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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CActiveHardwareMbWidgetA menu button that allows selecting active hardware ports
 CAddTracksToGroupDialogWidgetThe add_tracks_to_group dialog
 CArrangerObjectBase struct for arranger objects
 CArrangerObjectInfoDialogWidgetThe arranger_object_info dialog
 CArrangerSelectionsActionThe action
 CArrangerWidgetThe arranger widget is a canvas that draws all the arranger objects it contains
 CArrangerWrapperWidgetWraps the arranger widget in a box with scrollbars
 CAudioClipAudio clips for the pool
 CAudioClipEditorAudio clip editor serializable backend
 CAudioEditorSpaceWidgetThe piano roll widget is the whole space inside the clip editor tab when a AUDIO region is selected
 CAudioEngineThe audio engine
 CAudioEngineEventAudio engine event
 CAudioFileAudio file struct
 CAudioPoolAn audio pool is a pool of audio files and their corresponding float arrays in memory that are referenced by regions
 CAutomatableSelectorPopoverWidgetA popover for selecting the automation track to automate
 CAutomationEditorBackend for the automation editor
 CAutomationEditorSpaceWidgetThe piano roll widget is the whole space inside the clip editor tab when a AUTOMATION region is selected
 CAutomationModeWidgetCustom button group to be drawn inside drawing areas
 CAutomationPointDrawSettingsUsed for caching
 CAutomationTracklistEach track has an automation tracklist with automation tracks to be generated at runtime, and filled in with automation points/curves when loading projects
 CBarSliderWidgetDraggable slider to adjust an amount (such as a percentage)
 CBotBarWidgetBot bar
 CBotDockEdgeWidgetBot dock widget
 CBounceDialogWidgetThe export dialog
 CCachedPluginDescriptorsDescriptors to be cached
 CCairoCachesCaches for cairo
 CCenterDockWidgetCenter dock
 CChannelA Channel is part of a Track (excluding Tracks that don't have Channels) and contains information related to routing and the Mixer
 CChannelSendChannel send
 CChannelSendActionAction for channel send changes
 CChannelSendsExpanderWidgetA TwoColExpanderBoxWidget for showing the ports in the InspectorWidget
 CChannelSendTargetSend target (used in list views)
 CChordActionAction for chord pad changes
 CChordDescriptorA ChordDescriptor describes a chord and is not linked to any specific object by itself
 CChordEditorBackend for the chord editor
 CChordEditorSpaceWidgetThe piano roll widget is the whole space inside the clip editor tab when a CHORD region is selected
 CChordKeyWidgetPiano roll note widget to be shown on the left side of the piano roll (128 of these)
 CChordPresetA preset of chord descriptors
 CChordPresetPackChord preset pack
 CChordPresetPackManagerChord preset pack manager
 CChordSelectionsSelections to be used for the ChordArrangerWidget's current selections, copying, undoing, etc
 CChordSelectorWindowWidgetA GtkPopover to create a ChordDescriptor for use in the ChordTrack's ChordObject's
 CClipboardClipboard struct
 CClipEditorClip editor serializable backend
 CClipEditorInnerWidgetThe piano roll widget is the whole space inside the clip editor tab when a MIDI region is selected
 CClipEditorWidgetThe ClipEditorWidget shows in the Clip Editor / Piano Roll tab of the bottom panel, and is a stack of ClipEditorInnerWidget for the piano roll and AudioClipEditorWidget for audio regions
 CControlPortChangeUsed for queueing changes to be applied during processing
 CControlRoomThe control room allows to specify how Listen will work on each Channel and to set overall volume after the Master Channel so you can change the volume without touching the Master Fader
 CCurveOptionsCurve options
 CCustomButtonWidgetCustom button to be drawn inside drawing areas
 CDragDestBoxWidgetDnD destination box used by mixer and tracklist widgets
 CEditorSelectionInfoWidgetA widget for showing info about the current PianoRollSelections
 CEditorSettingsCommon editor settings
 CEditorToolbarWidgetThe PianoRoll toolbar in the top
 CEngineProcessTimeInfoCommon struct to pass around during processing to avoid repeating the data in function arguments
 CEventManagerEvent manager for the UI
 CExpanderBoxWidgetPrivateAn expander box is a base widget with a button that when clicked expands the contents
 CExportDataPassed around when exporting asynchronously
 CExportDialogWidgetThe export dialog
 CExportProgressDialogWidgetThe export dialog
 CExportSettingsExport settings to be passed to the exporter to use
 CExtPortExternal port
 CFaderA Fader is a processor that is used for volume controls and pan
 CFaderControlsExpanderWidgetA TwoColExpanderBoxWidget for showing the ports in the InspectorWidget
 CFaderWidgetA FaderWidget reflects a Fader object's state
 CFileAuditionerControlsWidgetFile auditioner controls used in file browsers
 CFileBrowserFiltersWidgetFile auditioner controls used in file browsers
 CFileBrowserLocationLocations to be used in the file browser
 CFileImportAn object used for importing files asynchronously
 CFileImportProgressDialogWidgetA progress dialog for file import
 CFoldableNotebookWidgetA GtkNotebook that shows or hides itself when the same page tab is clicked
 CGenericProgressDialogWidgetPrivateA generic progress dialog
 CGraphNodeA node in the processing graph
 CGreeterWidgetThis widget handles the UI part of the initialization of Zrythm and presents a project selector when ready so that a project can be opened
 CHardwareProcessorHardware processor
 CInspectorPortWidgetA Port to show in the inspector for Plugin's
 CInspectorTrackWidgetInspector section for tracks
