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Hacking Zrythm

Code Structure

. ├── AUTHORS # Author information ├── CHANGELOG.md # Changelog ├── CONTRIBUTING.md # Contributing guidelines ├── CONTRIBUTOR_CERTIFICATE_OF_ORIGIN # Certificate for contributing ├── COPYING # Main license ├── COPYING.* # Other licenses ├── INSTALL.rst # Installation instructions ├── PACKAGING.md # Information for packagers ├── README.md # Main README file ├── THANKS # Thanks notice ├── TRADEMARKS.md # Trademark policy ├── TRANSLATORS # List of translators ├── VERSION # Version file ├── build # temporary build dir ├── data # Data files to be installed │   ├── css-themes # UI CSS themes │   ├── fonts # Fonts │   ├── gtksourceview-*.xml # GtkSourceView themes │   ├── icon-themes # Icon themes │   ├── org.zrythm.Zrythm-mime.xml # Custom MIME types │   ├── samples # Audio samples │   ├── scripts # Built-in Guile scripts │   ├── windows # Files used on windows builds │   ├── zrythm.desktop.in # Desktop file │   ├── zrythm_launch.in # Launcher script │   └── zrythm_*.in # Other scripts ├── doc # Documentation │   ├── dev # Developer docs │   ├── man # Manpage │   └── user # User manual ├── ext # External libs │   ├── midilib # MIDI file serialization │   ├── nanovg # OpenGL drawing │   ├── sh-manpage-completions # Shell completion generator │   ├── weakjack # Weakly-linked JACK │   ├── whereami # Get executable path │   ├── zita-resampler # Real-time resampler │   └── zix # Data struct utils ├── git-packaging-hooks # Git hooks for packaging ├── inc # Include dir │   ├── actions # Actions (undo, quit, etc.) │   ├── dsp # DSP-related headers │   ├── gui # GUI-related headers │   │   ├── backend # Backend for serialization │   │   └── widgets # GUI widgets │   ├── guile # Guile scripting interface │   ├── plugins # Plugin handling │   │   ├── carla # Carla plugin handling │   │   └── lv2 # LV2 plugin handling │   ├── schemas # Struct schema history │   ├── settings # Settings │   ├── utils # Various utils │   └── zrythm.h # Main zrythm struct ├── meson.build # Meson conf ├── meson.options # Meson options ├── po # I18n ├── resources # Bundled resources │   ├── gl # OpenGL │   │   └── shaders # Shaders │   ├── gtk # Standard GTK resources │   ├── icons # Icons │   ├── theme # Parent GTK theme │   └── ui # GTK ui files for widgets ├── scripts # Various scripts ├── src # Source (.c) counterparts of inc ├── subprojects # Subprojects to auto-fetch if some dependencies are not found ├── tests # Unit & integration tests │   └── helpers # Test helpers └── tools # Various tools


For debugging or development, we recommend building with the following options:

-Db_lto=false -Dstrict_flags=true -Ddebug=true -Doptimization=0 -Dtests=true -Db_sanitize=address

After installing Zrythm once, for example in ~/.local, use

G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=zrythm G_DEBUG=fatal_criticals GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=~/.local/share/glib-2.0/schemas GDK_SYNCHRONIZE=1 ZRYTHM_DEBUG=1 gdb -ex "handle SIG32 noprint nostop" -ex run --args build/src/zrythm

Command-line options can be passed at the end. For example,

... -ex run --args build/src/zrythm --dummy
  • G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=zrythm will enable debug messages.
  • G_DEBUG=fatal_criticals will trigger breakpoints at critical messages. fatal_warnings is similar and also includes warnings.
  • GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR specifies the path to look for GSettings schemas. Zrythm will install its schema under share/glib-2.0/schemas in the install prefix.
  • GDK_SYNCHRONIZE=1 will make all X requests synchronously, which can be useful for UI debugging, but it will slow down performance.
  • ZRYTHM_DEBUG=1 behaves like a "developer mode" - it shows more debug info in various elements in the UI.

An easy way to test something is to add a G_BREAKPOINT ();.

Below is a GDB cheatsheet. For more information about using GDB, see man gdb.

  • r: run the program
  • c: continue execution
  • q: quit
  • bt: print backtrace
  • up: go up in the call stack
  • down: go down in the call stack
  • p myvar: print variable myvar
  • call (void) myfunc (arg1, arg2): call function myfunc, which takes in 2 arguments and returns void

For more information on warnings and assertions see https://developer.gnome.org/glib/stable/glib-Warnings-and-Assertions.html.

