a highly automated and intuitive digital audio workstation
Various utilities. More...
Files | |
file | resources.h |
Helpers for loading and using resources such as icons. | |
Data Structures | |
struct | SupportedFile |
Metadata for a supported file. More... | |
struct | CairoCaches |
Caches for cairo. More... | |
struct | ZGObjectImpl |
GObject struct (from GObject source code), used where hacks are needed. More... | |
struct | Log |
struct | cell_t |
struct | MPMCQueue |
Multiple Producer Multiple Consumer lock-free queue. More... | |
struct | Resampler |
Resampler. More... | |
struct | Stack |
Stack implementation. More... | |
class | StringArray |
String array that auto-converts given char pointers to UTF8 (so JUCE doesn't complain. More... | |
struct | EngineProcessTimeInfo |
Common struct to pass around during processing to avoid repeating the data in function arguments. More... | |
struct | UiColors |
Commonly used UI colors. More... | |
struct | UiTextures |
Commonly used UI textures. More... | |
struct | UiCursor |
Specification for a cursor. More... | |
struct | UiCaches |
Caches. More... | |
struct | ZVampFeature |
struct | ZVampOutputDescriptor |
struct | ZVampOutputList |
struct | ZVampFeatureList |
struct | ZVampFeatureSet |
Macros | |
#define | STRIP_SIZE 9 |
Number of plugin slots per channel. | |
#define | backtrace_get(prefix, max_lines, write_to_file) _backtrace_get (NULL, prefix, max_lines, false, write_to_file) |
#define | backtrace_get_with_lines(prefix, max_lines, write_to_file) |
#define | CAIRO_CACHES (gZrythm->cairo_caches) |
#define | Z_CAIRO_FONT "Bold 9" |
Default font for drawing pango text. | |
#define | Z_CAIRO_TEXT_PADDING 2 |
Padding to leave from the top/left edges when drawing text. | |
#define | z_cairo_get_text_extents_for_widget(_widget, _layout, _text, _width, _height) |
#define | z_cairo_draw_text(cr, widget, layout, text) |
Draw text with default padding. | |
#define | z_return_val_if_fail_cmp(a, comparator, b, val) |
#define | z_return_if_fail_cmp(a, comparator, b) z_return_val_if_fail_cmp (a, comparator, b, ) |
#define | z_warn_if_fail_cmp(a, comparator, b) |
#define | file_exists(file) g_file_test (file, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS) |
Returns 1 if the file/dir exists. | |
#define | RETURN_OK return 0; |
#define | RETURN_ERROR return 1; |
#define | DEFAULT_CLIPBOARD gdk_display_get_clipboard (gdk_display_get_default ()) |
#define | CREATE_MIDI_LEARN_MENU_ITEM(action) z_gtk_create_menu_item (_ ("MIDI learn"), "signal-midi", action) |
#define | CREATE_CUT_MENU_ITEM(action) z_gtk_create_menu_item (_ ("Cu_t"), "edit-cut", action) |
#define | CREATE_COPY_MENU_ITEM(action) z_gtk_create_menu_item (_ ("_Copy"), "edit-copy", action) |
#define | CREATE_PASTE_MENU_ITEM(action) z_gtk_create_menu_item (_ ("_Paste"), "edit-paste", action) |
#define | CREATE_DELETE_MENU_ITEM(action) z_gtk_create_menu_item (_ ("_Delete"), "edit-delete", action) |
#define | CREATE_SELECT_ALL_MENU_ITEM(action) z_gtk_create_menu_item (_ ("Select A_ll"), "edit-select-all", action) |
#define | CREATE_DUPLICATE_MENU_ITEM(action) z_gtk_create_menu_item (_ ("Duplicate"), "edit-duplicate", action) |
#define | CREATE_MUTE_MENU_ITEM(action) z_gtk_create_menu_item (_ ("Mute"), "mute", action) |
#define | CREATE_UNMUTE_MENU_ITEM(action) z_gtk_create_menu_item (_ ("Unmute"), NULL, action) |
#define | z_gtk_assistant_set_current_page_complete(assistant, complete) |
#define | Z_GDK_RGBA_INIT(r, g, b, a) |
#define | Z_GDK_RECTANGLE_INIT(_x, _y, _w, _h) |
#define | Z_GDK_RECTANGLE_INIT_UNIT(_x, _y) |
#define | Z_GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT(_x, _y, _w, _h) |
#define | Z_GRAPHENE_POINT_INIT(_x, _y) GRAPHENE_POINT_INIT (static_cast<float> (_x), static_cast<float> (_y)) |
#define | z_gtk_create_menu_item(lbl_name, icn_name, action_name) z_gtk_create_menu_item_full (lbl_name, icn_name, action_name) |
#define | io_path_get_basename(filename) g_path_get_basename (filename) |
#define | io_get_files_in_dir(dir, allow_empty) io_get_files_in_dir_ending_in (dir, 0, NULL, allow_empty) |
Returns a list of the files in the given directory. | |
#define | io_write_file g_file_set_contents |
#define | LOG (zlog) |
#define | MATH_RMS_FRAMES 1 |
Frames to skip when calculating the RMS. | |
#define | MATH_TINY_NUMBER (0.0000001) |
Tiny number to be used for denormaml prevention (-140dB). | |
#define | math_floats_equal_epsilon(a, b, e) ((a) > (b) ? (a) - (b) < e : (b) - (a) < e) |
Checks if 2 doubles are equal. | |
#define | math_doubles_equal_epsilon math_floats_equal_epsilon |
#define | math_floats_equal(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) - (b) < FLT_EPSILON : (b) - (a) < FLT_EPSILON) |
Checks if 2 doubles are equal. | |
#define | math_doubles_equal(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) - (b) < DBL_EPSILON : (b) - (a) < DBL_EPSILON) |
#define | math_round_double_to_signed_32(x) (lround (x)) |
Rounds a double to a (minimum) signed 32-bit integer. | |
#define | math_round_double_to_signed_64(x) (llround (x)) |
Rounds a double to a (minimum) signed 64-bit integer. | |
#define | math_round_double_to_signed_frame_t(x) math_round_double_to_signed_64 (x) |
#define | math_round_float_to_signed_32(x) (lroundf (x)) |
Rounds a float to a (minimum) signed 32-bit integer. | |
#define | math_round_float_to_signed_64(x) (llroundf (x)) |
Rounds a float to a (minimum) signed 64-bit integer. | |
#define | math_round_float_to_signed_frame_t(x) math_round_float_to_signed_64 (x) |
#define | object_new(type) (type *) g_malloc0 (sizeof (type)) |
Allocates memory for an object of type type. | |
#define | object_new_unresizable(type) object_new (type) |
Allocates memory for an object of type type. | |
#define | object_new_n_sizeof(n, sz) g_malloc0_n (n, sz) |
Calloc equivalent. | |
#define | object_new_n(n, type) (static_cast<type *> (object_new_n_sizeof (n, sizeof (type)))) |
Calloc n blocks for type type. | |
#define | object_realloc_n_sizeof(obj, prev_sz, sz) realloc_zero (obj, prev_sz, sz) |
#define | object_realloc_n(obj, prev_n, n, type) |
Reallocate memory for obj. | |
#define | object_set_to_zero(ptr) memset (ptr, 0, sizeof (*(ptr))) |
Zero's out the struct pointed to by ptr. | |
#define | object_free_unresizable(type, obj) free (obj) |
Frees memory for objects created with object_new(). | |
#define | object_zero_and_free(ptr) _object_zero_and_free ((void **) &(ptr), sizeof (*(ptr))) |
Zero's out a struct pointed to by ptr and frees the object. | |
#define | object_zero_and_free_unresizable(type, ptr) _object_zero_and_free_unresizable ((void **) &(ptr), sizeof (type)) |
#define | object_free_w_func_and_null(_func, _obj) |
Call the function _func to free _obj and set _obj to NULL. | |
#define | object_delete_and_null(_obj) |
#define | object_zero_and_free_if_nonnull(ptr) object_free_w_func_and_null (object_zero_and_free, ptr) |
#define | g_object_unref_and_null(ptr) object_free_w_func_and_null (g_object_unref, ptr) |
Convenience wrapper. | |
#define | g_free_and_null(ptr) object_free_w_func_and_null (g_free, ptr) |
Convenience wrapper. | |
#define | g_error_free_and_null(ptr) object_free_w_func_and_null (g_error_free, ptr) |
Convenience wrapper. | |
#define | object_free_w_func_and_null_cast(_func, _cast, _obj) |
Convenience wrapper. | |
#define | g_source_remove_and_zero(src_id) |
#define | RESOURCES_PATH_TOP "/org/zrythm/Zrythm" |
#define | STACK_PUSH(s, element) stack_push (s, (void *) element) |
#define | string_is_equal(str1, str2) (!g_strcmp0 (str1, str2)) |
Returns if the two strings are exactly equal. | |
#define | TYPEDEF_STRUCT(s) typedef struct s s |
#define | TYPEDEF_STRUCT_UNDERSCORED(s) typedef struct _##s s |
#define | CACHE_TYPE_ALL |
#define | ENUM_INT_TO_VALUE_CONST(_enum, _int) (magic_enum::enum_value<_enum, _int> ()) |
#define | ENUM_INT_TO_VALUE(_enum, _int) (magic_enum::enum_value<_enum> (_int)) |
#define | ENUM_VALUE_TO_INT(_val) (magic_enum::enum_integer (_val)) |
#define | ENUM_ENABLE_BITSET(_enum) |
#define | ENUM_BITSET(_enum, _val) (magic_enum::containers::bitset<_enum> (_val)) |
#define | ENUM_BITSET_TEST(_enum, _val, _other_val) |
#define | ENUM_BITSET_TO_STRING(_enum, _val) (ENUM_BITSET (_enum, _val).to_string ().data ()) |
#define | ENUM_COUNT(_enum) (magic_enum::enum_count<_enum> ()) |
#define | ENUM_NAME(_val) (magic_enum::enum_name (_val).data ()) |
#define | ENUM_NAME_FROM_INT(_enum, _int) ENUM_NAME (ENUM_INT_TO_VALUE (_enum, _int)) |
#define | UI_MAX_CURSORS 400 |
#define | UI_CACHES (zrythm_app->ui_caches) |
#define | UI_COLORS (&UI_CACHES->colors) |
#define | UI_COLOR_DARK_TEXT "#323232" |
#define | UI_COLOR_BRIGHT_TEXT "#cdcdcd" |
#define | UI_COLOR_YELLOW "#F9CA1B" |
#define | UI_COLOR_PURPLE "#9D3955" |
#define | UI_COLOR_BUTTON_NORMAL "#343434" |
#define | UI_COLOR_BUTTON_HOVER "#444444" |
#define | UI_COLOR_RECORD_CHECKED "#ED2939" |
#define | UI_COLOR_RECORD_ACTIVE "#FF2400" |
#define | UI_COLOR_BRIGHT_GREEN "#1DD169" |
#define | UI_COLOR_DARKISH_GREEN "#19664c" |
#define | UI_COLOR_DARK_ORANGE "#D68A0C" |
#define | UI_COLOR_Z_YELLOW "#F9CA1B" |
#define | UI_COLOR_BRIGHT_ORANGE "#F79616" |
