NONNULL char * | io_get_dir (const char *filename) |
| Gets directory part of filename.
WARN_UNUSED_RESULT | NONNULL_ARGS (1) bool io_mkdir(const char *dir |
| Makes directory if doesn't exist.
NONNULL FILE * | io_create_file (const char *filename) |
| Creates the file if doesn't exist.
void | io_touch_file (const char *filename) |
| Touches a file similar to UNIX touch.
NONNULL char * | io_path_get_parent_dir (const char *path) |
NONNULL char * | io_file_strip_ext (const char *filename) |
| Strips extensions from given filename.
NONNULL const char * | io_file_get_ext (const char *file) |
| Returns file extension or NULL.
NONNULL char * | io_path_get_basename_without_ext (const char *filename) |
| Strips path from given filename.
NONNULL char * | io_file_get_creation_datetime (const char *filename) |
NONNULL gint64 | io_file_get_last_modified_datetime (const char *filename) |
| Returns the number of seconds since the epoch, or -1 if failed.
NONNULL char * | io_file_get_last_modified_datetime_as_str (const char *filename) |
NONNULL int | io_remove (const char *path) |
| Removes the given file.
NONNULL int | io_rmdir (const char *path, bool force) |
| Removes a dir, optionally forcing deletion.
char ** | io_get_files_in_dir_as_basenames (const char *dir, bool allow_empty, bool with_ext) |
char ** | io_get_files_in_dir_ending_in (const char *_dir, const int recursive, const char *end_string, bool allow_empty) |
| Returns a list of the files in the given directory.
WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool | io_copy_dir (const char *destdir_str, const char *srcdir_str, bool follow_symlinks, bool recursive, GError **error) |
| Copies a directory.
NONNULL char * | io_get_next_available_filepath (const char *filepath) |
| Returns a newly allocated path that is either a copy of the original path if the path does not exist, or the original path appended with (n), where n is a number.
NONNULL void | io_open_directory (const char *path) |
| Opens the given directory using the default program.
NONNULL void | io_escape_dir_name (char *dest, const char *dir) |
| Returns a clone of the given string after removing forbidden characters.
NONNULL char * | io_traverse_path (const char *abs_path) |
| Returns the new path after traversing any symlinks (using readlink()).