedef struct _AddTrackMenuButtonWidget AddTrackMenuButtonWidget |
Definition at line 29 of file tracklist.h.
typedef void(* ArrangerWidgetForeachFunc) (ArrangerWidget *arranger) |
Definition at line 697 of file arranger.h.
typedef struct _ChordPackBrowserWidget ChordPackBrowserWidget |
Definition at line 36 of file right_dock_edge.h.
typedef struct _ChordTrackWidget ChordTrackWidget |
Definition at line 26 of file tracklist.h.
typedef struct _ColorAreaWidget ColorAreaWidget |
Definition at line 33 of file inspector_plugin.h.
typedef struct _DragDestBoxWidget DragDestBoxWidget |
Definition at line 25 of file tracklist.h.
typedef void(* ExpanderBoxRevealFunc) (ExpanderBoxWidget *expander_box, bool revealed, void *user_data) |
Reveal callback prototype.
Definition at line 36 of file expander_box.h.
typedef void(* ExportProgressDialogCloseCallback) (ExportData *data) |
Definition at line 83 of file export_progress_dialog.h.
typedef struct _FileBrowserWidget FileBrowserWidget |
Definition at line 32 of file right_dock_edge.h.
typedef struct _FoldableNotebookWidget FoldableNotebookWidget |
Definition at line 34 of file right_dock_edge.h.
typedef struct _KnobWithNameWidget KnobWithNameWidget |
Definition at line 18 of file modulator_macro.h.
typedef struct _MeterWidget MeterWidget |
Definition at line 37 of file monitor_section.h.
typedef struct _MonitorSectionWidget MonitorSectionWidget |
Definition at line 33 of file right_dock_edge.h.
typedef struct _PanelFileBrowserWidget PanelFileBrowserWidget |
Definition at line 35 of file right_dock_edge.h.
typedef struct _PluginPropertiesExpanderWidget PluginPropertiesExpanderWidget |
Definition at line 32 of file inspector_plugin.h.
typedef struct _PortConnectionsPopoverWidget PortConnectionsPopoverWidget |
Definition at line 31 of file port_selector_dialog.h.
typedef struct _PortsExpanderWidget PortsExpanderWidget |
Definition at line 25 of file inspector_track.h.
typedef WrappedObjectWithChangeSignal *(* SelectedFileGetter) (GtkWidget *widget) |
Definition at line 40 of file file_auditioner_controls.h.
typedef struct _SliderBarWidget SliderBarWidget |
Definition at line 36 of file monitor_section.h.
typedef const char *(* StringListItemFactoryEnumStringGetter) (int val) |
Definition at line 21 of file string_list_item_factory.h.
typedef struct _TrackWidget TrackWidget |
Definition at line 41 of file pinned_tracklist.h.
typedef struct _TrackWidget TrackWidget |
Definition at line 24 of file tracklist.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
ARRANGER_CURSOR_NONE | Invalid cursor. |
Definition at line 46 of file arranger.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
ARRANGER_MINIMAP_ACTION_MOVING | in drag start, also for dragging up/down bitwig style |
Definition at line 39 of file arranger_minimap.h.
strong |
Definition at line 49 of file arranger_minimap.h.
strong |
Type of arranger.
Definition at line 83 of file arranger.h.
strong |
Automatable type.
These are shown on the left side of the popover.
Definition at line 33 of file automatable_selector_popover.h.
strong |
Type of slider.
Enumerator | |
BAR_SLIDER_TYPE_PORT_MULTIPLIER | Port connection multiplier. |
Definition at line 37 of file bar_slider.h.
strong |
Type of bounce.
Definition at line 37 of file bounce_dialog.h.
strong |
Definition at line 38 of file channel_sends_expander.h.
strong |
Definition at line 34 of file custom_button.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 23 of file custom_button.h.
strong |
Definition at line 37 of file digital_meter.h.
strong |
Definition at line 43 of file event_viewer.h.
strong |
Definition at line 33 of file export_dialog.h.
strong |
Item factory column type.