#define | UI_COLOR_Z_PURPLE "#9D3955" |
#define | UI_COLOR_MATCHA "#2eb398" |
#define | UI_COLOR_LIGHT_BLUEISH "#1aa3ffcc" |
#define | UI_COLOR_PREFADER_SEND "#D21E6D" |
#define | UI_COLOR_POSTFADER_SEND "#901ed2" |
#define | UI_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_SCALE_BG "#662266" |
#define | UI_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_SCALE_FG "#F79616" |
#define | UI_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_BASS_FG "white" |
#define | UI_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_BOTH_FG "white" |
#define | UI_DELETE_ICON_NAME "z-edit-delete" |
Space on the edges to show resize cursors. | |
Plugin descriptor, used to instantiate plugins. | |
For SupportedFile pointers. | |
Plugin ID, used to move/copy plugins. | |
#define | TARGET_ENTRY_URI_LIST "text/uri-list" |
URI list. | |
Track target entry. | |
Chord descriptor target entry. | |
#define | GET_ATOM(x) gdk_atom_intern (x, 1) |
#define | ui_add_widget_tooltip(widget, txt) gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (GTK_WIDGET (widget), txt) |
#define | ui_set_hover_status_bar_signals(w, t) |
#define | ui_show_notification_idle_printf(fmt, ...) |
Shows the notification when idle. | |
#define | ui_show_notification_idle(msg) ui_show_notification_idle_printf ("%s", msg) |
#define | ui_is_widget_revealed(widget) |
#define | ui_set_pencil_cursor(widget) ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "edit-cursor", 2, 3); |
#define | ui_set_brush_cursor(widget) ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "brush-cursor", 2, 3); |
#define | ui_set_cut_clip_cursor(widget) ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "cut-cursor", 9, 7); |
#define | ui_set_eraser_cursor(widget) ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "eraser-cursor", 4, 2); |
#define | ui_set_line_cursor(widget) ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "ramp-cursor", 2, 3); |
#define | ui_set_speaker_cursor(widget) ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "audition-cursor", 10, 12); |
#define | ui_set_hand_cursor(widget) ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "move-cursor", 12, 11); |
#define | ui_set_left_resize_cursor(widget) ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "w-resize-cursor", 14, 11); |
#define | ui_set_left_stretch_cursor(widget) |
#define | ui_set_left_resize_loop_cursor(widget) ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "w-loop-cursor", 14, 11); |
#define | ui_set_right_resize_cursor(widget) ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "e-resize-cursor", 10, 11); |
#define | ui_set_right_stretch_cursor(widget) |
#define | ui_set_right_resize_loop_cursor(widget) ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "e-loop-cursor", 10, 11); |
#define | ui_set_time_select_cursor(widget) |
#define | ui_set_fade_in_cursor(widget) ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "fade-in-cursor", 3, 1); |
#define | ui_set_fade_out_cursor(widget) ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "fade-out-cursor", 3, 1); |
#define | ui_show_message_printf(title, fmt, ...) |
Type can be GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, etc. | |
#define | ui_show_message_literal(title, str) ui_show_message_full (GTK_WIDGET (UI_ACTIVE_WINDOW_OR_NULL), title, "%s", str) |
Type can be GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, etc. | |
#define | ui_show_error_message_printf(title, fmt, ...) ui_show_message_printf (title, fmt, __VA_ARGS__); |
Wrapper to show error message so that no casting of the window is needed on the caller side. | |
#define | ui_show_error_message(title, msg) ui_show_message_literal (title, msg) |
Typedefs | |
typedef struct ProgressInfo | ProgressInfo |
typedef uint8_t | midi_byte_t |
MIDI byte. | |
typedef uint32_t | nframes_t |
Frame count. | |
typedef uint32_t | sample_rate_t |
Sample rate. | |
typedef uint32_t | midi_time_t |
MIDI time in global frames. | |
typedef unsigned int | channels_t |
Number of channels. | |
typedef float | sample_t |
The sample type. | |
typedef float | bpm_t |
The BPM type. | |
typedef double | curviness_t |
typedef int_fast64_t | signed_frame_t |
Signed type for frame index. | |
typedef uint_fast64_t | unsigned_frame_t |
Unsigned type for frame index. | |
typedef signed_frame_t | signed_ms_t |
Signed millisecond index. | |
typedef signed_frame_t | signed_sec_t |
Signed second index. | |
typedef float(* | GenericFloatGetter) (void *object) |
Getter prototype for float values. | |
typedef void(* | GenericFloatSetter) (void *object, float val) |
Setter prototype for float values. | |
typedef const char *(* | GenericStringGetter) (void *object) |
Getter prototype for strings. | |
typedef void(* | GenericStringSetter) (void *object, const char *val) |
Setter prototype for float values. | |
typedef void(* | GenericStringCopyGetter) (void *object, char *buf) |
Getter prototype for strings to be saved in the given buffer. | |
typedef void(* | GenericCallback) (void *object) |
Generic callback. | |
typedef int(* | GenericCmpFunc) (const void *a, const void *b) |
Generic comparator. | |
typedef bool(* | GenericPredicateFunc) (const void *object, const void *user_data) |
Predicate function prototype. | |
typedef void(* | ObjectFreeFunc) (void *) |
Function to call to free objects. | |
typedef void | ZVampPlugin |
Enumerations | |
File type. More... | |
enum class | BitDepth { BIT_DEPTH_16 , BIT_DEPTH_24 , BIT_DEPTH_32 } |
Bit depth. More... | |
enum | ZGtkResize { Z_GTK_NO_RESIZE , Z_GTK_RESIZE } |
enum | ZGtkShrink { Z_GTK_NO_SHRINK , Z_GTK_SHRINK } |
enum | HashAlgorithm { HASH_ALGORITHM_XXH32 , HASH_ALGORITHM_XXH3_64 } |
Various cursor states to be shared. More... | |
Various overlay actions to be shared. More... | |
Dragging modes for widgets that have click&drag. More... | |
Functions | |
SupportedFile * | supported_file_new_from_path (const char *path) |
Creates a new SupportedFile from the given absolute path. | |
SupportedFile * | supported_file_new_from_uri (const char *uri, GError **error) |
char * | supported_file_type_get_description (ZFileType type) |
Returns a human readable description of the given file type. | |
SupportedFile * | supported_file_clone (const SupportedFile *src) |
Clones the given SupportedFile. | |
int | supported_file_type_is_supported (ZFileType type) |
Returns if the given type is supported. | |
int | supported_file_type_is_audio (ZFileType type) |
Returns if the SupportedFile is an audio file. | |
int | supported_file_type_is_midi (ZFileType type) |
Returns if the SupportedFile is a midi file. | |
const char * | supported_file_type_get_ext (ZFileType type) |
Returns the most common extension for the given filetype. | |
NONNULL ZFileType | supported_file_get_type (const char *file) |
Returns the file type of the given file path. | |
NONNULL bool | supported_file_should_autoplay (const SupportedFile *self) |
Returns whether the given file should auto-play (shorter than 1 min). | |
const char * | supported_file_get_icon_name (const SupportedFile *const self) |
Gets the corresponding icon name for the given SupportedFile's type. | |
NONNULL char * | supported_file_get_info_text_for_label (const SupportedFile *self) |
Returns a pango markup to be used in GTK labels. | |
void | supported_file_free (SupportedFile *self) |
Frees the instance and all its members. | |
BitDepth | audio_bit_depth_from_pretty_str (const char *str) |
const char * | audio_bit_depth_to_pretty_str (BitDepth depth) |
WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool | audio_write_raw_file (float *buff, size_t frames_already_written, size_t nframes, uint32_t samplerate, bool flac, BitDepth bit_depth, channels_t channels, const char *filename, GError **error) |
Writes the buffer as a raw file to the given path. | |
unsigned_frame_t | audio_get_num_frames (const char *filepath) |
Returns the number of frames in the given audio file. | |
bool | audio_frames_equal (const float *src1, const float *src2, size_t num_frames, float epsilon) |
Returns whether the frame buffers are equal. | |
bool | audio_files_equal (const char *f1, const char *f2, size_t num_frames, float epsilon) |
Returns whether the file contents are equal. | |
bool | audio_frames_empty (float *src, size_t num_frames) |
Returns whether the frame buffer is empty (zero). | |
float | audio_detect_bpm (float *src, size_t num_frames, unsigned int samplerate, GArray *candidates) |
Detect BPM. | |
bool | audio_file_is_silent (const char *filepath) |
int | audio_get_num_cores (void) |
Returns the number of CPU cores. | |
char * | _backtrace_get (const char *exe_path, const char *prefix, int max_lines, bool with_lines, bool write_to_file) |
Returns the backtrace with max_lines number of lines and a string prefix. | |
void | z_cairo_draw_horizontal_line (cairo_t *cr, double y, double from_x, double to_x, double line_width, double alpha) |
void | z_cairo_draw_vertical_line (cairo_t *cr, double x, double from_y, double to_y, double line_width) |
void | _z_cairo_get_text_extents_for_widget (GtkWidget *widget, PangoLayout *layout, const char *text, int *width, int *height) |
