13#include "zrythm-config.h"
63plugin_setting_clone (
const PluginSetting * src,
bool validate);
108plugin_setting_free_closure (
void * self, GClosure * closure);
Carla bridge mode.
NONNULL PluginSetting * plugin_settings_find(PluginSettings *self, const PluginDescriptor *descr)
Finds a setting for the given plugin descriptor.
NONNULL void plugin_setting_validate(PluginSetting *self, bool print_result)
Makes sure the setting is valid in the current run and changes any fields to make it conform.
NONNULL void plugin_setting_increment_num_instantiations(PluginSetting *self)
Increments the number of times this plugin has been instantiated.
NONNULL void plugin_setting_activate(const PluginSetting *self)
Creates necessary tracks at the end of the tracklist.
PluginSetting *NONNULL plugin_setting_new_default(const PluginDescriptor *descr)
Creates a plugin setting with the recommended settings for the given plugin descriptor based on the c...
NONNULL void plugin_settings_serialize_to_file(PluginSettings *self)
Serializes the current settings.
NONNULL void plugin_setting_free(PluginSetting *self)
Frees the plugin setting.
PluginSettings * plugin_settings_read_or_new(void)
Reads the file and fills up the object.
NONNULL void plugin_settings_set(PluginSettings *self, PluginSetting *setting, bool _serialize)
Replaces a setting or appends a setting to the cache.
A setting for a specific plugin descriptor.
CarlaBridgeMode bridge_mode
Requested carla bridge mode.
bool open_with_carla
Whether to instantiate this plugin with carla.
bool force_generic_ui
Whether to force a generic UI.
int num_instantiations
Number of times this plugin has been instantiated.
gint64 last_instantiated_time
Last datetime instantiated (number of microseconds since January 1, 1970 UTC).
PluginDescriptor * descr
The descriptor of the plugin this setting is for.
GPtrArray * settings