Enumerator | |
ITEM_FACTORY_INTEGER | Integer display. |
ITEM_FACTORY_ICON_AND_TEXT | Composite type (eg, used in plugin browser). |
Definition at line 24 of file item_factory.h.
strong |
strong |
Definition at line 33 of file live_waveform.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
MAB_ANIMATION_BAR | Shows a bars that decreases over time. |
MAB_ANIMATION_FLASH | Shows a flash that fades out over time. |
Definition at line 40 of file midi_activity_bar.h.
strong |
Definition at line 34 of file midi_activity_bar.h.
strong |
Definition at line 47 of file plugin_browser.h.
strong |
Definition at line 56 of file plugin_browser.h.
strong |
Definition at line 39 of file plugin_browser.h.
strong |
Definition at line 35 of file plugin_strip_expander.h.
strong |
Used for Track's.
Definition at line 42 of file ports_expander.h.
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
BarSliderWidget * _bar_slider_widget_new | ( | BarSliderType | type, |
float(* | get_val )(void *), | ||
void(* | set_val )(void *, float), | ||
void * | object, | ||
float | min, | ||
float | max, | ||
int | w, | ||
int | h, | ||
float | zero, | ||
int | convert_to_percentage, | ||
int | decimals, | ||
UiDragMode | mode, | ||
const char * | prefix, | ||
const char * | suffix ) |
Creates a bar slider widget for floats.
dest | Port destination, if this is a port to port connection slider. |
convert_to_percentage | Multiply the value by 100 when showing it. |
DigitalMeterWidget * _digital_meter_widget_new_for_position | ( | void * | obj, |
void(* | drag_begin )(void *), | ||
void(* | get_val )(void *, Position *), | ||
void(* | set_val )(void *, Position *), | ||
void(* | drag_end )(void *), | ||
const char * | caption ) |
Creates a digital meter for an arbitrary position.
obj | The object to call the get/setters with. |
E.g. Region.
get_val | The getter func to get the position, passing the obj and the position to save to. |
set_val | The setter function to set the position. |
drag_begin | Function to call when starting the action. @parram drag_end Function to call when ending the action. |
KnobWidget * _knob_widget_new | ( | GenericFloatGetter | get_val, |
GenericFloatGetter | get_default_val, | ||
GenericFloatSetter | set_val, | ||
void * | object, | ||
KnobType | type, | ||
float | min, | ||
float | max, | ||
int | size, | ||
float | zero ) |
Track * add_tracks_to_group_dialog_widget_get_track | ( | TracklistSelections * | sel | ) |
Creates an add_tracks_to_group dialog widget and displays it.
void arranger_object_draw | ( | ArrangerObject * | self, |
ArrangerWidget * | arranger, | ||
GtkSnapshot * | snapshot, | ||
GdkRectangle * | rect ) |
Draws the given object.
To be called from the arranger's draw callback.
rect | Rectangle in the arranger. |
int arranger_object_get_draw_rectangle | ( | ArrangerObject * | self, |
GdkRectangle * | parent_rect, | ||
GdkRectangle * | full_rect, | ||
GdkRectangle * | draw_rect ) |
Gets the draw rectangle based on the given full rectangle of the arranger object.
parent_rect | The current arranger rectangle. |
full_rect | The object's full rectangle. This will usually be ArrangerObject->full_rect, unless drawing in a lane (for Region's). |
draw_rect | The rectangle will be set here. |
bool arranger_object_is_fade | ( | ArrangerObject * | self, |
bool | in, | ||
const int | x, | ||
int | y, | ||
bool | only_handle, | ||
bool | only_outer, | ||
bool | check_lane ) |
Returns if the current position is for moving the fade in/out mark (timeline only).
in | True for fade in, false for fade out. |
x | X in local coordinates. |
only_handle | Whether to only check if this is inside the fade handle. If this is false, only_outer will be considered. |
only_outer | Whether to only check if this is inside the fade's outer (unplayed) region. If this is false, the whole fade area will be considered. |
check_lane | Whether to check the lane region instead of the main one (if region). |
bool arranger_object_is_hovered | ( | ArrangerObject * | self, |
ArrangerWidget * | arranger ) |
Whether the object is currently hovered.
arranger | Owner arranger. Should be passed to speed up calculation. |
bool arranger_object_is_hovered_or_start_object | ( | ArrangerObject * | self, |
ArrangerWidget * | arranger ) |
Whether hovered or the start object of the current action in the arranger.