Gets the width of the given text in pixels for the given widget. | |
void | z_cairo_draw_text_full (cairo_t *cr, GtkWidget *widget, PangoLayout *layout, const char *text, int start_x, int start_y) |
Draws the given text using the given font starting at the given position. | |
cairo_surface_t * | z_cairo_get_surface_from_icon_name (const char *icon_name, int size, int scale) |
Returns a surface for the icon name. | |
PangoLayout * | z_cairo_create_pango_layout_from_string (GtkWidget *widget, const char *font, PangoEllipsizeMode ellipsize_mode, int ellipsize_padding) |
Creates a PangoLayout to be cached in widgets based on the given settings. | |
PangoLayout * | z_cairo_create_pango_layout_from_description (GtkWidget *widget, PangoFontDescription *descr, PangoEllipsizeMode ellipsize_mode, int ellipsize_padding) |
Creates a PangoLayout to be cached in widgets based on the given settings. | |
PangoLayout * | z_cairo_create_default_pango_layout (GtkWidget *widget) |
Creates a PangoLayout with default settings. | |
void | z_cairo_reset_caches (cairo_t **cr_cache, cairo_surface_t **surface_cache, int width, int height, cairo_t *new_cr) |
Resets a surface and cairo_t with a new surface and cairo_t based on the given rectangle and cairo_t. | |
CairoCaches * | z_cairo_caches_new (void) |
void | z_cairo_caches_free (CairoCaches *self) |
void | color_brighten (GdkRGBA *src, float val) |
Brightens the color by the given amount. | |
void | color_brighten_default (GdkRGBA *src) |
Brightens the color by the default amount. | |
void | color_darken (GdkRGBA *src, float val) |
Darkens the color by the given amount. | |
void | color_darken_default (GdkRGBA *src) |
Darkens the color by the default amount. | |
bool | color_is_same (GdkRGBA *src, GdkRGBA *dest) |
Returns whether the color is the same. | |
bool | color_is_bright (GdkRGBA *src) |
Returns if the color is bright or not. | |
bool | color_is_very_bright (GdkRGBA *src) |
Returns if the color is very bright or not. | |
bool | color_is_very_very_bright (GdkRGBA *src) |
Returns if the color is very very bright or not. | |
bool | color_is_very_dark (GdkRGBA *src) |
Returns if the color is very dark or not. | |
bool | color_is_very_very_dark (GdkRGBA *src) |
Returns if the color is very very dark or not. | |
void | color_get_opposite (GdkRGBA *src, GdkRGBA *dest) |
float | color_get_brightness (GdkRGBA *color) |
float | color_get_darkness (GdkRGBA *color) |
void | color_morph (GdkRGBA *a, GdkRGBA *b, float amt, GdkRGBA *result) |
Morphs from a to b, depending on the given amount. | |
char * | z_curl_get_page_contents (const char *url, int timeout, GError **error) |
Returns the contents of the page in a newly allocated string. | |
char * | z_curl_get_page_contents_default (const char *url) |
Returns the contents of the page in a newly allocated string. | |
int | z_curl_post_json_no_auth (const char *url, const char *data, int timeout, GError **error,...) G_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED |
Posts the given JSON to the URL without any authentication. | |
char * | z_curl_get_page_contents_finish (GAsyncResult *res, GError **error) |
void | z_curl_get_page_contents_async (const char *url, int timeout_sec, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer callback_data) |
char * | datetime_get_current_as_string (void) |
Returns the current datetime as a string. | |
char * | datetime_epoch_to_str (gint64 epoch, const char *format) |
char * | datetime_get_for_filename (void) |
Get the current datetime to be used in filenames, eg, for the log file. | |
char * | env_get_string (const char *key, const char *def) |
Returns a newly allocated string. | |
int | env_get_int (const char *key, int def) |
Returns an int for the given environment variable if it exists and is valid, otherwise returns the default int. | |
char * | file_path_relative_to (const char *path, const char *base) |
int | file_symlink (const char *old_path, const char *new_path) |
int | file_reflink (const char *dest, const char *src) |
Do cp –reflink from src to dest. | |
unsigned int | utils_get_uint_from_bitfield_val (unsigned int bitfield) |
From https://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#ZerosOnRightLinear. | |
GdkMonitor * | z_gtk_get_primary_monitor (void) |
int | z_gtk_get_primary_monitor_scale_factor (void) |
int | z_gtk_get_primary_monitor_refresh_rate (void) |
bool | z_gtk_is_wayland (void) |
void | z_gtk_tree_view_remove_all_columns (GtkTreeView *treeview) |
void | z_gtk_column_view_remove_all_columnes (GtkColumnView *column_view) |
GListStore * | z_gtk_column_view_get_list_store (GtkColumnView *column_view) |
void | z_gtk_list_store_splice (GListStore *store, GPtrArray *ptr_array) |
Removes all items and re-populates the list store. | |
void | z_gtk_widget_remove_all_children (GtkWidget *widget) |
void | z_gtk_widget_destroy_all_children (GtkWidget *widget) |
void | z_gtk_widget_remove_children_of_type (GtkWidget *widget, GType type) |
void | z_gtk_overlay_add_if_not_exists (GtkOverlay *overlay, GtkWidget *widget) |
void | z_gtk_button_set_icon_name_and_text (GtkButton *btn, const char *name, const char *text, bool icon_first, GtkOrientation orientation, int spacing) |
Sets the icon name and optionally text. | |
GtkToggleButton * | z_gtk_toggle_button_new_with_icon (const char *name) |
Creates a toggle button with the given icon name. | |
GtkToggleButton * | z_gtk_toggle_button_new_with_icon_and_text (const char *name, const char *text, bool icon_first, GtkOrientation orientation, int spacing) |
Creates a toggle button with the given icon name. | |
GtkButton * | z_gtk_button_new_with_icon_and_text (const char *name, const char *text, bool icon_first, GtkOrientation orientation, int spacing) |
Creates a button with the given icon name and text. | |
GMenuItem * | z_gtk_create_menu_item_full (const gchar *label_name, const gchar *icon_name, const char *detailed_action) |
Creates a menu item. | |
char * | z_gtk_get_tooltip_for_action (const char *detailed_action, const char *tooltip) |
Gets the tooltip for the given action on the given widget. | |
void | z_gtk_widget_set_tooltip_for_action (GtkWidget *widget, const char *detailed_action, const char *tooltip) |
Sets the tooltip for the given action on the given widget. | |
void | z_gtk_set_tooltip_for_actionable (GtkActionable *actionable, const char *tooltip) |
Sets the tooltip and finds the accel keys and appends them to the tooltip in small text. | |
GtkWidget * | z_gtk_widget_get_nth_child (GtkWidget *widget, int index) |
Returns the nth child of a container. | |
void | z_gtk_button_set_emblem (GtkButton *btn, const char *emblem_icon) |
Sets the given emblem to the button, or unsets the emblem if emblem_icon is NULL. | |
void | z_gtk_setup_foldable_notebook (GtkNotebook *notebook) |
Makes the given notebook foldable. | |
void | z_gtk_widget_set_margin (GtkWidget *widget, int margin) |
Sets the margin on all 4 sides on the widget. | |
GtkFlowBoxChild * | z_gtk_flow_box_get_selected_child (GtkFlowBox *self) |
bool | z_gtk_activate_dir_link_func (GtkLabel *label, char *uri, void *data) |
Callback to use for simple directory links. | |
GtkSourceLanguageManager * | z_gtk_source_language_manager_get (void) |
void | z_gtk_notebook_make_detachable (GtkNotebook *notebook, GtkWindow *parent_window) |
Makes the given GtkNotebook detachable to a new window. | |
char * | z_gtk_text_buffer_get_full_text (GtkTextBuffer *buffer) |
Returns the full text contained in the text buffer. | |
void | z_gtk_generate_screenshot_image (GtkWidget *widget, const char *type, char **option_keys, char **option_values, char **ret_dir, char **ret_path, bool accept_fallback) |
Generates a screenshot image for the given widget. | |
void | z_gtk_actionable_set_action_from_setting (GtkActionable *actionable, GSettings *settings, const char *key) |
Sets the action target of the given GtkActionable to be binded to the given setting. | |
bool | z_gtk_is_event_button (GdkEvent *ev) |
void | z_gtk_scrolled_window_get_visible_rect (GtkScrolledWindow *scroll, graphene_rect_t *rect) |
Gets the visible rectangle from the scrolled window's adjustments. | |
void | z_gtk_graphene_rect_t_to_gdk_rectangle (GdkRectangle *rect, graphene_rect_t *grect) |
void | z_gdk_rectangle_to_graphene_rect_t (graphene_rect_t *grect, GdkRectangle *rect) |
void | z_gdk_rectangle_print (const GdkRectangle *rect) |
int | z_gtk_dialog_run (GtkDialog *dialog, bool destroy_on_close) |
Mimics the blocking behavior. | |
void | z_gtk_show_context_menu_from_g_menu (GtkPopoverMenu *popover_menu, double x, double y, GMenu *menu) |
The popover must already exist as a children of its intended widget (or a common parent). | |
GdkDragAction | z_gtk_drop_target_get_selected_action (GtkDropTarget *drop_target) |
Returns the bitmask of the selected action during a drop (eg, GDK_ACTION_COPY). | |
GtkIconTheme * | z_gtk_icon_theme_get_default (void) |
char * | z_gdk_clipboard_get_text (GdkClipboard *clipboard) |
Returns the text on the clipboard, or NULL if there is nothing or the content is not text. | |
GdkPixbuf * | z_gdk_pixbuf_new_from_icon_name (const char *icon_name, int width, int height, int scale, GError **error) |