Also see Running GLib Applications.

We suggest building with -Dextra_debug_info which essentially adds -g3 to the CFLAGS. This allows use of C macros in gdb so you can do p TRACKLIST instead of p zrythm->project->tracklist. This may slow down gdb on some systems.

Use MALLOC_CHECK_=3 to enforce additional checks when allocating memory. This is used during tests. See man malloc for details.


To debug memory errors (invalid read/writes), use Valgrind as follows:

valgrind --num-callers=30 --log-file=valog --suppressions=tools/vg.sup --vgdb-error=1 build/src/zrythm

The same environment variables mentioned above should be passed as appropriate before the command.

Explanation for options:

  • --num-callers=30 makes valgrind show enough functions in the call stack
  • --log-file=valog makes valgrind log into a file instead of in the console (optional)
  • --suppressions=tools/vg.sup tells valgrind to ignore errors that are outside Zrythm's control and false positives
  • --vgdb-error=1 will make valgrind pause execution on the first error and allow gdb to be attached to it (valgrind will print instructions)

Verifying Compiler Flags

Zrythm is built with -frecord-gcc-switches by default, which stores the gcc flags used in each compiled object. To view these flags, use

readelf -p .GCC.command.line build/src/zrythm

TODO add –gcc-switches option and use libelf to print this info

Environment Variables

In addition to GTK/GLib variables, Zrythm understands the environment variables mentioned in the Environment Variables section in the user manual.

UI Debugging

GTK inspector can be used to inspect UI widgets and change their properties live (while the application is running).

This is useful when looking to try out different widget properties to see what works before implementing them. Adding custom CSS is also possible. For example, the following CSS can be entered live to color all the track backgrounds red.

track { background-color: red; }

Adding UI Files

We use blueprint-compiler to compile .blp files into GTK XML .ui files. This is done manually:

flatpak run org.zrythm.DevTools.BlueprintCompiler batch-compile resources resources resources/ui/*.blp resources/gtk/*.blp # or, with a recent version of blueprint-compiler installed blueprint-compiler batch-compile resources resources resources/ui/*.blp resources/gtk/*.blp

Tests and Coverage

To run the test suite, use

meson build -Dtests=true

followed by

meson test -C build

To run a specific test with gdb use

meson test -C build --gdb actions_arranger_selections

To get a coverage report see https://mesonbuild.com/howtox.html#producing-a-coverage-report.



To profile with perf (recommended), set optimization to 2 and debug to true and run:

perf record --event=cache-references,cache-misses,cycles,instructions,branches,faults,migrations,cpu-clock --stat build/src/zrythm --dummy

Then examine the report with:

perf report --input=perf.data --hide-unresolved

See also:


To profile with gprof, use the profiling option when running meson, then build and run the program normally. The program must end gracefully (ie, not Ctrl-C). When the program ends, run

gprof --flat-profile --annotated-source -B --exec-counts --directory-path="$pwd)" --print-path --graph --table-length=16 --function-ordering --min-count=100 build/src/zrythm > results

and check the results file for the profiling results.

gprof2dot along with xdot.py can be used for a graphical representation of the results.

gprof has the advantage of being fast (the program runs at normal speed).

If you are running Zrythm using zrythm_launch, use the path of the zrythm binary in the same directory.


Alternatively, you can use callgrind with kcachegrind. Build Zrythm normally and then run it through callgrind as follows:

tools/run_callgrind.sh build/src/zrythm

When you are finished, close Zrythm and run kcachegrind in the same directory to display the profiling info in the kcachegrind GUI. For more information, see https://docs.kde.org/stable5/en/kdesdk/kcachegrind/using-kcachegrind.html.

Note: callgrind can slow down the program considerably

Memory usage

To debug memory usage, the massif tool from valgrind can be used. To use on the actions/mixer selections action test for example, use

meson test --timeout-multiplier=0 -C build --wrap="valgrind --tool=massif --num-callers=160 --suppressions=$(pwd)/tools/vg.sup" actions_mixer_selections_action

This will create a file called massif.out.<pid> that contains memory snapshots in the build directory. This file can be opened with Massif-Visualizer for inspection.

If the test takes too long, it can be stopped with SIGTERM and results will be collected until termination.

Note: massif runs the program 20 times slower

Alternatively, valgrind's leak check can be used

meson test --timeout-multiplier=0 -C build --wrap="valgrind --num-callers=160 --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --track-origins=yes --verbose --suppressions=$(pwd)/tools/vg.sup" actions_mixer_selections_action

Real-time safety

Use the following to get a stoat report.