arranger | Owner arranger. Should be passed to speed up calculation. |
NONNULL bool arranger_object_is_rename | ( | ArrangerObject * | self, |
const int | x, | ||
const int | y ) |
Returns if the current position is for renaming the object.
x | X in local coordinates. |
y | Y in local coordinates. |
NONNULL bool arranger_object_is_resize_l | ( | ArrangerObject * | self, |
const int | x ) |
Returns if the current position is for resizing L.
x | X in local coordinates. |
bool arranger_object_is_resize_loop | ( | ArrangerObject * | self, |
const int | y, | ||
bool | ctrl_pressed ) |
Returns if the current position is for resizing loop.
y | Y in local coordinates. |
NONNULL bool arranger_object_is_resize_r | ( | ArrangerObject * | self, |
const int | x ) |
Returns if the current position is for resizing R.
x | X in local coordinates. |
bool arranger_object_is_resize_up | ( | ArrangerObject * | self, |
const int | x, | ||
const int | y ) |
Returns if the current position is for resizing up (eg, Velocity).
x | X in local coordinates. |
y | Y in local coordinates. |
OPTIMIZE_O3 bool arranger_object_should_orig_be_visible | ( | ArrangerObject * | self, |
ArrangerWidget * | arranger ) |
Returns if the cached object should be visible, ie, while copy- moving (ctrl+drag) we want to show both the object at its original position and the current object.
This refers to the object at its original position (called "transient").
arranger | Owner arranger. Should be passed to speed up calculation. |
bool arranger_object_should_show_cut_lines | ( | ArrangerObject * | self, |
bool | alt_pressed ) |
Returns if arranger_object widgets should show cut lines.
To be used to set the arranger_object's "show_cut".
alt_pressed | Whether alt is currently pressed. |
NONNULL void arranger_widget_create_item | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
double | start_x, | ||
double | start_y, | ||
bool | autofilling ) |
Called when an item needs to be created at the given position.
autofilling | Whether this is part of an autofill action. |
NONNULL bool arranger_widget_finish_creating_item_from_action | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
double | x, | ||
double | y ) |
To be called after using arranger_widget_create_item() in an action (ie, not from click + drag interaction with the arranger) to finish the action.
ArrangerObject * arranger_widget_get_hit_arranger_object | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
ArrangerObjectType | type, | ||
const double | x, | ||
const double | y ) |
Returns the ArrangerObject of the given type at (x,y).
type | The arranger object type, or -1 to search for all types. |
x | X, or -1 to not check x. |
y | Y, or -1 to not check y. |
void arranger_widget_get_hit_objects_at_point | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
ArrangerObjectType | type, | ||
double | x, | ||
double | y, | ||
GPtrArray * | arr ) |
Fills in the given array with the ArrangerObject's of the given type that appear in the given ranger.
type | The type of arranger objects to find, or -1 to look for all objects. |
x | X, or -1 to not check x. |
y | Y, or -1 to not check y. |
void arranger_widget_get_hit_objects_in_rect | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
ArrangerObjectType | type, | ||
GdkRectangle * | rect, | ||
GPtrArray * | arr ) |
Fills in the given array with the ArrangerObject's of the given type that appear in the given ranger.
rect | The rectangle to search in. |
type | The type of arranger objects to find, or -1 to look for all objects. |
void arranger_widget_get_visible_rect | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
GdkRectangle * | rect ) |
Returns the current visible rectangle.
rect | The rectangle to fill in. |
NONNULL bool arranger_widget_is_in_moving_operation | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self | ) |
Returns if the arranger is in a moving-related operation or starting a moving-related operation.
Useful to know if we need transient widgets or not.
NONNULL void arranger_widget_scroll_until_obj | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
ArrangerObject * | obj, | ||
int | horizontal, | ||
int | up, | ||
int | left, | ||
int | padding ) |
Scroll until the given object is visible.
horizontal | 1 for horizontal, 2 for vertical. |
up | Whether scrolling up or down. |
padding | Padding pixels. |
void arranger_widget_set_highlight_rect | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
GdkRectangle * | rect ) |
Sets the highlight rectangle.
rect | The rectangle with absolute positions, or NULL to unset/unhighlight. |
void arranger_widget_toggle_selections_muted | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
ArrangerObject * | clicked_object ) |
Toggles the mute status of the selection, based on the mute status of the selected object.
