17#include "gui/widgets/main_window.h"
19#include "gtk_wrapper.h"
25typedef struct _AutomationPointWidget AutomationPointWidget;
26typedef struct AutomationCurve AutomationCurve;
36#define MW_TIMELINE (MW_TIMELINE_PANEL->timeline)
37#define MW_PINNED_TIMELINE (MW_TIMELINE_PANEL->pinned_timeline)
179 const int vis_track_diff);
Type of Region.
Position pos
Position (or start Position if the object has length).
An automation point inside an AutomationTrack.
A ChordObject to be shown in the TimelineArrangerWidget.
A MIDI note inside a Region shown in the piano roll.
A Position is made up of bars.beats.sixteenths.ticks.
A ScaleObject to be shown in the TimelineArrangerWidget.
A TrackLane belongs to a Track (can have many TrackLanes in a Track) and contains Regions.
Track to be inserted into the Project's Tracklist.
Current TimelineArranger selections.