Testing Before Release
- Check that both ALSA and JACK audio backends work
These are the steps to take before each release to ensure that the program is releasable.
- Run the test suite locally *
- Check that it compiles with both gcc and clang *
- Check if the build compiles with –buildtype "debugoptimized" and "release"
- Switch to staging and update the changelog using "version" as the version
- Follow the rest of the steps in git-packaging-hooks
- Test the Debian and Arch packages
- Merge staging back to master
- Note
- Steps marked with (*) are performed automatically by git-packaging-hooks
Updating the Changelog
to see what changed and make summarized human-readable entries in the CHANGELOG.md file.
Running the Test Suite Locally
Run the test suite locally.
After-Release Checklist
- Create a Savannah news post
- Scp the tarball and sig to Savannah downloads
- Rebuild the website to apply the new version and news, create a tag with the same version as zrythm
- Rebuild the manual to apply the new version, create a tag with the same version as zrythm
- git archive the manual and scp to Savannah downloads
- Announce to social media (Mastodon)
- If major version, announce to linux.nosp@m.-aud.nosp@m.io-an.nosp@m.noun.nosp@m.ce@li.nosp@m.sts..nosp@m.linux.nosp@m.audi.nosp@m.o.org