This creates an undoable action and executes it.
bool audio_arranger_widget_is_cursor_in_fade | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
double | x, | ||
double | y, | ||
bool | fade_in, | ||
bool | resize ) |
Returns whether the cursor is inside a fade area.
fade_in | True to check for fade in, false to check for fade out. |
resize | True to check for whether resizing the fade (left <=> right), false to check for whether changing the fade curviness up/down. |
int audio_arranger_widget_snap_fade | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
Position * | pos, | ||
bool | fade_in, | ||
bool | dry_run ) |
Updates the fade position during drag update.
pos | Absolute position in the editor. |
fade_in | Whether we are resizing the fade in or fade out position. @parram dry_run Don't resize; just check if the resize is allowed. |
bool automation_arranger_move_hit_aps | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
double | x, | ||
double | y ) |
Called when using the edit tool.
void automation_arranger_widget_create_ap | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
const Position * | pos, | ||
const double | start_y, | ||
Region * | region, | ||
bool | autofilling ) |
Create an AutomationPointat the given Position in the given Track's AutomationTrack.
pos | The pre-snapped position. |
GMenu * automation_arranger_widget_gen_context_menu | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
GMenu * | menu, | ||
double | x, | ||
double | y ) |
Generate a context menu at x, y.
menu | A menu to append entries to (optional). |
void automation_point_draw | ( | AutomationPoint * | ap, |
GtkSnapshot * | snapshot, | ||
GdkRectangle * | rect, | ||
PangoLayout * | layout ) |
Draws the AutomationPoint in the given cairo context in absolute coordinates.
rect | Arranger rectangle. |
layout | Pango layout to draw text with. |
bool automation_point_is_curve_hit | ( | AutomationPoint * | self, |
double | x, | ||
double | y, | ||
double | delta_from_curve ) |
Returns if the automation curve is hit.
This function assumes that the point is already inside the full rect of the automation point.
x | X in global coordinates. |
y | Y in global coordinates. |
delta_from_curve | Allowed distance from the curve. |
bool automation_point_is_point_hit | ( | AutomationPoint * | self, |
double | x, | ||
double | y ) |
Returns if the automation point (circle) is hit.
This function assumes that the point is already inside the full rect of the automation point.
x | X, or -1 to not check x. |
y | Y, or -1 to not check y. |
void bot_dock_edge_widget_show_clip_editor | ( | BotDockEdgeWidget * | self, |
bool | navigate_to_region_start ) |
Brings up the clip editor.
navigate_to_region_start | Whether to adjust the view to start at the region start. |
void button_with_menu_widget_setup | ( | ButtonWithMenuWidget * | self, |
GtkButton * | btn, | ||
GMenuModel * | gmenu_model, | ||
bool | downward_arrow, | ||
int | height, | ||
const char * | btn_tooltip_text, | ||
const char * | menu_tooltip_text ) |
This must only be called once to set up the widget.
btn | The main button. |
menu | Optional GtkMenu to set for the arrow button. |
menu | Optional GMenuModel to set for the arrow button. |
int chord_arranger_calc_deltamax_for_chord_movement | ( | int | y_delta | ) |
Called on move items_y setup.
calculates the max possible y movement
void chord_selector_window_widget_present | ( | const int | chord_idx, |
GtkWidget * | parent ) |
Creates the popover.
parent | The parent widget to show the dialog on. |
void custom_button_widget_draw_with_text | ( | CustomButtonWidget * | self, |
GtkSnapshot * | snapshot, | ||
double | x, | ||
double | y, | ||
double | width, | ||
CustomButtonWidgetState | state ) |
width | Max width for the button to use. |
void custom_button_widget_set_text | ( | CustomButtonWidget * | self, |
PangoLayout * | layout, | ||
char * | text, | ||
const char * | font_descr ) |
Sets the text and layout to draw the text width.
font_descr | Font description to set the pango layout font to. |
void digital_meter_show_context_menu | ( | DigitalMeterWidget * | self, |
GMenu * | menu ) |
Shows the widgets popover menu with the provided content.