Creates a new pixbuf for the given icon scaled at the given width/height. | |
GdkTexture * | z_gdk_texture_new_from_icon_name (const char *icon_name, int width, int height, int scale) |
Creates a new texture for the given icon scaled at the given width/height. | |
void | z_gtk_print_graphene_rect (graphene_rect_t *rect) |
void | z_gtk_widget_print_hierarchy (GtkWidget *widget) |
Prints the widget's hierarchy (parents). | |
const char * | z_gtk_get_gsk_renderer_type (void) |
gboolean | z_gtk_simple_action_shortcut_func (GtkWidget *widget, GVariant *args, gpointer user_data) |
A shortcut callback to use for simple actions. | |
GtkWidget * | z_gtk_widget_find_child_of_type (GtkWidget *widget, GType type) |
Recursively searches the children of widget for a child of type type. | |
void | z_gtk_list_box_remove_all_children (GtkListBox *list_box) |
void | z_graphene_rect_print (const graphene_rect_t *rect) |
GtkStringList * | z_gtk_string_list_new_from_string_array (const char **strvals, size_t num_vals, bool localized) |
GtkWidget * | z_gtk_get_first_focusable_child (GtkWidget *parent) |
bool | z_gtk_descendant_has_focus (GtkWidget *parent) |
void | z_gtk_window_make_escapable (GtkWindow *self) |
void | z_gtk_drop_down_list_item_header_setup_common (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, GObject *list_item, gpointer user_data) |
A common "setup" signal handler for GtkDropDown header factories. | |
void | z_gtk_drop_down_factory_setup_common (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, GObject *list_item, gpointer user_data) |
void | z_gtk_drop_down_factory_setup_common_ellipsized (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, GObject *list_item, gpointer user_data) |
const char * | z_gtk_get_enum_nick (GType type, gint value) |
char * | hash_get_from_file (const char *filepath, HashAlgorithm algo) |
uint32_t | hash_get_from_file_simple (const char *filepath) |
void * | hash_create_state (void) |
void | hash_free_state (void *in_state) |
uint32_t | hash_get_for_struct_full (XXH32_state_t *state, const void *const obj, size_t size) |
uint32_t | hash_get_for_struct (const void *const obj, size_t size) |
NONNULL char * | io_get_dir (const char *filename) |
Gets directory part of filename. | |
WARN_UNUSED_RESULT | NONNULL_ARGS (1) bool io_mkdir(const char *dir |
Makes directory if doesn't exist. | |
NONNULL FILE * | io_create_file (const char *filename) |
Creates the file if doesn't exist. | |
void | io_touch_file (const char *filename) |
Touches a file similar to UNIX touch. | |
NONNULL char * | io_path_get_parent_dir (const char *path) |
NONNULL char * | io_file_strip_ext (const char *filename) |
Strips extensions from given filename. | |
NONNULL const char * | io_file_get_ext (const char *file) |
Returns file extension or NULL. | |
NONNULL char * | io_path_get_basename_without_ext (const char *filename) |
Strips path from given filename. | |
NONNULL char * | io_file_get_creation_datetime (const char *filename) |
NONNULL gint64 | io_file_get_last_modified_datetime (const char *filename) |
Returns the number of seconds since the epoch, or -1 if failed. | |
NONNULL char * | io_file_get_last_modified_datetime_as_str (const char *filename) |
NONNULL int | io_remove (const char *path) |
Removes the given file. | |
NONNULL int | io_rmdir (const char *path, bool force) |
Removes a dir, optionally forcing deletion. | |
char ** | io_get_files_in_dir_as_basenames (const char *dir, bool allow_empty, bool with_ext) |
char ** | io_get_files_in_dir_ending_in (const char *_dir, const int recursive, const char *end_string, bool allow_empty) |
Returns a list of the files in the given directory. | |
WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool | io_copy_dir (const char *destdir_str, const char *srcdir_str, bool follow_symlinks, bool recursive, GError **error) |
Copies a directory. | |
NONNULL char * | io_get_next_available_filepath (const char *filepath) |
Returns a newly allocated path that is either a copy of the original path if the path does not exist, or the original path appended with (n), where n is a number. | |
NONNULL void | io_open_directory (const char *path) |
Opens the given directory using the default program. | |
NONNULL void | io_escape_dir_name (char *dest, const char *dir) |
Returns a clone of the given string after removing forbidden characters. | |
NONNULL char * | io_traverse_path (const char *abs_path) |
Returns the new path after traversing any symlinks (using readlink()). | |
NONNULL void | log_init_writer_idle (Log *self, unsigned int secs) |
Initializes logging to a file. | |
NONNULL int | log_idle_cb (Log *self) |
Idle callback. | |
NONNULL char * | log_get_last_n_lines (Log *self, int n) |
Returns the last n lines as a newly allocated string. | |
bool | log_generate_compressed_file (Log *self, char **ret_dir, char **ret_path, GError **error) |
Generates a compressed log file (for sending with bug reports). | |
WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool | log_init_with_file (Log *self, const char *filepath, GError **error) |
Initializes logging to a file. | |
CONST WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Log ** | log_get (void) |
Returns a pointer to the global zlog. | |
Log * | log_new (void) |
Creates the logger and sets the writer func. | |
NONNULL void | log_free (Log *self) |
Stops logging and frees any allocated memory. | |
sample_t | math_calculate_rms_amp (sample_t *buf, const nframes_t nframes) |
sample_t | math_calculate_rms_db (sample_t *buf, const nframes_t nframes) |
Calculate db using RMS method. | |
bool | math_assert_nonnann (float x) |
Asserts that the value is non-nan. | |
bool | math_is_string_valid_float (const char *str, float *ret) |
Returns whether the given string is a valid float. | |
MPMCQueue * | mpmc_queue_new (void) |
NONNULL void | mpmc_queue_reserve (MPMCQueue *self, size_t buffer_size) |
NONNULL void | mpmc_queue_free (MPMCQueue *self) |
NONNULL void | mpmc_queue_clear (MPMCQueue *self) |
HOT NONNULL int | mpmc_queue_push_back (MPMCQueue *self, void *const data) |
HOT NONNULL int | mpmc_queue_dequeue (MPMCQueue *self, void **data) |
PangoLayout * | z_pango_create_layout_from_description (GtkWidget *widget, PangoFontDescription *descr) |
ProgressInfo * | progress_info_new (void) |
ProgressStatus | progress_info_get_status (ProgressInfo *self) |
ProgressCompletionType | progress_info_get_completion_type (ProgressInfo *self) |
void | progress_info_request_cancellation (ProgressInfo *self) |
To be called by the task caller. | |
void | progress_info_mark_completed (ProgressInfo *self, ProgressCompletionType type, const char *msg) |
To be called by the task itself. | |
char * | progress_info_get_message (ProgressInfo *self) |
Returns a newly allocated string. | |
void | progress_info_get_progress (ProgressInfo *self, double *progress, char **str) |
To be called by the task caller. | |
void | progress_info_update_progress (ProgressInfo *self, double progress, const char *msg) |
To be called by the task itself. | |
bool | progress_info_pending_cancellation (ProgressInfo *self) |
void | progress_info_free (ProgressInfo *self) |
Resampler * | resampler_new (const float *in_frames, const size_t num_in_frames, const double input_rate, const double output_rate, const unsigned int num_channels, const ResamplerQuality quality, GError **error) |
Creates a new instance of a Resampler with the given settings. | |
NONNULL bool | resampler_is_done (Resampler *self) |
Indicates whether resampling is finished. | |
NONNULL void | resampler_free (Resampler *self) |
void | resources_set_class_template (GtkWidgetClass *klass, const char *filename) |
Sets class template from resource. | |
GBytes * | resources_get_gl_shader_data (const char *path) |
Returns the bytes of the specified OpenGL shader in RESOURCES_GL_SHADERS_PATH. | |
int | sort_alphabetical_func (const void *a, const void *b) |
Alphabetical sort func. | |
Stack * | stack_new (int length) |
Creates a new stack of the given size. | |
int | stack_size (Stack *s) |
int | stack_is_empty (Stack *s) |
int | stack_is_full (Stack *s) |
void * | stack_peek (Stack *s) |
void * | stack_peek_last (Stack *s) |
void | stack_push (Stack *s, void *element) |
void * | stack_pop (Stack *s) |
void * | stack_pop_last (Stack *s) |
Pops the last element and moves everything back. | |
void | stack_free_members (Stack *s) |
void | stack_free (Stack *s) |
int | string_is_ascii (const char *string) |
Returns if the string is ASCII. | |
char * | string_array_contains_substr (char **str_array, int num_str, const char *substr) |
Returns the matched string if the string array contains the given substring. | |
bool | string_contains_substr (const char *str, const char *substr) |
Returns if the given string contains the given substring. | |
bool | string_contains_substr_case_insensitive (const char *str, const char *substr) |
void | string_to_upper (const char *in, char *out) |
Converts the given string to uppercase in out. | |
void | string_to_lower (const char *in, char *out) |
Converts the given string to lowercase in out. | |
