ChordPreset * | chord_preset_new (void) |
ChordPreset * | chord_preset_new_from_name (const char *name) |
NONNULL ChordPreset * | chord_preset_clone (const ChordPreset *src) |
char * | chord_preset_get_info_text (const ChordPreset *self) |
| Gets informational text.
const char * | chord_preset_get_name (const ChordPreset *self) |
void | chord_preset_set_name (ChordPreset *self, const char *name) |
GMenuModel * | chord_preset_generate_context_menu (const ChordPreset *self) |
NONNULL void | chord_preset_free (ChordPreset *self) |
| Frees the plugin setting.
ChordPresetPack * | chord_preset_pack_new_empty (void) |
ChordPresetPack * | chord_preset_pack_new (const char *name, bool is_standard) |
bool | chord_preset_pack_contains_name (const ChordPresetPack *self, const char *name) |
bool | chord_preset_pack_contains_preset (const ChordPresetPack *self, const ChordPreset *pset) |
char * | chord_preset_pack_serialize_to_json_str (const ChordPresetPack *self, GError **error) |
ChordPresetPack * | chord_preset_pack_deserialize_from_json_str (const char *json, GError **error) |
void | chord_preset_pack_add_preset (ChordPresetPack *self, const ChordPreset *pset) |
void | chord_preset_pack_delete_preset (ChordPresetPack *self, ChordPreset *pset) |
const char * | chord_preset_pack_get_name (const ChordPresetPack *self) |
void | chord_preset_pack_set_name (ChordPresetPack *self, const char *name) |
ChordPresetPack * | chord_preset_pack_clone (const ChordPresetPack *src) |
GMenuModel * | chord_preset_pack_generate_context_menu (const ChordPresetPack *self) |
void | chord_preset_pack_free (ChordPresetPack *self) |
void | chord_preset_pack_destroy_cb (void *self) |
ChordPresetPackManager * | chord_preset_pack_manager_new (bool scan_for_packs) |
| Creates a new chord preset pack manager.
int | chord_preset_pack_manager_get_num_packs (const ChordPresetPackManager *self) |
ChordPresetPack * | chord_preset_pack_manager_get_pack_at (const ChordPresetPackManager *self, int idx) |
NONNULL ChordPresetPack * | chord_preset_pack_manager_get_pack_for_preset (ChordPresetPackManager *self, const ChordPreset *pset) |
int | chord_preset_pack_manager_get_pack_index (ChordPresetPackManager *self, ChordPresetPack *pack) |
int | chord_preset_pack_manager_get_pset_index (ChordPresetPackManager *self, ChordPreset *pset) |
| Returns the preset index in its pack.
void | chord_preset_pack_manager_add_preset (ChordPresetPackManager *self, ChordPresetPack *pack, const ChordPreset *pset, bool serialize) |
| Add a copy of the given preset.
void | chord_preset_pack_manager_add_pack (ChordPresetPackManager *self, const ChordPresetPack *pack, bool serialize) |
| Add a copy of the given pack.
void | chord_preset_pack_manager_delete_pack (ChordPresetPackManager *self, ChordPresetPack *pack, bool serialize) |
void | chord_preset_pack_manager_delete_preset (ChordPresetPackManager *self, ChordPreset *pset, bool serialize) |
WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool | chord_preset_pack_manager_serialize (ChordPresetPackManager *self, GError **error) |
| Serializes the chord presets.
void | chord_preset_pack_manager_free (const ChordPresetPackManager *self) |
PluginSetting *NONNULL | plugin_setting_new_default (const PluginDescriptor *descr) |
| Creates a plugin setting with the recommended settings for the given plugin descriptor based on the current setup.
PluginSetting *NONNULL | plugin_setting_clone (const PluginSetting *src, bool validate) |
bool | plugin_setting_is_equal (const PluginSetting *a, const PluginSetting *b) |
NONNULL void | plugin_setting_validate (PluginSetting *self, bool print_result) |
| Makes sure the setting is valid in the current run and changes any fields to make it conform.
NONNULL void | plugin_setting_print (const PluginSetting *self) |
NONNULL void | plugin_setting_activate (const PluginSetting *self) |
| Creates necessary tracks at the end of the tracklist.
NONNULL void | plugin_setting_increment_num_instantiations (PluginSetting *self) |
| Increments the number of times this plugin has been instantiated.
NONNULL void | plugin_setting_free (PluginSetting *self) |
| Frees the plugin setting.
void | plugin_setting_free_closure (void *self, GClosure *closure) |
PluginSettings * | plugin_settings_read_or_new (void) |
| Reads the file and fills up the object.
NONNULL void | plugin_settings_serialize_to_file (PluginSettings *self) |
| Serializes the current settings.
NONNULL PluginSetting * | plugin_settings_find (PluginSettings *self, const PluginDescriptor *descr) |
| Finds a setting for the given plugin descriptor.
NONNULL void | plugin_settings_set (PluginSettings *self, PluginSetting *setting, bool _serialize) |
| Replaces a setting or appends a setting to the cache.
NONNULL void | plugin_settings_free (PluginSettings *self) |
void | user_shortcut_free (UserShortcut *shortcut) |
UserShortcuts * | user_shortcuts_new (void) |
| Reads the file and fills up the object.
const char * | user_shortcuts_get (UserShortcuts *self, bool primary, const char *action, const char *default_shortcut) |
| Returns a shortcut for the given action, or default_shortcut if not found.
void | user_shortcuts_free (UserShortcuts *self) |