menu | content of the popover menu |
void event_viewer_widget_refresh | ( | EventViewerWidget * | self, |
bool | selections_only ) |
Called to update the models/selections.
selections_only | Only update the selection status of each item without repopulating the model. |
void event_viewer_widget_refresh_for_arranger | ( | const ArrangerWidget * | arranger, |
bool | selections_only ) |
Convenience function.
selections_only | Only update the selection status of each item without repopulating the model. |
ExportProgressDialogWidget * export_progress_dialog_widget_new | ( | ExportData * | data, |
bool | autoclose, | ||
ExportProgressDialogCloseCallback | close_callback, | ||
bool | show_open_dir_btn, | ||
bool | cancelable ) |
Creates an export dialog widget and displays it.
data | The dialog takes ownership of this object. |
void ext_input_selection_dropdown_widget_refresh | ( | GtkDropDown * | self, |
Track * | track, | ||
bool | left ) |
Recreates the internal model(s) on the given dropdown.
left | Whether this is for the left channel, otherwise right (if audio). |
GtkWidget * foldable_notebook_widget_get_current_widget | ( | FoldableNotebookWidget * | self | ) |
Get the widget currently visible.
FIXME this is not working with nested containers like scrolled windows. this whole widget needs a rewrite.
void folder_channel_widget_refresh | ( | FolderChannelWidget * | self | ) |
Updates everything on the widget.
It is redundant but keeps code organized. Should fix if it causes lags.
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE | ( | ArrangerMinimapSelectionWidget | , |
arranger_minimap_selection_widget | , | ||
Z | , | ||
GtkWidget | ) |
Pointer back to parent.
Definition at line 27 of file arranger_minimap_selection.h.
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE | ( | BugReportDialogWidget | , |
bug_report_dialog_widget | , | ||
Z | , | ||
AdwAlertDialog | ) |
Definition at line 27 of file bug_report_dialog.h.
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE | ( | CcBindingsWidget | , |
cc_bindings_widget | , | ||
Z | , | ||
GtkBox | ) |
Left dock widget.
Definition at line 27 of file cc_bindings.h.
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE | ( | ChordPackBrowserWidget | , |
chord_pack_browser_widget | , | ||
Z | , | ||
GtkBox | ) |
Array of ChordPreset.
Current preset.
Popover to be reused for context menus.
Definition at line 24 of file chord_pack_browser.h.
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE | ( | ChordPadPanelWidget | , |
chord_pad_panel_widget | , | ||
Z | , | ||
GtkGrid | ) |
Brings up the ChordPadPanelWidget in the notebook.
Tab for chord pads.
Chords inside the grid.
Definition at line 27 of file chord_pad_panel.h.
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE | ( | ChordPadWidget | , |
chord_pad_widget | , | ||
Z | , | ||
GtkWidget | ) |
Single chord pad.
Main child.
Whether the drag has started.
Index of the chord in the chord track.
Definition at line 25 of file chord_pad.h.
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE | ( | DragDestBoxWidget | , |
drag_dest_box_widget | , | ||
Z | , | ||
GtkBox | ) |
Definition at line 26 of file drag_dest_box.h.
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE | ( | LeftDockEdgeWidget | , |
left_dock_edge_widget | , | ||
Z | , | ||
GtkWidget | ) |
Left panel tabs.
Definition at line 28 of file left_dock_edge.h.
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE | ( | ModulatorMacroWidget | , |
modulator_macro_widget | , | ||
Z | , | ||
GtkWidget | ) |
Button to show an unused modulator macro.
Index of the modulator macro in the track.
Used for context menu.
Definition at line 28 of file modulator_macro.h.
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE | ( | ModulatorWidget | , |
modulator_widget | , | ||
Z | , | ||
TwoColExpanderBoxWidget | ) |
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE | ( | PlayheadScrollButtonsWidget | , |
playhead_scroll_buttons_widget | , | ||
Z | , | ||
GtkWidget | ) |
Definition at line 24 of file playhead_scroll_buttons.h.
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE | ( | PortConnectionsWidget | , |
port_connections_widget | , | ||
Z | , | ||
GtkBox | ) |
Left dock widget.
Definition at line 27 of file port_connections.h.
