Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- n -
- n_press : ArrangerMinimapWidget, ArrangerWidget, ChannelSendWidget, ChannelSlotWidget, ChannelWidget, FolderChannelWidget, TrackWidget
- n_terminal_nodes : Graph
- name : AudioClip, ChordPreset, ChordPresetPack, Marker, ModulatorMacroProcessor, PluginBank, PluginCollection, PluginPreset, PluginPropertiesExpanderWidget, Region, SubgroupInfo, InstrumentTrack, TrackLane, TrackPropertiesExpanderWidget, ZVampOutputDescriptor
- name_hash : InstrumentTrack
- new_bridge_mode : MixerSelectionsAction
- new_channel : MixerSelectionsAction
- new_hadj_val : ArrangerWidget
- new_val : MixerSelectionsAction
- nframes : AudioEngine, EngineProcessTimeInfo, RecordingEvent
- ninetysixth_notes : AudioEnginePositionInfo
- no_selection_page : ClipEditorWidget
- normal : Metronome
- normal_path : Metronome
- normal_size : Metronome
- normalized_init_port_val : InspectorPortWidget
- normalized_val : AutomationPoint
- note_length : QuantizeOptions
- note_name : MidiNoteDescriptor
- note_name_pango : MidiNoteDescriptor
- note_type : QuantizeOptions
- notes : ChordDescriptor
- notes_zoom : PianoRoll
- num_actions : UndoableAction
- num_active_recordings : RecordingManager
- num_audio_ins : PluginDescriptor
- num_audio_outs : PluginDescriptor
- num_clips : AudioPool
- num_ctrl_ins : PluginDescriptor
- num_ctrl_outs : PluginDescriptor
- num_cv_ins : PluginDescriptor
- num_cv_outs : PluginDescriptor
- num_events : MidiEvents
- num_files : ExportSettings
- num_fold_change_tracks : TracklistSelectionsAction
- num_frames : AudioClip, AudioFileMetadata
- num_in_frames : Resampler
- num_instantiations : PluginSetting
- num_keys : PianoKeyboardWidget
- num_midi_ins : PluginDescriptor
- num_midi_outs : PluginDescriptor
- num_new_plugins : PluginManager
- num_out_frames : Resampler
- num_plugins : MixerSelectionsAction
- num_split_objs : ArrangerSelectionsAction