bool | string_is_equal_ignore_case (const char *str1, const char *str2) |
Returns if the two strings are equal ignoring case. | |
NONNULL char * | string_convert_to_filename (const char *str) |
Returns a newly allocated string that is a filename version of the given string. | |
MALLOC NONNULL char * | string_get_substr_before_suffix (const char *str, const char *suffix) |
Removes the suffix starting from suffix from full_str and returns a newly allocated string. | |
char * | string_remove_until_after_first_match (const char *str, const char *match) |
Removes everything up to and including the first match of match from the start of the string and returns a newly allocated string. | |
void | string_replace_regex (char **str, const char *regex, const char *replace_str) |
Replaces src_str with replace_str in all instances matched by regex. | |
char * | string_replace (const char *str, const char *from, const char *to) |
char * | string_get_regex_group (const char *str, const char *regex, int group) |
Gets the string in the given regex group. | |
int | string_get_regex_group_as_int (const char *str, const char *regex, int group, int def) |
Gets the string in the given regex group as an integer. | |
int | string_get_int_after_last_space (const char *str, char *str_without_num) |
Returns the integer found at the end of a string like "My String 3" -> 3, or -1 if no number is found. | |
char ** | string_array_sort_and_remove_duplicates (char **str_arr) |
TODO Sorts the given string array and removes duplicates. | |
void | string_copy_w_realloc (char **dest, const char *src) |
Copies the string src to the buffer in dest after reallocating the buffer in dest to the length of src. | |
char * | string_symbolify (const char *in) |
Returns a new string with only ASCII alphanumeric characters and replaces the rest with underscore. | |
bool | string_is_empty (const char *str) |
Returns whether the string is NULL or empty. | |
int | string_utf8_strcasecmp (const char *s1, const char *s2) |
Compares two UTF-8 strings using approximate case-insensitive ordering. | |
char * | string_expand_env_vars (const char *src) |
Expands environment variables enclosed in ${} in the given string. | |
void | string_print_strv (const char *prefix, char **strv) |
char ** | string_array_clone (const char **src) |
Clones the given string array. | |
char * | system_get_cmd_output (char **argv, long ms_timer, bool always_wait) |
Runs the command and returns the output, or NULL. | |
void | ui_set_pointer_cursor (GtkWidget *widget) |
void | ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GtkWidget *widget, const char *name, int offset_x, int offset_y) |
Sets cursor from icon name. | |
void | ui_set_cursor_from_name (GtkWidget *widget, const char *name) |
Sets cursor from standard cursor name. | |
gboolean | ui_on_motion_set_status_bar_text_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, char *text) |
AdwDialog * | ui_show_message_full (GtkWidget *parent, const char *title, const char *format,...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(3 |
Shows a popup message of the given type with the given message. | |
bool | ui_is_point_in_rect_hit (GdkRectangle *rect, const bool check_x, const bool check_y, double x, double y, double x_padding, double y_padding) |
Returns if rect is hit or not by the given coordinate. | |
NONNULL int | ui_is_child_hit (GtkWidget *parent, GtkWidget *child, const int check_x, const int check_y, const double x, const double y, const double x_padding, const double y_padding) |
Returns if the child is hit or not by the coordinates in parent. | |
GtkWidget * | ui_get_hit_child (GtkWidget *parent, double x, double y, GType type) |
Returns the matching hit child, or NULL. | |
UiDetail | ui_get_detail_level (void) |
NONNULL void | ui_px_to_pos_timeline (double px, Position *pos, bool has_padding) |
Converts from pixels to position. | |
signed_frame_t | ui_px_to_frames_timeline (double px, bool has_padding) |
Converts from pixels to frames. | |
signed_frame_t | ui_px_to_frames_editor (double px, bool has_padding) |
Converts from pixels to frames. | |
NONNULL int | ui_pos_to_px_timeline (const Position *pos, int use_padding) |
Converts position to px, optionally adding the ruler padding. | |
NONNULL int | ui_pos_to_px_editor (const Position *pos, bool use_padding) |
Converts position to px, optionally adding the ruler padding. | |
NONNULL void | ui_px_to_pos_editor (double px, Position *pos, bool has_padding) |
Converts from pixels to position. | |
void | ui_rgb_to_hex (double red, double green, double blue, char *buf) |
Converts RGB to hex string. | |
void | ui_gdk_rgba_to_hex (GdkRGBA *color, char *buf) |
void | ui_show_notification (const char *msg) |
Shows a notification in the revealer. | |
int | ui_show_notification_idle_func (char *msg) |
Show notification from non-GTK threads. | |
void | ui_setup_language_combo_row (AdwComboRow *combo_row) |
Sets up a combo box to have a selection of languages. | |
AdwComboRow * | ui_gen_audio_backends_combo_row (bool with_signal) |
Generates a combo row for selecting the audio backend. | |
AdwComboRow * | ui_gen_midi_backends_combo_row (bool with_signal) |
Generates a combo row for selecting the MIDI backend. | |
void | ui_setup_audio_device_name_combo_row (AdwComboRow *combo_row, bool populate, bool with_signal) |
Sets up a combo row for selecting the audio device name. | |
void | ui_setup_vst_paths_entry (GtkEntry *entry) |
Sets up the VST paths entry. | |
void | ui_update_vst_paths_from_entry (GtkEntry *entry) |
Updates the the VST paths in the gsettings from the text in the entry. | |
char * | ui_get_locale_not_available_string (LocalizationLanguage lang) |
Returns the "a locale for the language you have
selected..." text based on the given language. | |
void | ui_show_warning_for_tempo_track_experimental_feature (void) |
void | ui_get_contrast_color (GdkRGBA *src, GdkRGBA *dest) |
Returns the contrasting color (variation of black or white) based on if the given color is dark enough or not. | |
void | ui_get_mid_color (GdkRGBA *dest, const GdkRGBA *c1, const GdkRGBA *c2, const float transition) |
Returns the color in-between two colors. | |
void | ui_get_arranger_object_color (GdkRGBA *color, const bool is_hovered, const bool is_selected, const bool is_transient, const bool is_muted) |
Gets the color the widget should be. | |
double | ui_get_normalized_draggable_value (double size, double cur_val, double start_px, double cur_px, double last_px, double multiplier, UiDragMode mode) |
Gets a draggable value as a normalized value between 0 and 1. | |
void | ui_get_db_value_as_string (float val, char *buf) |
Returns an appropriate string representation of the given dB value. | |
UiCaches * | ui_caches_new (void) |
void | ui_caches_free (UiCaches *self) |
void | vamp_print_all (void) |
Prints detected vamp plugins. | |
const VampPluginDescriptor * | vamp_get_simple_fixed_tempo_estimator_descriptor (void) |
ZVampPlugin * | vamp_get_plugin (ZVampPluginType type, float samplerate) |
void | vamp_plugin_initialize (ZVampPlugin *plugin, size_t channels, size_t step_size, size_t block_size) |
ZVampFeatureSet * | vamp_plugin_process (ZVampPlugin *plugin, const float *const *input_buffers, long timestamp, unsigned int samplerate) |
ZVampFeatureSet * | vamp_plugin_get_remaining_features (ZVampPlugin *plugin, unsigned int samplerate) |
size_t | vamp_plugin_get_preferred_step_size (ZVampPlugin *plugin) |
size_t | vamp_plugin_get_preferred_block_size (ZVampPlugin *plugin) |
ZVampOutputList * | vamp_plugin_get_output_descriptors (ZVampPlugin *plugin) |
ZVampOutputDescriptor * | vamp_output_descriptor_new (const char *identifier, const char *name, const char *description, const char *unit, bool hasFixedBinCount, bool hasKnownExtents, float minValue, float maxValue, int sampleType, float sampleRate, bool hasDuration) |
ZVampFeature * | vamp_feature_new (bool has_timestamp, long timestamp, bool hasDuration, size_t duration, float *values, size_t num_values, const char *label) |
const ZVampFeatureList * | vamp_feature_set_get_list_for_output (ZVampFeatureSet *self, int output_idx) |
void | vamp_feature_list_print (const ZVampFeatureList *self) |
void | vamp_feature_set_print (const ZVampFeatureSet *self) |
void | vamp_feature_print (ZVampFeature *self) |
void | vamp_plugin_output_print (ZVampOutputDescriptor *self) |
void | vamp_plugin_output_list_print (ZVampOutputList *self) |
void | vamp_feature_free (void *self) |
void | vamp_feature_list_free (void *list) |
void | vamp_output_descriptor_free (void *descr) |
void | vamp_feature_set_free (ZVampFeatureSet *self) |
void | vamp_plugin_output_list_free (ZVampOutputList *self) |
Variables | |
WARN_UNUSED_RESULT GError ** | error |
Log * | zlog |
Global variable, available to all files. | |
GError ** | error |
Various utilities.
#define backtrace_get | ( | prefix, | |
max_lines, | |||
write_to_file ) _backtrace_get (NULL, prefix, max_lines, false, write_to_file) |
Definition at line 39 of file backtrace.h.
#define backtrace_get_with_lines | ( | prefix, | |
max_lines, | |||
write_to_file ) |
Definition at line 42 of file backtrace.h.