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE | ( | SnapGridPopoverWidget | , |
snap_grid_popover_widget | , | ||
Z | , | ||
GtkPopover | ) |
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE | ( | SpectrumAnalyzerWidget | , |
spectrum_analyzer_widget | , | ||
Z | , | ||
GtkWidget | ) |
G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE | ( | VelocitySettingsWidget | , |
velocity_settings_widget | , | ||
Z | , | ||
GtkWidget | ) |
Velocity settings for toolbars.
Definition at line 22 of file velocity_settings.h.
GreeterWidget * greeter_widget_new | ( | ZrythmApp * | app, |
GtkWindow * | parent, | ||
bool | is_startup, | ||
bool | is_for_new_project ) |
void greeter_widget_select_project | ( | GreeterWidget * | self, |
bool | zrythm_already_running, | ||
bool | is_for_new_project, | ||
const char * | template_to_use ) |
Proceed to the project selection screen.
zrythm_already_running | If true, the logic applied is different (eg, close does not quit the program). Used when doing Ctrl+N. This should be set to false if during startup. |
is_for_new_project | Whether this is called for a new project (ie, when using Ctrl+N while Zrythm is running). |
template_to_use | Template to create a new project from, if non-NULL. |
void inspector_plugin_widget_show | ( | InspectorPluginWidget * | self, |
MixerSelections * | ms, | ||
bool | set_notebook_page ) |
Shows the inspector page for the given mixer selection (plugin).
set_notebook_page | Whether to set the current left panel tab to the plugin page. |
NONNULL void inspector_track_widget_show_tracks | ( | InspectorTrackWidget * | self, |
TracklistSelections * | tls, | ||
bool | set_notebook_page ) |
Shows the inspector page for the given tracklist selection.
set_notebook_page | Whether to set the current left panel tab to the track page. |
ItemFactory * item_factory_generate_and_append_column | ( | GtkColumnView * | column_view, |
GPtrArray * | item_factories, | ||
ItemFactoryType | type, | ||
bool | editable, | ||
bool | resizable, | ||
GtkSorter * | sorter, | ||
const char * | column_name ) |
Shorthand to generate and append a column to a column view.
ItemFactory * item_factory_new | ( | ItemFactoryType | type, |
bool | editable, | ||
const char * | column_name ) |
Creates a new item factory.
editable | Whether the item should be editable. |
column_name | Column name, if column view, otherwise NULL. |
int midi_arranger_calc_deltamax_for_note_movement | ( | int | y_delta | ) |
Called on move items_y setup.
calculates the max possible y movement
void midi_arranger_listen_notes | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
bool | listen ) |
Listen to the currently selected notes.
This function either turns on the notes if they are not playing, changes the notes if the pitch changed, or otherwise does nothing.
listen | Turn notes on if 1, or turn them off if 0. |
GMenu * midi_arranger_widget_gen_context_menu | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
GMenu * | menu, | ||
double | x, | ||
double | y ) |
Generate a context menu at x, y.
menu | A menu to append entries to (optional). |
void midi_arranger_widget_set_hovered_note | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
int | pitch ) |
Sets the currently hovered note and queues a redraw if it changed.
pitch | The note pitch, or -1 for no note. |
int midi_arranger_widget_snap_midi_notes_l | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
Position * | pos, | ||
bool | dry_run ) |
Called during drag_update in the parent when resizing the selection.
It sets the start Position of the selected MidiNote's.
pos | Absolute position in the arrranger. @parram dry_run Don't resize notes; just check if the resize is allowed (check if invalid resizes will happen) |
int midi_arranger_widget_snap_midi_notes_r | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
Position * | pos, | ||
bool | dry_run ) |
Called during drag_update in the parent when resizing the selection.
It sets the end Position of the selected MidiNote's.
pos | Absolute position in the arrranger. @parram dry_run Don't resize notes; just check if the resize is allowed (check if invalid resizes will happen) |
void midi_modifier_arranger_set_hit_velocity_vals | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
double | x, | ||
double | y, | ||
bool | append_to_selections ) |
Sets the value of each velocity hit at x to the value corresponding to y.
Used with the pencil tool.
append_to_selections | Append the hit velocities to the selections. |
NONNULL void midi_note_draw | ( | MidiNote * | self, |
GtkSnapshot * | snapshot ) |
cr | Arranger's cairo context. |
arr_rect | Arranger's rectangle. |
void mixer_widget_hard_refresh | ( | MixerWidget * | self | ) |
Deletes and readds all channels.