 CInstrumentTrackTrack to be inserted into the Project's Tracklist
 CItemFactoryItem factory for column views
 CKnobWithNameWidgetA vertical box with a knob at the top and a name at the bottom
 CLeftDockEdgeWidgetLeft dock widget
 CMainWindowWidgetThe main window of Zrythm
 CMarkerMarker for the MarkerTrack
 CMeterA Meter used by a single GUI element
 CMetronomeMetronome settings
 CMidiEditorSpaceWidgetThe piano roll widget is the whole space inside the clip editor tab when a MIDI region is selected
 CMidiEventTimed MIDI event
 CMidiEventHeaderUsed by Windows MME and RtMidi when adding events to the ring
 CMidiEventsContainer for passing midi events through ports
 CMidiFunctionDialogWidgetThe midi_function dialog
 CMidiMappingA mapping from a MIDI value to a destination
 CMidiMappingActionMIDI mapping action
 CMidiMappingsAll MIDI mappings in Zrythm
 CMidiNoteDescriptorA descriptor for a MidiNote, used by the piano roll
 CMixerSelectionsSelections to be used for the timeline's current selections, copying, undoing, etc
 CMixerSelectionsActionRestrict selections to a channel
 CModulatorMacroProcessorModulator macro button processor
 CModulatorViewWidgetThe ModulatorViewWidget contains the ModulatorWidgets for the selected Track
 CMPMCQueueMultiple Producer Multiple Consumer lock-free queue
 CMultiSelectionWidgetA menu button that allows selecting active hardware ports
 CMusicalScaleMusical scale descriptor
 CPianoKeyboardWidgetPiano Keyboard widget
 CPianoRollPiano roll serializable backend
 CPinnedTracklistWidgetThe PinnedTracklistWidget contains special tracks (chord, marker, etc.) as thin boxes above the normal tracklist
 CPluginThe base plugin Inheriting plugins must have this as a child
 CPluginBankA plugin bank containing presets
 CPluginBrowserWidgetThe plugin browser allows to browse and filter available Plugin's on the system
 CPluginCollectionPlugin collection used in the plugin browser
 CPluginCollectionsSerializable plugin collections
 CPluginGtkControllerWidget for a control
 CPluginIdentifierPlugin identifier
 CPluginManagerThe PluginManager is responsible for scanning and keeping track of available Plugin's
 CPluginPresetPlugin preset
 CPluginPresetIdentifierPreset identifier
 CPluginPropertiesExpanderWidgetA widget for selecting plugin_properties in the plugin inspector
 CPluginSettingA setting for a specific plugin descriptor
 CPluginStripExpanderWidgetA TwoColExpanderBoxWidget for showing the ports in the InspectorWidget
 CPortMust ONLY be created via port_new()
 CPortConnectionA connection between two ports
 CPortConnectionsManagerPort connections manager
 CPortIdentifierStruct used to identify Ports in the project
 CPortInfoDialogWidgetThe port_info dialog
 CPortScalePointScale point
 CPortSelectorDialogWidgetA GtkPopover to select Port's
 CPortsExpanderWidgetA TwoColExpanderBoxWidget for showing the ports in the InspectorWidget
 CPositionA Position is made up of bars.beats.sixteenths.ticks
 CPreferencesWidgetPreferences widget
 CProjectContains all of the info that will be serialized into a project file
 CProjectInfoProject file information
 CProjectSaveDataProject save data
 CRecordingEventA recording event
 CRegionIdentifierIndex/identifier for a Region, so we can get Region objects quickly with it without searching by name
 CRegionLinkGroupA group of linked regions
 CRegionLinkGroupManagerManager of region link groups
 CRouteTargetSelectorWidgetDropdown to select the direct output of a track
 CSamplePlaybackA sample playback handle to be used by the engine
 CSampleProcessorA processor to be used in the routing graph for playing samples independent of the timeline
 CScaleSelectorWindowWidgetA GtkPopover to create a ScaleDescriptor for use in the ScaleTrack's ScaleObject's
 CStackStack implementation
 CStereoPortsL & R port, for convenience
 CStretcherStretcher interface
 CStringEntryDialogWidgetA dialog to edit a string
 CSupportedFileMetadata for a supported file
 CTextExpanderWidgetA TwoColExpanderBoxWidget for showing the ports in the InspectorWidget
 CTimelineClip editor serializable backend
 CTimelineSelectionInfoWidgetA widget for showing info about the current TimelineSelections
 CTimelineToolbarWidgetThe Timeline toolbar in the top
 CTrackIconChooserDialogWidgetDialog for choosing colors of objects like tracks and regions
 CTrackLaneA TrackLane belongs to a Track (can have many TrackLanes in a Track) and contains Regions
 CTracklistThe Tracklist contains all the tracks in the Project
 CTracklistSelectionsSelections to be used for the tracklist's current selections, copying, undoing, etc
 CTracklistSelectionsActionTracklist selections (tracks) action
 CTracklistWidgetThe TracklistWidget holds all the Track's in the Project
 CTrackProcessorA TrackProcessor is a processor that is used as the first entry point when processing a track
 CTrackWidgetThe TrackWidget is split into 3 parts
 CTransportThe transport
 CTransportActionTransport action
 CTransportControlsWidgetTransport controls
 CUiColorsCommonly used UI colors
 CUiCursorSpecification for a cursor
 CUiTexturesCommonly used UI textures
 CUndoableActionBase struct to be inherited by implementing undoable actions
 CUndoManagerUndo manager
 CUndoStackSerializable stack for undoable actions
 CUserShortcutsUser shortcuts read from yaml
 CWrappedObjectWithChangeSignalA GObject-ified normal C object with a signal that interested parties can listen to for changes
 CZEventA Zrythm event
 CZGObjectImplGObject struct (from GObject source code), used where hacks are needed
 CZrythmTo be used throughout the program
 CZrythmAppThe global struct
 CZrythmAppUiMessageUI message for the message queue