#define CACHE_TYPE_ALL |
#define CREATE_CLEAR_SELECTION_MENU_ITEM | ( | action | ) |
#define CREATE_COPY_MENU_ITEM | ( | action | ) | z_gtk_create_menu_item (_ ("_Copy"), "edit-copy", action) |
#define CREATE_CUT_MENU_ITEM | ( | action | ) | z_gtk_create_menu_item (_ ("Cu_t"), "edit-cut", action) |
#define CREATE_DELETE_MENU_ITEM | ( | action | ) | z_gtk_create_menu_item (_ ("_Delete"), "edit-delete", action) |
#define CREATE_DUPLICATE_MENU_ITEM | ( | action | ) | z_gtk_create_menu_item (_ ("Duplicate"), "edit-duplicate", action) |
#define CREATE_MIDI_LEARN_MENU_ITEM | ( | action | ) | z_gtk_create_menu_item (_ ("MIDI learn"), "signal-midi", action) |
#define CREATE_MUTE_MENU_ITEM | ( | action | ) | z_gtk_create_menu_item (_ ("Mute"), "mute", action) |
#define CREATE_PASTE_MENU_ITEM | ( | action | ) | z_gtk_create_menu_item (_ ("_Paste"), "edit-paste", action) |
#define CREATE_SELECT_ALL_MENU_ITEM | ( | action | ) | z_gtk_create_menu_item (_ ("Select A_ll"), "edit-select-all", action) |
#define CREATE_UNMUTE_MENU_ITEM | ( | action | ) | z_gtk_create_menu_item (_ ("Unmute"), NULL, action) |
#define DEFAULT_CLIPBOARD gdk_display_get_clipboard (gdk_display_get_default ()) |
#define ENUM_BITSET | ( | _enum, | |
_val ) (magic_enum::containers::bitset<_enum> (_val)) |
#define ENUM_BITSET_TEST | ( | _enum, | |
_val, | |||
_other_val ) |
#define ENUM_BITSET_TO_STRING | ( | _enum, | |
_val ) (ENUM_BITSET (_enum, _val).to_string ().data ()) |
#define ENUM_COUNT | ( | _enum | ) | (magic_enum::enum_count<_enum> ()) |
#define ENUM_ENABLE_BITSET | ( | _enum | ) |
#define ENUM_INT_TO_VALUE | ( | _enum, | |
_int ) (magic_enum::enum_value<_enum> (_int)) |
#define ENUM_INT_TO_VALUE_CONST | ( | _enum, | |
_int ) (magic_enum::enum_value<_enum, _int> ()) |
#define ENUM_NAME | ( | _val | ) | (magic_enum::enum_name (_val).data ()) |
#define ENUM_NAME_FROM_INT | ( | _enum, | |
_int ) ENUM_NAME (ENUM_INT_TO_VALUE (_enum, _int)) |
#define ENUM_VALUE_TO_INT | ( | _val | ) | (magic_enum::enum_integer (_val)) |
#define file_exists | ( | file | ) | g_file_test (file, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS) |
#define g_error_free_and_null | ( | ptr | ) | object_free_w_func_and_null (g_error_free, ptr) |
#define g_free_and_null | ( | ptr | ) | object_free_w_func_and_null (g_free, ptr) |
#define g_object_unref_and_null | ( | ptr | ) | object_free_w_func_and_null (g_object_unref, ptr) |
#define g_source_remove_and_zero | ( | src_id | ) |
#define io_get_files_in_dir | ( | dir, | |
allow_empty ) io_get_files_in_dir_ending_in (dir, 0, NULL, allow_empty) |
#define io_path_get_basename | ( | filename | ) | g_path_get_basename (filename) |
#define math_doubles_equal | ( | a, | |
b ) ((a) > (b) ? (a) - (b) < DBL_EPSILON : (b) - (a) < DBL_EPSILON) |
#define math_doubles_equal_epsilon math_floats_equal_epsilon |
#define math_floats_equal | ( | a, | |
b ) ((a) > (b) ? (a) - (b) < FLT_EPSILON : (b) - (a) < FLT_EPSILON) |
#define math_floats_equal_epsilon | ( | a, | |
b, | |||
e ) ((a) > (b) ? (a) - (b) < e : (b) - (a) < e) |
#define MATH_RMS_FRAMES 1 |
#define math_round_double_to_signed_32 | ( | x | ) | (lround (x)) |
#define math_round_double_to_signed_64 | ( | x | ) | (llround (x)) |
#define math_round_double_to_signed_frame_t | ( | x | ) | math_round_double_to_signed_64 (x) |
#define math_round_float_to_signed_32 | ( | x | ) | (lroundf (x)) |
#define math_round_float_to_signed_64 | ( | x | ) | (llroundf (x)) |
#define math_round_float_to_signed_frame_t | ( | x | ) | math_round_float_to_signed_64 (x) |
#define MATH_TINY_NUMBER (0.0000001) |
#define object_delete_and_null | ( | _obj | ) |
#define object_free_unresizable | ( | type, | |
obj ) free (obj) |
Frees memory for objects created with object_new().
#define object_free_w_func_and_null | ( | _func, | |
_obj ) |
#define object_free_w_func_and_null_cast | ( | _func, | |
_cast, | |||
_obj ) |
#define object_new | ( | type | ) | (type *) g_malloc0 (sizeof (type)) |
#define object_new_n | ( | n, | |
type ) (static_cast<type *> (object_new_n_sizeof (n, sizeof (type)))) |
#define object_new_n_sizeof | ( | n, | |
sz ) g_malloc0_n (n, sz) |
#define object_new_unresizable | ( | type | ) | object_new (type) |
Allocates memory for an object of type type.
This is more efficient than object_new() but does not support resizing.
Must be free'd with object_free_unresizable().
#define object_realloc_n | ( | obj, | |
prev_n, | |||
n, | |||
type ) |
#define object_realloc_n_sizeof | ( | obj, | |
prev_sz, | |||
sz ) realloc_zero (obj, prev_sz, sz) |
#define object_set_to_zero | ( | ptr | ) | memset (ptr, 0, sizeof (*(ptr))) |
#define object_zero_and_free | ( | ptr | ) | _object_zero_and_free ((void **) &(ptr), sizeof (*(ptr))) |
#define object_zero_and_free_if_nonnull | ( | ptr | ) | object_free_w_func_and_null (object_zero_and_free, ptr) |
#define object_zero_and_free_unresizable | ( | type, | |
ptr ) _object_zero_and_free_unresizable ((void **) &(ptr), sizeof (type)) |
Definition at line 24 of file resources.h.
Definition at line 22 of file resources.h.
#define RESOURCES_PATH_TOP "/org/zrythm/Zrythm" |
Definition at line 21 of file resources.h.
Definition at line 23 of file resources.h.
#define STACK_PUSH | ( | s, | |
element ) stack_push (s, (void *) element) |
#define string_is_equal | ( | str1, | |
str2 ) (!g_strcmp0 (str1, str2)) |
Definition at line 25 of file supported_file.h.
For SupportedFile pointers.
Track target entry.
This is just the identifier. The TracklistSelections will be used.
#define TYPEDEF_STRUCT_UNDERSCORED | ( | s | ) | typedef struct _##s s |
#define ui_add_widget_tooltip | ( | widget, | |
txt ) gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (GTK_WIDGET (widget), txt) |
#define UI_CACHES (zrythm_app->ui_caches) |
#define ui_is_widget_revealed | ( | widget | ) |
#define ui_set_brush_cursor | ( | widget | ) | ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "brush-cursor", 2, 3); |
#define ui_set_cut_clip_cursor | ( | widget | ) | ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "cut-cursor", 9, 7); |
#define ui_set_eraser_cursor | ( | widget | ) | ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "eraser-cursor", 4, 2); |
#define ui_set_fade_in_cursor | ( | widget | ) | ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "fade-in-cursor", 3, 1); |
#define ui_set_fade_out_cursor | ( | widget | ) | ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "fade-out-cursor", 3, 1); |
#define ui_set_hand_cursor | ( | widget | ) | ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "move-cursor", 12, 11); |
#define ui_set_hover_status_bar_signals | ( | w, | |
t ) |
#define ui_set_left_resize_cursor | ( | widget | ) | ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "w-resize-cursor", 14, 11); |
#define ui_set_left_resize_loop_cursor | ( | widget | ) | ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "w-loop-cursor", 14, 11); |
#define ui_set_left_stretch_cursor | ( | widget | ) |
#define ui_set_line_cursor | ( | widget | ) | ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "ramp-cursor", 2, 3); |
#define ui_set_pencil_cursor | ( | widget | ) | ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "edit-cursor", 2, 3); |
#define ui_set_right_resize_cursor | ( | widget | ) | ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "e-resize-cursor", 10, 11); |
#define ui_set_right_resize_loop_cursor | ( | widget | ) | ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "e-loop-cursor", 10, 11); |
#define ui_set_right_stretch_cursor | ( | widget | ) |
#define ui_set_speaker_cursor | ( | widget | ) | ui_set_cursor_from_icon_name (GTK_WIDGET (widget), "audition-cursor", 10, 12); |
#define ui_set_time_select_cursor | ( | widget | ) |
#define ui_show_error_message | ( | title, | |
msg ) ui_show_message_literal (title, msg) |
#define ui_show_error_message_printf | ( | title, | |
fmt, | |||
... ) ui_show_message_printf (title, fmt, __VA_ARGS__); |
#define ui_show_message_literal | ( | title, | |
str ) ui_show_message_full (GTK_WIDGET (UI_ACTIVE_WINDOW_OR_NULL), title, "%s", str) |
#define ui_show_message_printf | ( | title, | |
fmt, | |||
... ) |
Type can be GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, etc.
#define ui_show_notification_idle | ( | msg | ) | ui_show_notification_idle_printf ("%s", msg) |
#define ui_show_notification_idle_printf | ( | fmt, | |
... ) |
Shows the notification when idle.
This should be called from threads other than GTK main thread.
#define z_cairo_draw_text | ( | cr, | |
widget, | |||
layout, | |||
text ) |
Draw text with default padding.