To be used sparingly.
bool object_color_chooser_dialog_widget_run | ( | GtkWindow * | parent, |
Track * | track, | ||
TracklistSelections * | sel, | ||
Region * | region ) |
Runs the widget and processes the result, then closes the dialog.
track | Track, if track. |
sel | TracklistSelections, if multiple tracks. |
region | Region, if region. |
PortConnectionsPopoverWidget * port_connections_popover_widget_new | ( | GtkWidget * | owner | ) |
Creates the popover.
owner | Owner widget to pop up at. |
port | Owner port. |
void port_connections_popover_widget_refresh | ( | PortConnectionsPopoverWidget * | self, |
Port * | port ) |
Refreshes the popover.
Removes all children of ports_box and readds them based on the current connections.
void ports_expander_widget_setup_track | ( | PortsExpanderWidget * | self, |
Track * | tr, | ||
PortsExpanderTrackPortType | type ) |
Sets up the PortsExpanderWidget for Track ports.
type | The type of ports to include. |
HOT void region_draw | ( | Region * | self, |
GtkSnapshot * | snapshot, | ||
GdkRectangle * | rect ) |
Draws the Region in the given cairo context in relative coordinates.
rect | Arranger rectangle. |
int ruler_widget_get_playhead_px | ( | RulerWidget * | self, |
bool | after_loops ) |
Returns the playhead's x coordinate in absolute coordinates.
after_loops | Whether to get the playhead px after loops are applied. |
void ruler_widget_handle_horizontal_zoom | ( | RulerWidget * | self, |
double * | x_pos, | ||
double | dy ) |
Handle horizontal zoom.
To be called from a scroll handler where needed (e.g., in arranger or ruler when zooming in via scroll).
[in,out] | x_pos | Current horizontal hover position of the cursor in the expanded ruler. This variable will get updated with the newly calculated position after zoom is applied. |
dy | Scroll level (received from the handler args). |
bool ruler_widget_set_zoom_level | ( | RulerWidget * | self, |
double | zoom_level ) |
Sets zoom level and disables/enables buttons accordingly.
void scale_object_recreate_pango_layouts | ( | ScaleObject * | self | ) |
Recreates the pango layouts for drawing.
width | Full width of the marker. |
GtkListItemFactory * string_list_item_factory_new | ( | StringListItemFactoryEnumStringGetter | getter | ) |
Returns a simple item factory that puts each string in a GtkLabel.
Can be used with AdwEnumListItem and GtkStringObject.
int timeline_arranger_move_regions_to_new_lanes | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
const int | diff ) |
Move the selected Regions to new Lanes.
diff | The delta to move the Tracks. |
int timeline_arranger_move_regions_to_new_tracks | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
const int | vis_track_diff ) |
Move the selected Regions to the new Track.
void timeline_arranger_widget_create_chord_or_scale | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
Track * | track, | ||
double | y, | ||
const Position * | pos ) |
Wrapper for timeline_arranger_widget_create_chord() or timeline_arranger_widget_create_scale().
y | the y relative to the ArrangerWidget. |
void timeline_arranger_widget_create_marker | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
Track * | track, | ||
const Position * | pos ) |
bool timeline_arranger_widget_create_region | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
const RegionType | type, | ||
Track * | track, | ||
TrackLane * | lane, | ||
AutomationTrack * | at, | ||
const Position * | pos, | ||
GError ** | error ) |
void timeline_arranger_widget_create_scale | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
Track * | track, | ||
const Position * | pos ) |
Create a ScaleObject at the given Position in the given Track.
pos | The pre-snapped position. |
void timeline_arranger_widget_fade_up | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
double | offset_y, | ||
int | fade_in ) |
Fade up/down.
fade_in | 1 for in, 0 for out. |
GMenu * timeline_arranger_widget_gen_context_menu | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
GMenu * | menu, | ||
double | x, | ||
double | y ) |
Generate a context menu at x, y.
menu | A menu to append entries to (optional). |
void timeline_arranger_widget_scroll_to | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
Position * | pos ) |
Scroll to the given position.
