29arranger_object_serialize_to_json (
31 yyjson_mut_val * ao_obj,
36region_identifier_serialize_to_json (
38 yyjson_mut_val * id_obj,
43midi_note_serialize_to_json (
45 yyjson_mut_val * mn_obj,
50automation_point_serialize_to_json (
52 yyjson_mut_val * ap_obj,
57chord_object_serialize_to_json (
59 yyjson_mut_val * co_obj,
64region_serialize_to_json (
66 yyjson_mut_val * r_obj,
71scale_object_serialize_to_json (
73 yyjson_mut_val * so_obj,
78marker_serialize_to_json (
80 yyjson_mut_val * m_obj,
85arranger_object_deserialize_from_json (
92region_identifier_deserialize_from_json (
99midi_note_deserialize_from_json (
106automation_point_deserialize_from_json (
113chord_object_deserialize_from_json (
120region_deserialize_from_json (
127scale_object_deserialize_from_json (
134marker_deserialize_from_json (
Base struct for arranger objects.
An automation point inside an AutomationTrack.
A ChordObject to be shown in the TimelineArrangerWidget.
Marker for the MarkerTrack.
A MIDI note inside a Region shown in the piano roll.
Index/identifier for a Region, so we can get Region objects quickly with it without searching by name...
A region (clip) is an object on the timeline that contains either MidiNote's or AudioClip's.
A ScaleObject to be shown in the TimelineArrangerWidget.