CC=stoat-compile CXX=stoat-compile++ meson build ninja -C build run_stoat

Realtime functions can be annotated as REALTIME or specified in tools/stoat_whitelist.txt. Non-realtime functions or functions that should not be run in realtime threads can be specified in tools/stoat_blacklist.txt. Suppressions (functions to ignore) are found in tools/stoat_suppressions.txt.

For more info see https://github.com/fundamental/stoat.


ninja -C build cppcheck

Collecting Translations

To collect all translatable filenames into po/POTFILES, generate the POT file and update the PO files, use

ninja -C build collect-translatables zrythm-pot zrythm-update-po

Adding New Languages

msginit -i ./po/zrythm.pot -l 'ca_ES.UTF-8' -o ./po/ca.po msginit -i ./build/doc/user/_build/gettext/zrythm-manual.pot -l 'ca_ES.UTF-8' -o ./doc/user/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/zrythm-manual.po msginit -i ./build/doc/user/_build/gettext/sphinx.pot -l 'ca_ES.UTF-8' -o ./doc/user/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po

Creating Releases

Releases are created using git hooks. See the README in git-packaging-hooks for more information.

Merging Pull Requests

git remote add <name> <fork url> git fetch <name> git merge <name>/<branch-name>

Building User and Dev Docs

# Create a virtual environment (if not already created) # This will create a new directory called venv # Skip this step if an environment is already there python -m venv venv # Enable the virtual environment . ./venv/bin/activate # Install required python libraries in the environment install -r requirements.txt # Build the user docs (bundled manual) ninja -C build manual_bundle

Coding Guidelines


Please document everything specified in header files using Doxygen tags. At a bare minimum, every function declaration should have a brief description.

It is extremely helpful if you document each logical block within a function using plain comments, in a way that one can understand what is happening in each step by only reading the comments.

Coding Style

We use a custom coding style based on the GNU coding standards.

There is a clang-format target provided. Please run ninja -C build clang-format before submitting patches and it will auto-format the code. ninja -C build clang-format-check should pass for a patch to be accepted.

Error Handling

To report invalid program states (such as programming errors), use the g_return_*/z_return_* functions or g_critical. This will show a bug report popup if hit.

To report non-programming errors, such as failure to open a file, use the GError mechanism.

Function attributes

There are macros available for function attributes that help the compiler optimize better or provide better feedback. See the headers for examples.


  • inline small functions that are called very often
  • CONST/PURE can be combined with inline
  • HOT should not be combined with inline
  • only use CONST/PURE on functions that do not log (or use g_warn_*()/g_return_*())


For license headers, we use SPDX license identifiers. The comment style depends on the file type:

C source: // SPDX-License-Identifier: <SPDX License Expression> C header: /* SPDX-License-Identifier: <SPDX License Expression> */ scripts: # SPDX-License-Identifier: <SPDX License Expression> .rst: .. SPDX-License-Identifier: <SPDX License Expression>

If you contributed significant (for copyright purposes) amounts of code in a file, you should append your copyright notice (name, year and optionally email/website) at the top.

If a file incorporates work under a different license, it should be explicitly mentioned below the main SPDX tags and each copyright and permission notice must be separated by ---. See src/audio/graph_thread.c for an example.

For the copyright years, Zrythm uses a range (“2008-2010”) instead of listing individual years (“2008, 2009, 2010”) if and only if every year in the range, inclusive, is a “copyrightable” year that would be listed individually.


Commit Messages

Please follow the 50/72 rule:

  • commit subject within 50 characters
  • commit body (optional) wrapped at 72 characters

See git log for examples.

We are considering switching to a format that resembles the GNU ChangeLog style.


TODO: move this section to the dev docs.

Getting random GUI related errors with no trace in valgrind or GTK warnings

This might happen when calling GTK code or g_idle_add() from non-GUI threads. GTK runs in a single GUI thread. Any GTK-related code must be run from the GUI thread only.

Values not being read properly at specific parts of the code (e.g. getting a zero value when we know the variable is non-zero)

Delete the build dir and reconfigure. This is likely an optimization problem with meson/ninja that appears rarely.

Widget not receiving keyboard input/focus

For a widget to receive keyboard input/focus, every single parent in the hierarchy must have can-focus=true (default).

Error building template class 'TimelineToolbarWidget'...:0:0 <property> is not a valid tag here

The error is correct but line numbers are not available because the resource files are compressed.