FIXME move to parent?
void timeline_arranger_widget_set_cut_lines_visible | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self | ) |
Hides the cut dashed line from hovered regions and redraws them.
Used when alt was unpressed.
int timeline_arranger_widget_snap_regions_l | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
Position * | pos, | ||
int | dry_run ) |
Snaps both the transients (to show in the GUI) and the actual regions.
pos | Absolute position in the timeline. |
dry_run | Don't resize notes; just check if the resize is allowed (check if invalid resizes will happen). |
int timeline_arranger_widget_snap_regions_r | ( | ArrangerWidget * | self, |
Position * | pos, | ||
int | dry_run ) |
Snaps both the transients (to show in the GUI) and the actual regions.
pos | Absolute position in the timeline. @parram dry_run Don't resize notes; just check if the resize is allowed (check if invalid resizes will happen) |
bool track_icon_chooser_dialog_widget_run | ( | TrackIconChooserDialogWidget * | self | ) |
Runs the widget and processes the result, then closes the dialog.
void track_widget_do_highlight | ( | TrackWidget * | self, |
gint | x, | ||
gint | y, | ||
const int | highlight ) |
Highlights/unhighlights the Tracks appropriately.
highlight | 1 to highlight top or bottom, 0 to unhighlight all. |
bool track_widget_is_cursor_in_range_select_half | ( | TrackWidget * | self, |
double | y ) |
Returns if cursor is in the range select "half".
Used by timeline to determine if it will select objects or range.
TrackWidget * track_widget_new | ( | Track * | track | ) |
Sets up the track widget.
Sets color, draw callback, etc.
char * wrapped_object_with_change_signal_get_display_name | ( | void * | data | ) |
Returns a display name for the given object, intended to be used where the object should be displayed (eg, a dropdown).
This can be used with GtkCclosureExpression.
AddTrackMenuButtonWidget |
Definition at line 41 of file add_track_menu_button.h.
ArrangerMinimapSelectionWidget |
Definition at line 42 of file arranger_minimap_selection.h.
BindCcDialogWidget |
Definition at line 53 of file bind_cc_dialog.h.
BounceStepSelectorWidget |
Definition at line 44 of file bounce_step_selector.h.
BugReportDialogWidget |
Definition at line 61 of file bug_report_dialog.h.
ButtonWithMenuWidget |
Definition at line 49 of file button_with_menu.h.
CcBindingsTreeWidget |
Definition at line 45 of file cc_bindings_tree.h.
CcBindingsWidget |
Definition at line 44 of file cc_bindings.h.
ChordPackBrowserWidget |
Definition at line 66 of file chord_pack_browser.h.
ChordPadPanelWidget |
Definition at line 58 of file chord_pad_panel.h.
ChordPadWidget |
Definition at line 60 of file chord_pad.h.
CustomImageWidget |
Definition at line 53 of file custom_image.h.
FileChooserButtonWidget |
Definition at line 43 of file file_chooser_button.h.
LogViewerWidget |
Definition at line 50 of file log_viewer.h.
ModulatorMacroWidget |
Definition at line 63 of file modulator_macro.h.
ModulatorWidget |
Definition at line 49 of file modulator.h.
const GArray void* object |
Definition at line 38 of file multi_selection.h.
PianoRollKeysWidget |
Definition at line 85 of file piano_roll_keys.h.
PlayheadScrollButtonsWidget |
Definition at line 38 of file playhead_scroll_buttons.h.
PopoverMenuBinWidget |
Definition at line 46 of file popover_menu_bin.h.
PortConnectionsTreeWidget |
Definition at line 50 of file port_connections_tree.h.
PortConnectionsWidget |
Definition at line 44 of file port_connections.h.
SaveChordPresetDialogWidget |
Definition at line 42 of file save_chord_preset_dialog.h.
const GArray* selection_indices |
Definition at line 37 of file multi_selection.h.
SnapGridPopoverWidget |
Definition at line 66 of file snap_grid_popover.h.
SpectrumAnalyzerWidget |
Definition at line 58 of file spectrum_analyzer.h.
TracklistHeaderWidget |
Definition at line 39 of file tracklist_header.h.
VelocitySettingsWidget |
Definition at line 37 of file velocity_settings.h.