#define Z_CAIRO_FONT "Bold 9" |
#define z_cairo_get_text_extents_for_widget | ( | _widget, | |
_layout, | |||
_text, | |||
_width, | |||
_height ) |
#define Z_GDK_RECTANGLE_INIT | ( | _x, | |
_y, | |||
_w, | |||
_h ) |
#define Z_GDK_RECTANGLE_INIT_UNIT | ( | _x, | |
_y ) |
#define Z_GDK_RGBA_INIT | ( | r, | |
g, | |||
b, | |||
a ) |
#define Z_GRAPHENE_POINT_INIT | ( | _x, | |
_y ) GRAPHENE_POINT_INIT (static_cast<float> (_x), static_cast<float> (_y)) |
#define Z_GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT | ( | _x, | |
_y, | |||
_w, | |||
_h ) |
#define z_gtk_assistant_set_current_page_complete | ( | assistant, | |
complete ) |
#define z_gtk_create_menu_item | ( | lbl_name, | |
icn_name, | |||
action_name ) z_gtk_create_menu_item_full (lbl_name, icn_name, action_name) |
#define z_return_if_fail_cmp | ( | a, | |
comparator, | |||
b ) z_return_val_if_fail_cmp (a, comparator, b, ) |
#define z_return_val_if_fail_cmp | ( | a, | |
comparator, | |||
b, | |||
val ) |
#define z_warn_if_fail_cmp | ( | a, | |
comparator, | |||
b ) |
typedef unsigned int channels_t |
typedef void(* GenericCallback) (void *object) |
typedef int(* GenericCmpFunc) (const void *a, const void *b) |
typedef float(* GenericFloatGetter) (void *object) |
typedef void(* GenericFloatSetter) (void *object, float val) |
typedef bool( * GenericPredicateFunc) (const void *object, const void *user_data) |
typedef void(* GenericStringCopyGetter) (void *object, char *buf) |
typedef const char *(* GenericStringGetter) (void *object) |
typedef void(* GenericStringSetter) (void *object, const char *val) |
typedef uint8_t midi_byte_t |
typedef uint32_t midi_time_t |
typedef void(* ObjectFreeFunc) (void *) |
typedef struct ProgressInfo ProgressInfo |
Definition at line 35 of file progress_info.h.
typedef uint32_t sample_rate_t |
typedef int_fast64_t signed_frame_t |
typedef signed_frame_t signed_ms_t |
typedef signed_frame_t signed_sec_t |
typedef uint_fast64_t unsigned_frame_t |
enum AudioValueFormat |
enum ProgressCompletionType |
Definition at line 27 of file progress_info.h.
enum ProgressStatus |
Definition at line 19 of file progress_info.h.
enum ResamplerQuality |
Definition at line 23 of file resampler.h.
enum UiCursorState |
enum UiDragMode |
enum UiOverlayAction |
Various overlay actions to be shared.
strong |
File type.
Enumerator | |
FILE_TYPE_PARENT_DIR | Special entry ".." for the parent dir. |
Definition at line 30 of file supported_file.h.
char * _backtrace_get | ( | const char * | exe_path, |
const char * | prefix, | ||
int | max_lines, | ||
bool | with_lines, | ||
bool | write_to_file ) |
Returns the backtrace with max_lines number of lines and a string prefix.
exe_path | Executable path for running addr2line. |
with_lines | Whether to show line numbers. This is very slow. |
void _z_cairo_get_text_extents_for_widget | ( | GtkWidget * | widget, |
PangoLayout * | layout, | ||
const char * | text, | ||
int * | width, | ||
int * | height ) |
Gets the width of the given text in pixels for the given widget.
widget | The widget to derive a PangoLayout from. |
text | The text to draw. |
width | The width to fill in. |
height | The height to fill in. |
float audio_detect_bpm | ( | float * | src, |
size_t | num_frames, | ||
unsigned int | samplerate, | ||
GArray * | candidates ) |
Detect BPM.
bool audio_files_equal | ( | const char * | f1, |
const char * | f2, | ||
size_t | num_frames, | ||
float | epsilon ) |
Returns whether the file contents are equal.
num_frames | Maximum number of frames to check. Passing 0 will check all frames. |
WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool audio_write_raw_file | ( | float * | buff, |
size_t | frames_already_written, | ||
size_t | nframes, | ||
uint32_t | samplerate, | ||
bool | flac, | ||
BitDepth | bit_depth, | ||
channels_t | channels, | ||
const char * | filename, | ||
GError ** | error ) |
Writes the buffer as a raw file to the given path.
size | The number of frames per channel. |
samplerate | The samplerate of buff. |
frames_already_written | Frames (per channel) already written. If this is non-zero and the file exists, it will append to the existing file. |
void color_morph | ( | GdkRGBA * | a, |
GdkRGBA * | b, | ||
float | amt, | ||
GdkRGBA * | result ) |
Morphs from a to b, depending on the given amount.
Eg, if amt is 0, the resulting color will be a. If amt is 1, the resulting color will be .
char * datetime_get_current_as_string | ( | void | ) |
Returns the current datetime as a string.
Must be free()'d by caller.
int env_get_int | ( | const char * | key, |
int | def ) |
Returns an int for the given environment variable if it exists and is valid, otherwise returns the default int.
def | Default value to return if not found. |
char * env_get_string | ( | const char * | key, |
const char * | def ) |
Returns a newly allocated string.
def | Default value to return if not found. |
int file_reflink | ( | const char * | dest, |
const char * | src ) |
Do cp –reflink from src to dest.
WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool io_copy_dir | ( | const char * | destdir_str, |
const char * | srcdir_str, | ||
bool | follow_symlinks, | ||
bool | recursive, | ||
GError ** | error ) |
Copies a directory.
NONNULL char * io_get_dir | ( | const char * | filename | ) |
Gets directory part of filename.
MUST be freed.
filename | Filename containing directory. |
char ** io_get_files_in_dir_ending_in | ( | const char * | _dir, |
const int | recursive, | ||
const char * | end_string, | ||
bool | allow_empty ) |
Returns a list of the files in the given directory.
dir | The directory to look for. |
allow_empty | Whether to allow returning an empty array that has only NULL, otherwise return NULL if empty. |
NONNULL char * io_get_next_available_filepath | ( | const char * | filepath | ) |
Returns a newly allocated path that is either a copy of the original path if the path does not exist, or the original path appended with (n), where n is a number.
Example: "myfile" -> "myfile (1)"
NONNULL char * io_path_get_basename_without_ext | ( | const char * | filename | ) |
Strips path from given filename.
MUST be freed.
NONNULL int io_rmdir | ( | const char * | path, |
bool | force ) |
Removes a dir, optionally forcing deletion.
For safety reasons, this only accepts an absolute path with length greater than 20 if forced.
bool log_generate_compressed_file | ( | Log * | self, |
char ** | ret_dir, | ||
char ** | ret_path, | ||
GError ** | error ) |
Generates a compressed log file (for sending with bug reports).
NONNULL char * log_get_last_n_lines | ( | Log * | self, |
int | n ) |
Returns the last n lines as a newly allocated string.
n | Number of lines. |
WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool log_init_with_file | ( | Log * | self, |
const char * | filepath, | ||
GError ** | error ) |
Initializes logging to a file.
This can be called from any thread.
filepath | If non-NULL, the given file will be used, otherwise the default file will be created. |
NONNULL void log_init_writer_idle | ( | Log * | self, |
unsigned int | secs ) |
Initializes logging to a file.
This must be called from the GTK thread.
secs | Number of timeout seconds. |
Log * log_new | ( | void | ) |
Creates the logger and sets the writer func.
This can be called from any thread.
bool math_assert_nonnann | ( | float | x | ) |
Asserts that the value is non-nan.
Not real-time safe.
Calculate db using RMS method.
buf | Buffer containing the samples. |
nframes | Number of samples. |
bool math_is_string_valid_float | ( | const char * | str, |
float * | ret ) |
Returns whether the given string is a valid float.
ret | If non-NULL, the result will be placed here. |
NONNULL_ARGS | ( | 1 | ) | const |
Makes directory if doesn't exist.
To be called periodically until resampler_is_done() returns true.
Resampler * resampler_new | ( | const float * | in_frames, |
const size_t | num_in_frames, | ||
const double | input_rate, | ||
const double | output_rate, | ||
const unsigned int | num_channels, | ||
const ResamplerQuality | quality, | ||
GError ** | error ) |
Creates a new instance of a Resampler with the given settings.
Resampler.num_out_frames will be set to the number of output frames required for resampling with the given settings.
GBytes * resources_get_gl_shader_data | ( | const char * | path | ) |
Returns the bytes of the specified OpenGL shader in RESOURCES_GL_SHADERS_PATH.
Caller must free the bytes with g_bytes_unref ().
void resources_set_class_template | ( | GtkWidgetClass * | klass, |
const char * | filename ) |
Sets class template from resource.
Filename is part after .../ui/
int sort_alphabetical_func | ( | const void * | a, |
const void * | b ) |
Alphabetical sort func.
The arguments must be strings (char *).
Stack * stack_new | ( | int | length | ) |
Creates a new stack of the given size.
length | Stack size. If -1, the stack will have unlimited size. |
char ** string_array_sort_and_remove_duplicates | ( | char ** | str_arr | ) |
TODO Sorts the given string array and removes duplicates.
str_arr | A NULL-terminated array of strings. |
NONNULL char * string_convert_to_filename | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Returns a newly allocated string that is a filename version of the given string.
Example: "MIDI Region #1" -> "MIDI_Region_1".
void string_copy_w_realloc | ( | char ** | dest, |
const char * | src ) |
Copies the string src to the buffer in dest after reallocating the buffer in dest to the length of src.
If src is NULL, the string at dest is free'd and the pointer is set to NULL.
int string_get_int_after_last_space | ( | const char * | str, |
char * | str_without_num ) |
Returns the integer found at the end of a string like "My String 3" -> 3, or -1 if no number is found.
See https://www.debuggex.com/cheatsheet/regex/pcre for more info.
str_without_num | A buffer to save the string without the number (including the space). |
char * string_get_regex_group | ( | const char * | str, |
const char * | regex, | ||
int | group ) |
Gets the string in the given regex group.
int string_get_regex_group_as_int | ( | const char * | str, |
const char * | regex, | ||
int | group, | ||
int | def ) |
Gets the string in the given regex group as an integer.
def | Default. |
void string_to_lower | ( | const char * | in, |
char * | out ) |
Converts the given string to lowercase in out.
Assumes out is already allocated to as many chars as in.
void string_to_upper | ( | const char * | in, |
char * | out ) |
Converts the given string to uppercase in out.
Assumes out is already allocated to as many chars as in.
int string_utf8_strcasecmp | ( | const char * | s1, |
const char * | s2 ) |
Compares two UTF-8 strings using approximate case-insensitive ordering.
s1 | compares before |
s2,0 | if they compare equal, > 0 if |
s1 | compares after |
s2 |
char * supported_file_type_get_description | ( | ZFileType | type | ) |
Returns a human readable description of the given file type.
Example: wav -> "Wave file".
char * system_get_cmd_output | ( | char ** | argv, |
long | ms_timer, | ||
bool | always_wait ) |
Runs the command and returns the output, or NULL.
This assumes that the process will exit within a few milliseconds from when the first output is printed, unless always_wait is true, in which case the process will only be reaped after the waiting time.
ms_timer | A timer in ms to kill the process, or negative to not wait. |
AdwComboRow * ui_gen_audio_backends_combo_row | ( | bool | with_signal | ) |
Generates a combo row for selecting the audio backend.
with_signal | Add a signal to change the backend in GSettings. |
AdwComboRow * ui_gen_midi_backends_combo_row | ( | bool | with_signal | ) |
Generates a combo row for selecting the MIDI backend.
with_signal | Add a signal to change the backend in GSettings. |
void ui_get_arranger_object_color | ( | GdkRGBA * | color, |
const bool | is_hovered, | ||
const bool | is_selected, | ||
const bool | is_transient, | ||
const bool | is_muted ) |
Gets the color the widget should be.
color | The original color. |
is_selected | Whether the widget is supposed to be selected or not. |
void ui_get_contrast_color | ( | GdkRGBA * | src, |
GdkRGBA * | dest ) |
Returns the contrasting color (variation of black or white) based on if the given color is dark enough or not.
src | The source color. |
dest | The destination color to write to. |
GtkWidget * ui_get_hit_child | ( | GtkWidget * | parent, |
double | x, | ||
double | y, | ||
GType | type ) |
Returns the matching hit child, or NULL.
x | X in parent space. |
y | Y in parent space. |
type | Type to look for. |
char * ui_get_locale_not_available_string | ( | LocalizationLanguage | lang | ) |
Returns the "a locale for the language you have selected..." text based on the given language.
Must be free'd by caller.
void ui_get_mid_color | ( | GdkRGBA * | dest, |
const GdkRGBA * | c1, | ||
const GdkRGBA * | c2, | ||
const float | transition ) |
Returns the color in-between two colors.
transition | How far to transition (0.5 for half). |
double ui_get_normalized_draggable_value | ( | double | size, |
double | cur_val, | ||
double | start_px, | ||
double | cur_px, | ||
double | last_px, | ||
double | multiplier, | ||
UiDragMode | mode ) |
Gets a draggable value as a normalized value between 0 and 1.
size | Widget size (either width or height). |
start_px | Px at start of drag. |
cur_px | Current px. |
last_px | Px during last call. |
NONNULL int ui_is_child_hit | ( | GtkWidget * | parent, |
GtkWidget * | child, | ||
const int | check_x, | ||
const int | check_y, | ||
const double | x, | ||
const double | y, | ||
const double | x_padding, | ||
const double | y_padding ) |
Returns if the child is hit or not by the coordinates in parent.
check_x | Check x-axis for match. |
check_y | Check y-axis for match. |
x | x in parent space. |
y | y in parent space. |
x_padding | Padding to add to the x of the object when checking if hit. The bigger the padding the more space the child will have to get hit. |
y_padding | Padding to add to the y of the object when checking if hit. The bigger the padding the more space the child will have to get hit. |
bool ui_is_point_in_rect_hit | ( | GdkRectangle * | rect, |
const bool | check_x, | ||
const bool | check_y, | ||
double | x, | ||
double | y, | ||
double | x_padding, | ||
double | y_padding ) |
Returns if rect is hit or not by the given coordinate.
check_x | Check x-axis for match. |
check_y | Check y-axis for match. |
x | x in parent space. |
y | y in parent space. |
x_padding | Padding to add to the x of the object when checking if hit. The bigger the padding the more space the child will have to get hit. |
y_padding | Padding to add to the y of the object when checking if hit. The bigger the padding the more space the child will have to get hit. |
signed_frame_t ui_px_to_frames_editor | ( | double | px, |
bool | has_padding ) |
Converts from pixels to frames.
Returns the frames.
has_padding | Whether then given px contains padding. |
signed_frame_t ui_px_to_frames_timeline | ( | double | px, |
bool | has_padding ) |
Converts from pixels to frames.
Returns the frames.
has_padding | Whether then given px contains padding. |
NONNULL void ui_px_to_pos_editor | ( | double | px, |
Position * | pos, | ||
bool | has_padding ) |
Converts from pixels to position.
Only works with positive numbers. Negatives will be clamped at 0. If a negative is needed, pass the abs to this function and then change the sign.
has_padding | Whether px contains padding. |
NONNULL void ui_px_to_pos_timeline | ( | double | px, |
Position * | pos, | ||
bool | has_padding ) |
Converts from pixels to position.
Only works with positive numbers. Negatives will be clamped at 0. If a negative is needed, pass the abs to this function and then change the sign.
has_padding | Whether px contains padding. |
void ui_setup_audio_device_name_combo_row | ( | AdwComboRow * | combo_row, |
bool | populate, | ||
bool | with_signal ) |
Sets up a combo row for selecting the audio device name.
with_signal | Add a signal to change the backend in GSettings. |
AdwDialog * ui_show_message_full | ( | GtkWidget * | parent, |
const char * | title, | ||
const char * | format, | ||
... ) |
Shows a popup message of the given type with the given message.
int ui_show_notification_idle_func | ( | char * | msg | ) |
Show notification from non-GTK threads.
This should be used internally. Use the ui_show_notification_idle macro instead.
void z_cairo_reset_caches | ( | cairo_t ** | cr_cache, |
cairo_surface_t ** | surface_cache, | ||
int | width, | ||
int | height, | ||
cairo_t * | new_cr ) |
Resets a surface and cairo_t with a new surface and cairo_t based on the given rectangle and cairo_t.
To be used inside draw calls of widgets that use caching.
width | New surface width. |
height | New surface height. |
char * z_curl_get_page_contents | ( | const char * | url, |
int | timeout, | ||
GError ** | error ) |
Returns the contents of the page in a newly allocated string.
timeout | Timeout in seconds. |
char * z_curl_get_page_contents_default | ( | const char * | url | ) |
Returns the contents of the page in a newly allocated string.
int z_curl_post_json_no_auth | ( | const char * | url, |
const char * | data, | ||
int | timeout, | ||
GError ** | error, | ||
... ) |
Posts the given JSON to the URL without any authentication.
timeout | Timeout, in seconds. |
... | Optional files to send as multi-part mime objects. Each object must contain 3 strings: name, filepath, mimetype. The list must end in NULL. |
char * z_gdk_clipboard_get_text | ( | GdkClipboard * | clipboard | ) |
Returns the text on the clipboard, or NULL if there is nothing or the content is not text.
GdkPixbuf * z_gdk_pixbuf_new_from_icon_name | ( | const char * | icon_name, |
int | width, | ||
int | height, | ||
int | scale, | ||
GError ** | error ) |
Creates a new pixbuf for the given icon scaled at the given width/height.
Pass -1 for either width/height to maintain aspect ratio.
GdkTexture * z_gdk_texture_new_from_icon_name | ( | const char * | icon_name, |
int | width, | ||
int | height, | ||
int | scale ) |
Creates a new texture for the given icon scaled at the given width/height.
Pass -1 for either width/height to maintain aspect ratio.
void z_gtk_actionable_set_action_from_setting | ( | GtkActionable * | actionable, |
GSettings * | settings, | ||
const char * | key ) |
Sets the action target of the given GtkActionable to be binded to the given setting.
Mainly used for binding GSettings keys to toggle buttons.
int z_gtk_dialog_run | ( | GtkDialog * | dialog, |
bool | destroy_on_close ) |
void z_gtk_generate_screenshot_image | ( | GtkWidget * | widget, |
const char * | type, | ||
char ** | option_keys, | ||
char ** | option_values, | ||
char ** | ret_dir, | ||
char ** | ret_path, | ||
bool | accept_fallback ) |
Generates a screenshot image for the given widget.
See gdk_pixbuf_savev() for the parameters.
accept_fallback | Whether to accept a fallback "no image" pixbuf. | |
[out] | ret_dir | Placeholder for directory to be deleted after using the screenshot. |
[out] | ret_path | Placeholder for absolute path to the screenshot. |
char * z_gtk_get_tooltip_for_action | ( | const char * | detailed_action, |
const char * | tooltip ) |
Gets the tooltip for the given action on the given widget.
If the action is valid, an orange text showing the accelerator will be added to the tooltip.
void z_gtk_setup_foldable_notebook | ( | GtkNotebook * | notebook | ) |
Makes the given notebook foldable.
The pages of the notebook must all be wrapped in GtkBox's.
void z_gtk_show_context_menu_from_g_menu | ( | GtkPopoverMenu * | popover_menu, |
double | x, | ||
double | y, | ||
GMenu * | menu ) |
The popover must already exist as a children of its intended widget (or a common parent).
This function will set the new menu and show it.
gboolean z_gtk_simple_action_shortcut_func | ( | GtkWidget * | widget, |
GVariant * | args, | ||
gpointer | user_data ) |
A shortcut callback to use for simple actions.
A single parameter must be passed: action name under "app.".
char * z_gtk_text_buffer_get_full_text | ( | GtkTextBuffer * | buffer | ) |
Returns the full text contained in the text buffer.
Must be free'd using g_free().
void z_gtk_widget_set_tooltip_for_action | ( | GtkWidget * | widget, |
const char * | detailed_action, | ||
const char * | tooltip ) |
Sets the tooltip for the given action on the given widget.
If the action is valid, an orange text showing the accelerator will be added to the tooltip.
GError** error |
Definition at line 90 of file resampler.h.